A full-featured Webpack setup with hot-reload, lint-on-save, unit testing & css extraction and BOOTSTRAP!
This template is Vue 2.0 compatible. For Vue 1.x use this command:
vue init webpack#1.0 my-project
- For this template: common questions specific to this template are answered and each part is described in greater detail
- For Vue 2.0: general information about how to work with Vue, not specific to this template
This is a project template for vue-cli. It is recommended to use npm 3+ for a more efficient dependency tree.
$ npm install -g vue-cli
$ vue init sejr/vue-bootstrap my-project
$ cd my-project
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
npm run dev
: first-in-class development experience.- Webpack +
for single file Vue components. - State preserving hot-reload
- State preserving compilation error overlay
- Lint-on-save with ESLint
- Source maps
- Webpack +
npm run build
: Production ready build.- JavaScript minified with UglifyJS.
- HTML minified with html-minifier.
- CSS across all components extracted into a single file and minified with cssnano.
- All static assets compiled with version hashes for efficient long-term caching, and a production
is auto-generated with proper URLs to these generated assets.
npm run unit
: Unit tests run in PhantomJS with Karma + Mocha + karma-webpack.- Supports ES2015 in test files.
- Supports all webpack loaders.
- Easy mock injection.
npm run e2e
: End-to-end tests with Nightwatch.- Run tests in multiple browsers in parallel.
- Works with one command out of the box:
- Selenium and chromedriver dependencies automatically handled.
- Automatically spawns the Selenium server.
You can fork this repo to create your own boilerplate, and use it with vue-cli
vue init username/repo my-project