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interact.js has 3 snap modifiers available through the interact.modifiers object:

  • pointer coordinate-based snap which is best suited to drag actions,
  • snapSize which works only on resize actions and let's you set targets for the size of the target element,
  • and snapEdges which is similar to snapSize, but let's you set the target positions of the edges of the target element.

When creating snap modifiers the options have an array of targets. The action events will be snapped to the closest target of this array which is within range.


The snap modifier changes the pointer coordinates to specified targets when they are within range.

const mySnap = interact.modifiers.snap({
  targets: [
    { x: 200, y: 200 },
    { x: 250, y: 350 },

Using the snap modifier while dragging, The coordinates of the pointer that the drag event listeners receive will be modified to meet the coordinates of the snap targets. This option may also be used with resizable targets, but may not yield intuitive results.

snap targets have x and y number props and an optional range number property.


  modifiers: [
      targets: [ { x: 300, y: 300 } ],
      relativePoints: [
        { x: 0  , y: 0   },   // snap relative to the element's top-left,
        { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 },   // to the center
        { x: 1  , y: 1   }    // and to the bottom-right

If you want to specify for snap (not snapSize or snapEdges) the points on the element which snapping should be relative to, then use an array of relativePoints. Each item in the array should be an object with x and y properties which are scalars specifying the position on the element to which snapping should be relative. If no relativePoints array is specified or the array is empty then snapping is relative to the pointer coordinates (default).

There are effectively targets.length * max( relativePoints.length, 1 ) snap targets while snap calculations are done. Snap functions are called multiple times with the coordinates at each relativePoint.


  modifiers: [
      targets: [ { x: 300, y: 300 } ],
      offset: { x: 20, y: 20 }

  modifiers: [
      targets: [ { x: 300, y: 300 } ],
      offset: 'startCoords'

The offset option lets you shift the coordinates of the targets of a snap modifier. The value may be:

  • an object with x and y properties,
  • 'startCoords' which will then use the pageX and pageY at the start of the action,
  • 'self' which will use the target element's top-left coordinates,
  • or 'parent' which will use the top-left coordinates of the target's parent element


  edges: { top: true, left: true },
  modifiers: [
      targets: [
        { width: 100 },
        interact.snappers.grid({ width: 100, height: 100 }),

The snapSize modifier snaps the dimensions of targets when resizing. A snapSize target is an object with x and y number props or width and height number props as well as an optional range. Its targets have x and y number props or width and height number props as well as an optional range.


  edges: { top: true, left: true },
  modifiers: [
      targets: [
        interact.snappers.grid({ top: 100, left: 100 }),

The snapEdges modifier snaps the edges of targets when resizing. Its targets have either x and y number props to snap the left/right and top/bottom edges respectively, top, left, width and height number props to snap each edge and an optional range.

targets option

The coordinates of action events are compared to the targets of the provided snap modifiers. If multiple targets are within range, the closest target is used.

  targets: [
    function (
      // the x and y page coordinates,
      // the current interaction
      // the offset information with relativePoint if set
      { x: offsetX, y: offsetY, relativePoint, index: relativePointIndex },
      // the index of this function in the options.targets array
    ) {
      return {
        x: x,
        y: 75 + 50 * Math.sin(x * 0.04),
        range: 40,

You can use functions in the targets array. If a snap target is a function, then it is called and given the x and y coordinates of the event as the first two parameters and the interaction as the third parameter. The return value of the function is used as a target.

If a target omits an axis or edge prop, then the corresponding axis will not be changed. For example, if a target is defined as { y: 100, range Infinity } then the snapped movement will be horizontal at (100, pointerEventPageX).

Snap grids

var gridTarget = interact.snappers.grid({
  // can be a pair of x and y, left and top,
  // right and bottom, or width, and height
  x: 50,
  y: 50,

  // optional
  range: 10,

  // optional
  offset: { x: 5, y: 10 },

  // optional
  limits: {
    top: 0,
    left: 0,
    bottom: 500,
    height: 500

  modifiers: [
    interact.modifiers.snap({ targets: [gridTarget] })

You can use the interact.snappers.grid() method to create a target that snaps to a grid. The method takes an object describing a grid and returns a function that snaps to the corners of that grid.

The properties of the grid are:

  • x, y: the spacing between the horizontal and vertical grid lines.
  • range (optional): the distance from the grid corners within which the pointer coords will be snapped.
  • offset (optional): an object with x and y props to offset the grid lines
  • limits (optional): an object with top, left, bottom and right props to set the bounds of the grid


  modifiers: [
      targets: [
        { x: 20, y: 450, range: 50 }
        { x: 10, y: 0 /* use default range below */ }
      range: 300 // for targets that don't specify a range

A range can be specified in the snap modifier options and each target may optionally have its own range. The range of a snap target is the distance the pointer must be from the target's coordinates for a snap to be possible.

i.e. inRange = distance <= range.

Event snap info

  modifiers: [
    interact.modifiers.snap({ targets: [(x, y) => ({ x: x + 20 })] }),
  listeners: {
    move (event) {

InteractEvent.modifiers will be an array with info on the modifiers that have been set for the action. Snap modifiers provide an object with the closest target with the calculated offset.

Prop Type Description
x and y number The coords that were snapped to with origin, offset and relativePoint applied
source target object or function The target object or function in the targets array option
index number The index of the source in the targets array
range number The range of the target
offset object The offset applied to the source