BETA VERSION. This component is a bit special component because it can duplicate same content several times with diffferent data-source. Imaging some text editor with tabs which each tab contains different content. For this case is targeted j-Duplicator
. Follow example.
{Array} must contain array of content for duplicatingurl
{String} optional, can contain a link to externaltemplate
Good to know:
This component appends .scopename()
function to each item of Array for handling of scope and each content is wrapped in to the independent scope
with direct reference to main source.
<ui-component name="duplicator" path="mytab" config="datasource:tabs" class="invisible">
<script type="text/html" data-id="PRODUCT">
<ui-component name="input" path="?.name">Name</ui-component>
<script type="text/html" data-id="USER">
<ui-component name="input" path="?.age">Age</ui-component>
<!-- DYNAMIC -->
<script type="text/html" data-id="ORDER" data-url="/templates/orders.html"></script>
// All tabs
var tabs = [];
tabs.push({ template: 'PRODUCT', name: 'iPhone X' });
tabs.push({ template: 'USER', age: 30 });
tabs.push({ template: 'ORDER', price: 324 });
// Choose a default open tab
var mytab = tabs[0];
- Peter Širka
- License