curated by scraggo
Topics include getting into programming, job related questions, how to use terminal, git, github, and other non-language specific topics.
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Free Online Computer Science and Programming Books, Textbooks, and Lecture Notes - StumbleUpon
20+ Computer Programming Courses - Free Courses - StumbleUpon
50 Places You Can Learn to Code (for Free) Online - StumbleUpon
Get a College-Level Computer Science Education with These Free Courses - StumbleUpon
Free Programming, SQL Data Coding, Computer Science. IT Books
Collection of cheat sheets for programmers | How Not To Code
10 sites that will teach you to code for free - Electronic Products
Learn To Code: The Coder's Compass Helps Developers Find Their Way.
Intro to Computer Science | Udacity |
New Coder – five life jackets to throw to the new coder | For Musicians:
An Introduction To Programming Languages For Musicians - hypebot
10 more podcasts that new coders should listen to in 2017 - - It’s been almost a year since I published my article about the best podcasts for new coders and the best tools for listening to them. Since…
10 podcasts for programmers and budding developers - TechRepublic - - A selection of shows that cater to established developers and those wanting to learn more about coding.
14 Best Programming Languages Based on Earnings & Opportunities - - There are a lot of programming languages out there. How do you know which ones are worth adding to your arsenal? We analyzed more than 18 million technology job postings to identify the top programming languages based on earning potential and job opportunities.
r/AskProgramming - - reddit: the front page of the internet
r/compsci - Computer Science: Theory and Application - - reddit: the front page of the internet
r/ProgrammerTIL - Today I Learned For Programmers - - reddit: the front page of the internet -
Ask Questions
- If you are still learning programming and want to ask questions but are afraid of asking them on SO then give my website a try. I've built it solely for the purpose of being the friendliest programmers Q&A site out there. I've even open sourced it.
On Monday I started my second full-time software engineering position! This is my story
Whats a good way to make money on the side with programming?
Computer Programmers: Career, Salary and Education Information - - - Computer programmers write code to create software programs. They turn program designs of software developers into instructions that a computer can follow.
What are the career paths for a programmer? (Or the bigger question: what is a typical tech firm's management structure?) - Quora - - Computer Programming What are the career paths for a programmer? (Or the bigger question: what is a typical tech firm's management structure?) What are the career paths for a programmer? (Or the bigger question: what is a typical tech firm's management structure?) 29 250 Cancel Update Surely most people start off as interns and then go on to become testers or engineers. And that is about all I know. Some become managers, business analysts, and software architects afterwards. How would one trans...
GitHub - kdn251/interviews: Everything you need to know to get the job.
How to Talk About Yourself in an Interview - Stack Overflow Blog
20 Terminal shortcuts developers need to know - TechRepublic
Mac Terminal keyboard shortcuts for Page Up/Page Down - Super User
Trigger Any Terminal Command With a Keyboard Shortcut Using Automator
See #8 Fifteen Terminal tricks that every Mac user should know - - Customize your computer and master OS X's command line with these tips, tricks, and Terminal phrases.
Need help properly formatting an if else in bash |
Shell Script Basics |
How to make a simple bash script (Mac) | HASTAC |
- |
The Beginner’s Guide to Shell Scripting: The Basics |
Developing good scripts |
Learning bash scripting for beginners – nixCraft |
Learn X in Y Minutes: Bash - Scenic Programming Language Tours |
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News, articles, tips and tools covering shell scripting and command-line interfaces of all flavors. |
Instead of terminal...
Code Katas - code exercises - - Recommended resource for learning through projects.
How many programming languages can a programmer learn? - Quora - - 3–5 of the majors, the others at will. Fundamentally you can use a programming language once you have got: Variable declarations Control flow (if, while,…) Math and logic operands Function calling Data structure use Once you have got a tour with how to do these things it is easy to translate from other languages. Also there are some big families of programming languages. Assembly, byte code, Basic,… They use instruction-parameter paradigm. The lowest level, but more performing. C,Java, C++ and ...
PHP vs Python vs Ruby: Which Is Better? | Blog@PixelCrayons™ - - PHP or Python or Ruby-on-Rails (RoR), comparison, web performance, security, salary, market share, benchmark, development speed, efficiency, execution time.
What programming languages do what? - Quora - - PHP Vs. Java Java Vs. JavaScript PHP Vs. JavaScript Follow 9 Bookmark PHP Vs. JavaScript Learning PHP +15 ... What programming languages do what? What programming languages do what? 115 250 Cancel Update Please try to stay away from as many “technical” terms as you can. Make it the most simple definition possible. (But not too simple) Thanks :) Please try to stay away from as many “technical” terms as you can. Make it the most simple definition possible. (But not too simple) Thanks :) Please tr...
Which is the most difficult programming language to learn and why? - Quora - -
Question on @Quora: What are some of the best ways to learn programming?
