Set globals:
# git config --global --edit
Then your config should look like:
$ cat ~/.gitconfig
name = Ruan Bekker
email = <user>@<domain>
Configuration per repository:
git config "Ruan"
git config ""
git config commit.gpgsign true
Fetch all remote branches:
git fetch --all
Fetch a single branch:
git fetch origin <local-branch-name>:<remote-branch-name>
Display branch for gitref:
$ git --no-pager branch -a --contains 0000000000000000000000000000000000000
Display as only the branch name:
$ git --no-pager branch -a --contains 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 | rev | cut -d '/' -f1 | rev
List local all branches:
$ git branch -a
Show the current working directory:
$ git rev-parse --show-toplevel
Sync your branch with the latest changes in master:
$ git checkout master
$ git pull origin master
$ git checkout feature/one
$ git merge master
$ git push origin feature/one
Delete a local branch:
$ git branch -D branch-name
Given the scenario that you are creating a new branch feature/change-website-color
from the main
branch, but you want to include a recent commit to the branch feature/fixed-css
to include into your branch. You can use cherry picking.
Create your branch:
git checkout main
git pull origin main
git checkout -b "feature/change-website-color`
# you done some changes
git commit -m "Changed website color to blue"
Now to include the css change:
git checkout main
git fetch --all
git checkout feature/fixed-css
git log
# copy the commit id
# change to your branch
git checkout feature/change-website-color
git cherry-pick -e <commit-id-that-you-copied>
Commit and push to your branch:
git commit -m "cherry picked css fix"
git push origin feature/change-website-color
Create a tag from main, checkout main and sync:
git checkout main
git pull origin main
Create a tag called snapshot-20230525
git tag snapshot-20230525
Push up the tag:
git push origin snapshot-20230525
List all tags with a prefix:
git tag --sort=-version:refname | grep "release-*"
List the previous release (current being 0.55.0):
git tag --sort=-version:refname | grep "release-*" | sed -n '2p'
# release-0.54.0
If you have accidentally commited changes, you can unstage them:
git restore --staged modules/asg/