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Rust grammar tool libraries and binaries


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Grammar and parsing libraries for Rust

Bors enabled lrpar on lrlex on lrtable on cfgrammar on

grmtools is a suite of Rust libraries and binaries for parsing text, both at compile-time, and run-time. Most users will probably be interested in the compile-time Yacc feature, which allows traditional .y files to be used (mostly) unchanged in Rust.


A minimal example using this library consists of two files (in addition to the grammar and lexing definitions). First we need to create a file in the root of our project with the following content:

use lrlex::CTLexerBuilder;

fn main() {
        .lrpar_config(|ctp| {

This will generate and compile a parser and lexer, where the definitions for the lexer can be found in src/calc.l:

[0-9]+ "INT"
\+ "+"
\* "*"
\( "("
\) ")"
[\t ]+ ;

and where the definitions for the parser can be found in src/calc.y:

%grmtools{yacckind: Grmtools}
%start Expr
%avoid_insert "INT"
Expr -> Result<u64, ()>:
      Expr '+' Term { Ok($1? + $3?) }
    | Term { $1 }

Term -> Result<u64, ()>:
      Term '*' Factor { Ok($1? * $3?) }
    | Factor { $1 }

Factor -> Result<u64, ()>:
      '(' Expr ')' { $2 }
    | 'INT'
          let v = $1.map_err(|_| ())?;
// Any functions here are in scope for all the grammar actions above.

fn parse_int(s: &str) -> Result<u64, ()> {
    match s.parse::<u64>() {
        Ok(val) => Ok(val),
        Err(_) => {
            eprintln!("{} cannot be represented as a u64", s);

We can then use the generated lexer and parser within our src/ file as follows:

use std::env;

use lrlex::lrlex_mod;
use lrpar::lrpar_mod;

// Using `lrlex_mod!` brings the lexer for `calc.l` into scope. By default the
// module name will be `calc_l` (i.e. the file name, minus any extensions,
// with a suffix of `_l`).
// Using `lrpar_mod!` brings the parser for `calc.y` into scope. By default the
// module name will be `calc_y` (i.e. the file name, minus any extensions,
// with a suffix of `_y`).

fn main() {
    // Get the `LexerDef` for the `calc` language.
    let lexerdef = calc_l::lexerdef();
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
    // Now we create a lexer with the `lexer` method with which we can lex an
    // input.
    let lexer = lexerdef.lexer(&args[1]);
    // Pass the lexer to the parser and lex and parse the input.
    let (res, errs) = calc_y::parse(&lexer);
    for e in errs {
        println!("{}", e.pp(&lexer, &calc_y::token_epp));
    match res {
        Some(r) => println!("Result: {:?}", r),
        _ => eprintln!("Unable to evaluate expression.")

For more information on how to use this library please refer to the grmtools book, which also includes a more detailed quickstart guide.


lrpar contains several examples on how to use the lrpar/lrlex libraries, showing how to generate parse trees and ASTs, use start conditions/states or execute code while parsing.


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