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Tutorial 12 - Integrated Testing


  • We implement our own integrated test framework using Rust's custom_test_frameworks feature by enabling Unit Tests and Integration Tests using QEMU.
  • It is also possible to have test automation for I/O with the kernel's console (provided over UART in our case). That is, sending strings/characters to the console and expecting specific answers in return.
  • The already existing basic boot test remains unchanged.

Table of Contents


Through the course of the previous tutorials, we silently started to adopt a kind of anti-pattern: Using the kernel's main function to not only boot the target, but also test or showcase functionality. For example:

  • Stalling execution during boot to test the kernel's timekeeping code by spinning for 1 second.
  • Willingly causing exceptions to see the exception handler running.

The feature set of the kernel is now rich enough so that it makes sense to introduce proper integrated testing modeled after Rust's native testing framework. This tutorial extends our single existing kernel test with three new testing facilities:

  • Classic Unit Tests.
  • Integration Tests (self-contained tests stored in the $CRATE/tests/ directory).
  • Console I/O Tests. These are integration tests acting on external stimuli - aka console input. Sending strings/characters to the console and expecting specific answers in return.


Testing Rust #![no_std] code like our kernel is, at the point of writing this tutorial, not an easy endeavor. The short version is: We cannot use Rust's native testing framework straight away. Utilizing the #[test] attribute macro and running cargo test would throw compilation errors, because there are dependencies on the standard library.

We have to fall back to Rust's unstable custom_test_frameworks feature. It relieves us from dependencies on the standard library, but comes at the cost of having a reduced feature set. Instead of annotating functions with #[test], the #[test_case] attribute must be used. Additionally, we need to write a test_runner function, which is supposed to execute all the functions annotated with #[test_case]. This is barely enough to get Unit Tests running, though. There will be some more challenges that need be solved for getting Integration Tests running as well.

Please note that for automation purposes, all testing will be done in QEMU and not on real hardware.


On this occasion, kudos to @phil-opp for his x86-based testing article. It helped a lot in putting together this tutorial. Please go ahead and read it for a different perspective and additional insights.

Folder Restructuring

For reasons explained later, in this tutorial, we need to add two support crates next to our main kernel crate. To keep everything organized in separate directories, we are switching to what cargo calls a virtual manifest. The kernel crate moves to $ROOT/kernel, and the support crates will go into $ROOT/libraries/. The Cargo.toml in the $ROOT folder desribes this layout:


members = [


We introduce two new Makefile targets:

$ make test_unit
$ make test_integration

In essence, the make test_* targets will execute cargo test instead of cargo rustc. The details will be explained in due course. The rest of the tutorial will explain as chronologically as possible what happens when make test_* aka cargo test runs.

Please note that the new targets are added to the existing make test target, so this is now your one-stop target to execute all possible tests for the kernel:

test: test_boot test_unit test_integration

Test Organization

Until now, our kernel crate was a so-called binary crate. As explained in the official Rust book, this crate type disallows having integration tests. Quoting the book:

If our project is a binary crate that only contains a src/ file and doesn’t have a src/ file, we can’t create integration tests in the tests directory and bring functions defined in the src/ file into scope with a use statement. Only library crates expose functions that other crates can use; binary crates are meant to be run on their own.

This is one of the reasons Rust projects that provide a binary have a straightforward src/ file that calls logic that lives in the src/ file. Using that structure, integration tests can test the library crate with use to make the important functionality available. If the important functionality works, the small amount of code in the src/ file will work as well, and that small amount of code doesn’t need to be tested.

So let's do that first: We add a to our crate that aggregates and exports the lion's share of the kernel code. The file is stripped down to the minimum. It only keeps the kernel_init() -> ! and kernel_main() -> ! functions, everything else is brought into scope with use statements.

