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Flutter SDK for easy integration of Reclaim Protocol that enables authenticated web data export via HTTPS and zero-knowledge proofs


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Reclaim Protocol Flutter SDK Integration Guide

This guide will walk you through integrating the Reclaim Protocol Flutter SDK into your application. We'll create a simple Flutter application that demonstrates how to use the SDK to generate proofs and verify claims.


Before we begin, make sure you have:

  1. An application ID from Reclaim Protocol.
  2. An application secret from Reclaim Protocol.
  3. A provider ID for the specific service you want to verify.

You can obtain these details from the Reclaim Developer Portal.

Step 1: Create a new Flutter application

Let's start by creating a new Flutter application:

flutter create reclaim_app
cd reclaim_app

Step 2: Install necessary dependencies

Add the Reclaim Protocol SDK to your pubspec.yaml file:

    sdk: flutter
  reclaim_sdk: ^latest_version
  url_launcher: ^6.0.20

Then run:

flutter pub get

Step 3: Set up your Flutter widget

Replace the contents of lib/main.dart with the following code:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:reclaim_sdk/reclaim.dart';
import 'package:reclaim_sdk/utils/interfaces.dart';
import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: ReclaimDemo(),

class ReclaimDemo extends StatefulWidget {
  _ReclaimDemoState createState() => _ReclaimDemoState();

class _ReclaimDemoState extends State<ReclaimDemo> {
  String _status = '';
  String _proofData = '';

  Future<ReclaimProofRequest> _initializeProofRequest() async {
    final reclaimProofRequest =
        await ReclaimProofRequest.init("APP_ID", "APP_SECRET", "PROVIDER_ID");
    return reclaimProofRequest;

  Future<String> _generateRequestUrl(ReclaimProofRequest request) async {
    final requestUrl = await request.getRequestUrl();
    print('Request URL: $requestUrl');
    return requestUrl;

  Future<void> _launchUrl(String url) async {
    if (await canLaunchUrl(Uri.parse(url))) {
      final launched = await launchUrl(
        mode: LaunchMode.externalApplication,
      if (launched) {
        setState(() => _status = 'Session started. Waiting for proof...');
      } else {
        throw 'Could not launch $url';
    } else {
      throw 'Could not launch $url';

  Future<void> _startVerificationSession(ReclaimProofRequest request) async {
    await request.startSession(
      onSuccess: _handleProofSuccess,
      onError: _handleProofError,

  void _handleProofSuccess(dynamic proof) {
    print('Proof received: $proof');
    var proofDataValue = '';
    if (proof is String) {
      proofDataValue = proof;
    } else {
      if (proof is List) {
        // extract claim data from each proof in a variable and then add it to the proofDataValue
        var allProofs = '';
        for (var proof in proof) {
          allProofs += '${proof.claimData.context}\n\n';
        proofDataValue =
            'Extracted data: $allProofs\n\nFull proof: ${proof.toString()}';
      } else {
        proofDataValue =
            'Extracted data: ${proof.claimData.context}\n\nFull proof: ${proof.toString()}';
    setState(() {
      _status = 'Proof received!';
      _proofData = proofDataValue;

  void _handleProofError(Exception error) {
    _handleError('Error in proof generation', error);

  void _handleError(String message, dynamic error) {
    print('$message: $error');
    setState(() => _status = '$message: ${error.toString()}');

  void startVerificationFlow() async {
    final reclaimProofRequest = await _initializeProofRequest();


    final requestUrl = await _generateRequestUrl(reclaimProofRequest);
    await _launchUrl(requestUrl);
    await _startVerificationSession(reclaimProofRequest);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Reclaim SDK Demo')),
      body: Padding(
        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
        child: Column(
          crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
          children: [
              onPressed: startVerificationFlow,
              child: const Text('Start Reclaim Session!'),
            const SizedBox(height: 20),
            Text(_status, style: const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)),
            const SizedBox(height: 20),
            if (_proofData.isNotEmpty)
                child: SingleChildScrollView(
                  child: Text(_proofData),

Step 4: Understanding the code

Let's break down what's happening in this code:

  1. We create a ReclaimDemo widget that manages the state of our Reclaim integration.

  2. The _initializeProofRequest() method initializes the Reclaim SDK with your application ID, secret, and provider ID. This happens when we start the verification flow.

