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The component enables contenteditable attribute for elements with edit or edit2 classes.

  • jComponent v19|v20
  • singleton
  • put the component under <body element like j-Directory or j-DatePicker

Good to know:

  • each element with the edit class is possible to edit with a single click
  • each element with the edit2 class is possible to edit with a double click


  • dateformat {String} a default format for parsing dates (default: yyyy-MM-dd)
  • exec {String} optional, a default path to function(opt, accept(boolean/html_value_for_the_element))
  • floating {Boolean} optional, can enables floating by default (default: false)
  • minwidth {Number} optional, a min width
  • offsetX {Number} optional, X offset
  • offsetY {Number} optional, Y offset

data-edit attribute supports:

  • required {Boolean} optional, enables "required" (default: false)
  • type {String} optional, can be string (default), date, number, boolean, email, url, or html
  • check {String} optional, a path to function(opt, el) must return boolean, it means Can the user edit that field?
  • exec {String} optional, a path to function(opt, accept(boolean/html_value_for_the_element))
  • format {String} optional, a format for date, default: yyyy-MM-dd
  • maxlength {Number} a maxlength
  • minvalue {Number} a min. value for number type (default: undefined)
  • maxvalue {Number} a max. value for number type (default: undefined)
  • bind {Boolean} if true rebinds data-bind on this element only (default: true)
  • multiline {Boolean} optional, enables multiline + appends class editable-multiline (inline-block + width:100%) when it's editing (default: false)
  • floating {Boolean/String} optional, enables floating window for the element (default: false, string can contain position or offset values)
  • offsetX {Number} optional, additional X offset for the floating window
  • offsetY {Number} optional, additional Y offset for the floating window
  • offsetWidth {Number} optional, additional width for the floating window
  • width {Number} optional, a fixed width for floating panel
  • parent {String} optional, a selector for obtaining of offset (can contain parent or jQuery selector for .closest() method)
  • selectall {Boolean} optional, selects all text
  • cursor {String} optional, a cursor position beg or end (default)
  • notify {String} optional, a path to function(opt) that will be notified after successful change
  • prevent {Boolean} optional, executes .preventDefault() and .stopPropagation() in the click event
  • align {String} optional, sets a valeu for the text-align property for the floating mode only
  • focus {String} optional, a link to the function(opt, el) when it's focused
  • blur {String} optional, a link to the function(opt, el) when it's blurred
  • NEW: attr {String} optional, an data-{attr} name to get the unformatted value

Good to know:

  • opt.set(value) can be used to assign a value