Since it is not possible to use kernel as the name for both the library and the binary part of the crate, new entries in $ROOT/kernel/Cargo.toml are needed to differentiate the names. What's more, cargo test would try to compile and run unit tests for both. In our case, it will be sufficient to have all the unit test code in, so test generation for can be disabled in Cargo.toml as well through the test flag:

name = "libkernel"
test = true

name = "kernel"
test = false

Enabling custom_test_frameworks for Unit Tests

In, we add the following headers to get started with custom_test_frameworks:

// Testing
#![cfg_attr(test, no_main)]
#![reexport_test_harness_main = "test_main"]

Since this is a library now, we do not keep the #![no_main] inner attribute that has, because a library has no main() entry function, so the attribute does not apply. When compiling for testing, though, it is still needed. The reason is that cargo test basically turns into a binary again by inserting a generated main() function (which is then calling a function that runs all the unit tests, but more about that in a second...).

However, since our kernel code overrides the compiler-inserted main shim by way of using #![no_main], we need the same when cargo test is producing its test kernel binary. After all, what we want is a minimal kernel that boots on the target and runs its own unit tests. Therefore, we conditionally set this attribute (#![cfg_attr(test, no_main)]) when the test flag is set, which it is when cargo test runs.

The Unit Test Runner

The #![test_runner(crate::test_runner)] attribute declares the path of the test runner function that we are supposed to provide. This is the one that will be called by the cargo test generated main() function. Here is the implementation in

/// The default runner for unit tests.
pub fn test_runner(tests: &[&test_types::UnitTest]) {
    // This line will be printed as the test header.
    println!("Running {} tests", tests.len());

    for (i, test) in tests.iter().enumerate() {
        print!("{:>3}. {:.<58}", i + 1,;

        // Run the actual test.

        // Failed tests call panic!(). Execution reaches here only if the test has passed.

The function signature shows that test_runner takes one argument: A slice of test_types::UnitTest references. This type definition lives in an external crate stored at $ROOT/libraries/test_types. It is external because the type is also needed for a self-made procedural macro that we'll use to write unit tests, and procedural macros have to live in their own crate. So to avoid a circular dependency between kernel and proc-macro, this split was needed. Anyways, here is the type definition:

/// Unit test container.
pub struct UnitTest {
    /// Name of the test.
    pub name: &'static str,

    /// Function pointer to the test.
    pub test_func: fn(),

A UnitTest provides a name and a classic function pointer to the unit test function. The test_runner just iterates over the slice, prints the respective test's name and calls the test function.

The convetion is that as long as the test function does not panic!, the test was successful.

Calling the Test main() Function

The last of the attributes we added is #![reexport_test_harness_main = "test_main"]. Remember that our kernel uses the no_main attribute, and that we also set it for the test compilation. We did that because we wrote our own _start() function, which kicks off the following call chain during kernel boot:

Function File
1. _start() The library's boot.s
2. (some more aarch64 code) The library's
3. kernel_init()
4. kernel_main()

A function named main is never called. Hence, the main() function generated by cargo test would be silently dropped, and therefore the tests would never be executed. As you can see, the first function getting called in our carved-out is kernel_init(). So in order to get the tests to execute, we add a test-environment version of kernel_init() to as well (conditional compilation ensures it is only present when the test flag is set), and call the cargo test generated main() function from there.

This is where #![reexport_test_harness_main = "test_main"] finally comes into picture. It declares the name of the generated main function so that we can manually call it. Here is the final implementation in

/// The `kernel_init()` for unit tests.
unsafe fn kernel_init() -> ! {



Note the call to bsp::driver::qemu_bring_up_console(). Since we are running all our tests inside QEMU, we need to ensure that whatever peripheral implements the kernel's console interface is initialized, so that we can print from our tests. If you recall tutorial 03, bringing up peripherals in QEMU might not need the full initialization as is needed on real hardware (setting clocks, config registers, etc...) due to the abstractions in QEMU's emulation code. So this is an opportunity to cut down on setup code.

As a matter of fact, for the Raspberrys, nothing needs to be done, so the function is empy. But this might be different for other hardware emulated by QEMU, so it makes sense to introduce the function now to make it easier in case new BSPs are added to the kernel in the future.

Next, the reexported test_main() is called, which will call our test_runner() which finally prints the unit test names and executes them.

Quitting QEMU with user-defined Exit Codes

Let's recap where we are right now:

We've enabled custom_test_frameworks in to a point where, when using a make test_unit target, the code gets compiled to a test kernel binary that eventually executes all the (yet-to-be-defined) UnitTest instances by executing all the way from _start() to our test_runner() function.