  3. When the user taps the "Start Reclaim Session!" button, the startVerificationFlow() method is called, which:

    • Initializes the proof request.
    • Sets the app callback URL using setAppCallbackUrl(). This should be your app's deep link.
    • Generates a request URL using _generateRequestUrl().
    • Launches the URL with _launchUrl(), which opens the Reclaim verification process in the user's browser.
    • Starts a session with _startVerificationSession(), which sets up callbacks for successful and failed verifications.
  4. The _launchUrl() method uses the url_launcher package to open the verification URL in the user's default browser.

  5. The _startVerificationSession() method sets up success and error callbacks:

    • _handleProofSuccess() is called when verification is successful, updating the UI with the proof data.
    • _handleProofError() is called if verification fails, updating the UI with the error message.
  6. The UI is updated throughout the process to show the current status and any received proof data.

  7. The proof data, when received, is displayed in a scrollable text area, showing both the extracted data and the full proof.

This implementation provides a more robust and user-friendly flow, handling the entire process from initialization to displaying the results, while also managing potential errors.

Step 5: Run your application

Start your Flutter application:

flutter run

Your Reclaim SDK demo should now be running. Tap the "Create Claim" button to start the verification process.

Understanding the Claim Process

  1. Creating a Claim: When you tap "Create Claim", the SDK generates a unique request for verification.

  2. Verification: The SDK handles the verification process, opening a web view for the user to complete the necessary steps.

  3. Handling Results: The onSuccessCallback is called when verification is successful, providing the proof data. The onFailureCallback is called if verification fails.

Advanced Configuration

The Reclaim SDK offers several advanced options to customize your integration:

  1. Adding Context: You can add context to your proof request, which can be useful for providing additional information:

    reclaimProofRequest.addContext('0x00000000000', 'Example context message');
  2. Setting Parameters: If your provider requires specific parameters, you can set them like this:

    reclaimProofRequest.setParams({'email': '', 'userName': 'testUser'});
  3. Custom Redirect URL: Set a custom URL to redirect users after the verification process:

  4. Exporting and Importing SDK Configuration: You can export the entire Reclaim SDK configuration as a JSON string and use it to initialize the SDK with the same configuration on a different service or backend:

    // On the client-side or initial service
    String configJson = reclaimProofRequest.toJsonString();
    print('Exportable config: $configJson');
    // Send this configJson to your backend or another service
    // On the backend or different service
    ReclaimProofRequest importedRequest = await ReclaimProofRequest.fromJsonString(configJson);
    String requestUrl = await importedRequest.getRequestUrl();

    This allows you to generate request URLs and other details from your backend or a different service while maintaining the same configuration.

These advanced configurations provide more flexibility in customizing the Reclaim SDK integration to fit your specific use case and application architecture.

Handling Proofs on Your Backend

For production applications, it's recommended to handle proofs on your backend:

  1. Set a callback URL:

This option allows you to securely process proofs on your server. When a proof is generated, it will be sent to the specified callback URL, where your backend can validate and process it.

Remember to implement proper security measures on your backend to verify the authenticity of the received proofs.

Next Steps

Explore the Reclaim Protocol documentation for more advanced features and best practices for integrating the SDK into your production applications.

Happy coding with Reclaim Protocol!

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We welcome contributions to our project! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

Security Note

Always keep your Application Secret secure. Never expose it in client-side code or public repositories.

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Flutter SDK for easy integration of Reclaim Protocol that enables authenticated web data export via HTTPS and zero-knowledge proofs



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