This file contains projects to explain Java networking-based projects. You can view everything from client-server applications to high lever APIs and HTML requests.
This is a basic client-server application. Pls run the server first and then the client. The client connects to the server through the local host and the given port number. This server can have only one client connect to it as the server runs the client on the main thread. The next project will show you how to have multiple clients connect.
This project will allow you to connect multiple clients to the same server, all the clients have their sockets and run on different threads.
UDP is a best-effort protocol. This project is an implementation of a UDP client-server application.
Here you can see how to access particular web pages and extract basic data from them.
To get specific data from a web page we need to have a better understanding of 'GET', 'PUT', etc requests. This project shows a small part of it to start to get an understanding of how it works.
This is an example of a GET request.