Through mechanisms that are explained later, cargo will now instantiate a QEMU process that exectues this test kernel. The question now is: How is test success/failure communicated to cargo? Answer: cargo inspects QEMU's exit status:

  • 0 translates to testing was successful.
  • non-0 means failure.

Hence, we need a clever trick now so that our Rust kernel code can get QEMU to exit itself with an exit status that the kernel code supplies. In @phil-opp's testing article, you learned how to do this for x86 QEMU systems by using a special ISA debug-exit device. Unfortunately, we can't have that one for our aarch64 system because it is not compatible.

In our case, we can leverage the ARM semihosting emulation of QEMU and do a SYS_EXIT semihosting call with an additional parameter for the exit code. I've written a separate crate, qemu-exit, to do this. So let us import it and utilize it in _arch/aarch64/ to provide the following exit calls for the kernel:

// Testing
#[cfg(feature = "test_build")]
use qemu_exit::QEMUExit;

#[cfg(feature = "test_build")]
const QEMU_EXIT_HANDLE: qemu_exit::AArch64 = qemu_exit::AArch64::new();

/// Make the host QEMU binary execute `exit(1)`.
#[cfg(feature = "test_build")]
pub fn qemu_exit_failure() -> ! {

/// Make the host QEMU binary execute `exit(0)`.
#[cfg(feature = "test_build")]
pub fn qemu_exit_success() -> ! {

Click here in case you are interested in the implementation. Note that for the functions to work, the -semihosting flag must be added to the QEMU invocation.

You might have also noted the #[cfg(feature = "test_build")]. In the Makefile, we ensure that this feature is only enabled when cargo test runs. This way, it is ensured that testing-specific code is conditionally compiled only for testing.

Exiting Unit Tests

Unit test failure shall be triggered by the panic! macro, either directly or by way of using assert! macros. Until now, our panic! implementation finally called cpu::wait_forever() to safely park the panicked CPU core in a busy loop. This can't be used for the unit tests, because cargo would wait forever for QEMU to exit and stall the whole test run. Again, conditional compilation is used to differentiate between a release and testing version of how a panic! concludes:

/// The point of exit for `libkernel`.
/// It is linked weakly, so that the integration tests can overload its standard behavior.
#[linkage = "weak"]
fn _panic_exit() -> ! {
    #[cfg(not(feature = "test_build"))]

    #[cfg(feature = "test_build")]

In case none of the unit tests panicked,'s kernel_init() calls cpu::qemu_exit_success() to successfully conclude the unit test run.

Controlling Test Kernel Execution

Now is a good time to catch up on how the test kernel binary is actually being executed. Normally, cargo test would try to execute the compiled binary as a normal child process. This would fail horribly because we build a kernel, and not a userspace process. Also, chances are high that you sit in front of an x86 machine, whereas the RPi kernel is AArch64.

Therefore, we need to install some hooks that make sure the test kernel gets executed inside QEMU, quite like it is done for the existing make qemu target that is in place since tutorial 1. The first step is to add a new file to the project, .cargo/config.toml:

[target.'cfg(target_os = "none")']
runner = "target/"

Instead of executing a compilation result directly, the runner flag will instruct cargo to delegate the execution. Using the setting depicted above, target/ will be executed and given the full path to the compiled test kernel as the first command line argument.

The file does not exist by default. We generate it on demand when one of the make test_* targets is called:

## Helpers for unit and integration test targets
    #!/usr/bin/env bash

    # The cargo test runner seems to change into the crate under test's directory. Therefore, ensure
    # this script executes from the root.
    cd $(shell pwd)

    TEST_ELF=$$(echo $$1 | sed -e 's/.*target/target/g')
    TEST_BINARY=$$(echo $$1.img | sed -e 's/.*target/target/g')



define test_prepare
    @mkdir -p target
    @echo "$$KERNEL_TEST_RUNNER" > target/
    @chmod +x target/

