Index your Gmail Inbox with Elasticsearch
Nov 23, 2024 - Python
Gmail is an email service provided by Google. With Gmail, you can send and receive emails, block spam, create an address book, and perform other basic email tasks. It also has a built-in-chat feature, with which you can send someone an instant message or use the voice and video chat feature if your computer has a microphone and/or webcam.
Index your Gmail Inbox with Elasticsearch
Backup Android SMS, MMS and call log to Gmail / Gcal / IMAP
Unofficial, free and open-source Inbox by Gmail Desktop App
Restore Gmail Inbox high-contrast themes with a uBlock Origin cosmetic filter list
Your GMail AI secretary 🤖📝 An AI that drafts replies to your emails. Compatible with Google Mail personal and business version, uses OpenAI GPT4's API. All the code is run within a Google Sheet, using Google App Script, which means access to your inbox stays within your Google workspace.
Retrieve messages from an IMAP server (get messages from gmail inbox)
Maildir 2 Gmail
Search operators library for your project like Gmail search
This Python script allows you to extract specific email messages from your Gmail inbox, retrieve their subject and content, and save the data into an Excel file
MBox file importer to MongoDB
This is a telegram bot written in Python that allows you to generate functional fake email addresses via the 1secMail API
A mirror that displays Gmail, news, Google Calender events, etc. in real-time
This component is moved to ngu-utility module
Adds a random cat to the inbox empty state of Gmail inbox 😸 reversed
A set of gmail filters to filter out college emails
This Express App is designed to monitor your Gmail inbox for incoming emails, analyze their content, and automatically respond to them using OpenAI's ChatGPT language model.
Script to check Gmail messages & populate waybar widget with data.
Google App Script that moves all zip files in Gmail attachments to a signle Google drive folder
Created by Paul Buchheit
Released April 1, 2004