What MOOC course should every Computer Science student do? by Quincy Larson
Teach Yourself Computer Science |
How do I improve my computer science skills? by Quincy Larson | what programming language?
lubien/bookmarker: Export Google Chrome bookmarks into markdown files |
C Programming Language
- C Tutorial - - C tutorial for beginners - Learn ANSI, GNU and K/R standard of C programming language with simple and easy examples covering basic C, language basics, literals, data types, functions, loops, arrays, pointers, structures, input and output, memory management, pre-processors, directives etc.
- Introduction to C - - - A beginner's guide to learning C - answers questions about C, basic programming, and how to think about programming.
- Learn C Programming Language - C Tutorial - - Learn C Programming Language The Definitive Guide C is a powerful general-purpose programming language. It is fast, portable and available in all platforms. If you are new to programming, C is a good choice to start your programming journey. This is a comprehensive guide on how to get started in C programming language, why you should learn it and how you can learn it. Table of Contents C Tutorials What is C Programming? Reasons to Learn C Your First C Program Recommended Books Things to Remembe...
Reinforcement Learning
- David Silver Reinforcement Learning (RL) Course - YouTube
Music and Tech Courses
MIT - Music and Technology: Algorithmic and Generative Music - - This course examines the history, techniques, and aesthetics of mechanical and computer-aided approaches to algorithmic music composition and generative music systems. Through creative hands-on projects, readings, listening assignments, and lectures, students will explore a variety of historical and contemporary approaches. Diverse tools and systems will be employed, including applications in Python, MIDI, Csound, SuperCollider, and Pure Data.
MIT - Music and Technology: Live Electronics Performance Practices - - This course is a creative, hands-on exploration of contemporary and historical approaches to live electronics performance and improvisation, including basic analog instrument design, computer synthesis programming, and hardware and software interface design.
MIT - Music and Technology: Sound Design - - In this course, we will rebuild the everyday sounds of nature, machines, and animals from scratch and encapsulate them in dynamic sound objects which can be embedded into computer games, animations, movies, virtual environments, sound installations, and theatre productions. You will learn how to analyze and model sounds and resynthesize them with the open-source graphical programming environment Pure Data (Pd). Our work will be guided by Andy Farnell's book Designing Sound (MIT Press, 2010...
TextWrangler Text Editor
Vim Text Editor
GitHub - macvim-dev/macvim: Vim - the text editor - for Mac OS X - - macvim - Vim - the text editor - for Mac OS X
GitHub - vimwiki/vimwiki: Personal Wiki for Vim - - vimwiki - Personal Wiki for Vim
Emacs / Org Mode
Org mode for Emacs – Your Life in Plain Text - - Org: an Emacs Mode for Notes, Planning, and Authoring
org mode is awesome - -John Kitchin - Video showing many great features of org-mode on Emacs. -
Org-mode - Wikipedia - - Org-mode From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation , search Org-mode Original author(s) Carsten Dominik Developer(s) Carsten Dominik et al. Stable release 9.0.1 / November 19, 2016 ; 3 months ago ( 2016-11-19 ) [1] Repository orgmode .org /cgit .cgi /org-mode .git / Written in Emacs lisp Type Personal information management , Notetaking , Outlining , Literate programming … License GPL Website orgmode .org Org-mode (also: Org mode ; [2] / ˈ ɔːr ɡ m oʊ d / ) is an editing and orga...
GitHub - technomancy/emacs-starter-kit: Because the Emacs defaults are not so great sometimes. - - emacs-starter-kit - Because the Emacs defaults are not so great sometimes.
BBEdit Plugin
- BBAutoComplete Manual - - C-Command Software develops award-winning software for macOS.
Code Notes / Productivity
- Best way to keep [code] notes? • r/Python - - Markdown / Github. Emacs Orgmode. vimwiki (for neovim/vim) shime/livedown: Live Markdown previews for your favorite editor., Jupyter notebooks, Atom.
- nvALT: Notetaking Stripped of Mental Blockages | CHRISTOPHER MAYO - - I’ve written before about how much I like to take notes in plain text . In this post, I want to introduce an elegant, and simple way on the Mac to do this with an application called nvALT. On a Scale of Notetaking Nerdiness On a scale of notetaking nerdiness that stretches from popular software like Evernote , which you wouldn’t be surprised to see your parents using, to something more obscure like Emacs , which you might expect someone from the programming crowd to use, I think nvALT would fal...
Mac Shortcuts
- - strong mission to bring coding education to youth.
- - Tutorials on a huge number of languages (and many other non-programming topics). Their lessons pop up on google searches often.
- - Tutorials (free, not organized well)
- - Lots of free books!
- - Books, tutorials, etc. Lots, interestingly organized.
- - Lots of free books - Oreilly is quality.
- - A very impressive list of free 'learn to code' resources! Online college courses, more.
- - 10 Courses, listicle.