## Run unit test(s)
	$(call color_header, "Compiling unit test(s) - $(BSP)")
	$(call test_prepare)

It first does the standard objcopy step to strip the ELF down to a raw binary. Just like in all the other Makefile targets. Next, the script generates a relative path from the absolute path provided to it by cargo, and finally compiles a docker command to execute the test kernel. For reference, here it is fully resolved for an RPi3 BSP:

docker run -t --rm -v /opt/rust-raspberrypi-OS-tutorials/12_integrated_testing:/work/tutorial -w /work/tutorial -v /opt/rust-raspberrypi-OS-tutorials/12_integrated_testing/../common:/work/common rustembedded/osdev-utils:2021.12 ruby ../common/tests/dispatch.rb qemu-system-aarch64 -M raspi3 -serial stdio -display none -semihosting -kernel $TEST_BINARY

This command is quite similar to the one used in the make test_boot target that we have since tutorial 3. However, we never bothered explaining it, so lets take a closer look this time. One of the key ingredients is that we execute this script: ruby ../common/tests/dispatch.rb.

Wrapping QEMU Test Execution

dispatch.rb is a Ruby script which first determines what kind of test is due by inspecting the QEMU-command that was given to it. In case of unit tests, we are only interested if they all executed successfully, which can be checked by inspecting QEMU's exit code. So the script takes the provided qemu command it got from ARGV, and creates and runs an instance of ExitCodeTest:

qemu_cmd = ARGV.join(' ')
binary = ARGV.last
test_name = binary.gsub(%r{.*deps/}, '').split('-')[0]

# Check if virtual manifest (tutorial 12 or later) or not
path_prefix = File.exist?('kernel/Cargo.toml') ? 'kernel/' : ''

case test_name
when 'kernel8.img'
    load "#{path_prefix}tests/boot_test_string.rb" # provides 'EXPECTED_PRINT', EXPECTED_PRINT).run # Doesn't return

when 'libkernel', 'Kernel library unit tests').run # Doesn't return

The easy case is QEMU exiting by itself by means of aarch64::exit_success() or aarch64::exit_failure(). But the script can also catch the case of a test that gets stuck, e.g. in an unintentional busy loop or a crash. If ExitCodeTest does not observe any output of the test kernel for MAX_WAIT_SECS, it cancels the execution and marks the test as failed. Test success or failure is finally reported back to cargo.

Here is the essential part happening in class ExitCodeTest (If QEMU exits itself, an EOFError is thrown):

def run_concrete_test
    Timeout.timeout(MAX_WAIT_SECS) do
        @test_output << @qemu_serial.read_nonblock(1024) while @qemu_serial.wait_readable
rescue EOFError
    @test_error = $ ? false : 'QEMU exit status != 0'
rescue Timeout::Error
    @test_error = 'Timed out waiting for test'
rescue StandardError => e
    @test_error = e.inspect

Please note that dispatch.rb and all its dependencies live in the shared folder ../common/tests/.

Writing Unit Tests

Alright, that's a wrap for the whole chain from make test_unit all the way to reporting the test exit status back to cargo test. It is a lot to digest already, but we haven't even learned to write Unit Tests yet.

In essence, it is almost like in std environments, with the difference that #[test] can't be used, because it is part of the standard library. The no_std replacement attribute provided by custom_test_frameworks is #[test_case]. You can put #[test_case] before functions, constants or statics (you have to decide for one and stick with it). Each attributed item is added to the "list" that is then passed to the test_runner function.

As you learned earlier, we decided that our tests shall be instances of test_types::UnitTest. Here is the type definition again:

/// Unit test container.
pub struct UnitTest {
    /// Name of the test.
    pub name: &'static str,

    /// Function pointer to the test.
    pub test_func: fn(),

So what we could do now is write something like:

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    const TEST1: test_types::UnitTest = test_types::UnitTest {
            name: "test_runner_executes_in_kernel_mode",
            test_func: || {
                let (level, _) = current_privilege_level();

                assert!(level == PrivilegeLevel::Kernel)

Since this is a bit boiler-platy with the const and name definition, let's write a procedural macro named #[kernel_test] to simplify this. It should work this way:

  1. Must be put before functions that take no arguments and return nothing.
  2. Automatically constructs a const UnitTest from attributed functions like shown above by:
    1. Converting the function name to the name member of the UnitTest struct.
    2. Populating the test_func member with a closure that executes the body of the attributed function.

For the sake of brevity, we're not going to discuss the macro implementation. The source is in the test-macros crate if you're interested in it. Using the macro, the example shown before now boils down to this (this is now an actual example from

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use test_macros::kernel_test;

    /// Libkernel unit tests must execute in kernel mode.
    fn test_runner_executes_in_kernel_mode() {
        let (level, _) = current_privilege_level();

        assert!(level == PrivilegeLevel::Kernel)

Note that since proc macros need to live in their own crates, we need to create a new one at $ROOT/libraries/test-macros and save it there.

Aaaaaand that's how you write unit tests. We're finished with that part for good now 🙌.

Integration Tests

We are still not done with the tutorial, though 😱.

Integration tests need some special attention here and there too. As you already learned, they live in $CRATE/tests/. Each .rs file in there gets compiled into its own test kernel binary and executed separately by cargo test. The code in the integration tests includes the library part of our kernel (libkernel) through use statements.

Also note that the entry point for each integration test must be the kernel_init() function again, just like in the unit test case.

Test Harness

By default, cargo test will pull in the test harness (that's the official name for the generated main() function) into integration tests as well. This gives you a further means of partitioning your test code into individual chunks. For example, take a look at tests/

//! Timer sanity tests.

#![reexport_test_harness_main = "test_main"]

use core::time::Duration;
use libkernel::{bsp, cpu, exception, time};
use test_macros::kernel_test;

unsafe fn kernel_init() -> ! {

    // Depending on CPU arch, some timer bring-up code could go here. Not needed for the RPi.



/// Simple check that the timer is running.
fn timer_is_counting() {
    assert!(time::time_manager().uptime().as_nanos() > 0)

/// Timer resolution must be sufficient.
fn timer_resolution_is_sufficient() {
    assert!(time::time_manager().resolution().as_nanos() > 0);
    assert!(time::time_manager().resolution().as_nanos() < 100)

Note how the test_runner from libkernel is pulled in through #![test_runner(libkernel::test_runner)].

No Test Harness

For some tests, however, it is not needed to have the harness, because there is no need or possibility to partition the test into individual pieces. In this case, all the test code can live in kernel_init(), and harness generation can be turned off through $ROOT/kernel/Cargo.toml. This tutorial introduces two tests that don't need a harness. Here is how harness generation is turned off for them:

# List of tests without harness.
name = "00_console_sanity"
harness = false

name = "02_exception_sync_page_fault"
harness = false

name = "03_exception_restore_sanity"
harness = false

Overriding Panic Behavior

Did you notice the #[linkage = "weak"] attribute some chapters earlier at the _panic_exit() function? This marks the function in as a weak symbol. Let's look at it again:

/// The point of exit for `libkernel`.
/// It is linked weakly, so that the integration tests can overload its standard behavior.
#[linkage = "weak"]
fn _panic_exit() -> ! {
    #[cfg(not(feature = "test_build"))]

    #[cfg(feature = "test_build")]

This enables integration tests in $CRATE/tests/ to override this function according to their needs. This is useful, because depending on the kind of test, a panic! could mean success or failure. For example, tests/ is intentionally causing a page fault, so the wanted outcome is a panic!. Here is the whole test (minus some inline comments):

//! Page faults must result in synchronous exceptions.


mod panic_exit_success;

use libkernel::{bsp, cpu, exception, info, memory, println};

unsafe fn kernel_init() -> ! {
    use memory::mmu::interface::MMU;


    // This line will be printed as the test header.
    println!("Testing synchronous exception handling by causing a page fault");

    if let Err(string) = memory::mmu::mmu().enable_mmu_and_caching() {
        info!("MMU: {}", string);

    info!("Writing beyond mapped area to address 9 GiB...");
    let big_addr: u64 = 9 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
    core::ptr::read_volatile(big_addr as *mut u64);

    // If execution reaches here, the memory access above did not cause a page fault exception.

The _panic_exit() version that makes QEMU return 0 (indicating test success) is pulled in by mod panic_exit_success;, and it will take precedence over the weak version from

Console Tests

As the kernel or OS grows, it will be more and more interesting to test user/kernel interaction through the serial console. That is, sending strings/characters to the console and expecting specific answers in return. The dispatch.rb wrapper script provides infrastructure to recognize and dispatch console I/O tests with little overhead. It basically works like this:

  1. For each integration test, check if a companion file to the .rs test file exists.
    • A companion file has the same name, but ends in .rb.
    • The companion file contains one or more console I/O subtests.
  2. If it exists, load the file to dynamically import the console subtests.
  3. Create a ConsoleIOTest instance and run it.
    • This first spawns QEMU and attaches to QEMU's serial console emulation.
    • Then it runs all console subtests on it.

Here is an excerpt from 00_console_sanity.rb showing a subtest that does a handshake with the kernel over the console:

require 'console_io_test'

# Verify sending and receiving works as expected.
class TxRxHandshakeTest < SubtestBase
    def name
        'Transmit and Receive handshake'

    def run(qemu_out, qemu_in)
        expect_or_raise(qemu_out, 'OK1234')

The subtest first sends "ABC" over the console to the kernel, and then expects to receive "OK1234" back. On the kernel side, it looks like this in


/// Console tests should time out on the I/O harness in case of panic.
mod panic_wait_forever;

use libkernel::{bsp, console, cpu, exception, print};

unsafe fn kernel_init() -> ! {
    use console::console;


    // Handshake
    assert_eq!(console().read_char(), 'A');
    assert_eq!(console().read_char(), 'B');
    assert_eq!(console().read_char(), 'C');

Test it

Believe it or not, that is all. There are four ways you can run tests now:

  1. make test will run all tests back-to-back. That is, the ever existing boot test first, then unit tests, then integration tests.
  2. make test_unit will run libkernel's unit tests.
  3. make test_integration will run all integration tests back-to-back.
  4. TEST=TEST_NAME make test_integration will run a specficic integration test.
    • For example, TEST=01_timer_sanity make test_integration
$ make test

     Running unittests (target/aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat/release/deps/libkernel-142a8d94bc9c615a)
         🦀 Running 6 tests

           1. virt_mem_layout_sections_are_64KiB_aligned................[ok]
           2. virt_mem_layout_has_no_overlaps...........................[ok]
           3. test_runner_executes_in_kernel_mode.......................[ok]
           4. kernel_tables_in_bss......................................[ok]
           5. size_of_tabledescriptor_equals_64_bit.....................[ok]
           6. size_of_pagedescriptor_equals_64_bit......................[ok]

         ✅ Success: Kernel library unit tests

Compiling integration test(s) - rpi3
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.00s
     Running tests/ (target/aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat/release/deps/00_console_sanity-c06130838f14dbff)
         🦀 Running 3 console I/O tests

           1. Transmit and Receive handshake............................[ok]
           2. Transmit statistics.......................................[ok]
           3. Receive statistics........................................[ok]

         Console log:

         ✅ Success:

     Running tests/ (target/aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat/release/deps/01_timer_sanity-62a954d22239d1a3)
         🦀 Running 3 tests

           1. timer_is_counting.........................................[ok]
           2. timer_resolution_is_sufficient............................[ok]
           3. spin_accuracy_check_1_second..............................[ok]

         ✅ Success:

     Running tests/ (target/aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat/release/deps/02_exception_sync_page_fault-2d8ec603ef1c4d8e)
         🦀 Testing synchronous exception handling by causing a page fault

         [    0.132792] Writing beyond mapped area to address 9 GiB...
         [    0.134563] Kernel panic!

         Panic location:
               File 'src/_arch/aarch64/', line 58, column 5

         CPU Exception!

         ESR_EL1: 0x96000004
               Exception Class         (EC) : 0x25 - Data Abort, current EL

         ✅ Success:

     Running tests/ (target/aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat/release/deps/03_exception_restore_sanity-a56e14285bb26e0e)
         🦀 Running 1 console I/O tests

           1. Exception restore.........................................[ok]

         Console log:
           Testing exception restore
           [    0.130757] Making a dummy system call
           [    0.132592] Back from system call!

         ✅ Success:

Diff to previous

The diff in this tutorial is skipped, because due to the changes in top-level folder structure, it becomes unreadable. This might be fixed in the future. For now, consider using a diff tool like meld to diff between the previous and the kernel folder of this tutorial to see the lion's share of changes:

meld 11_exceptions_part1_groundwork 12_integrated_testing/kernel