- This component can create a layout for your SPA. This component is a bit harder for understanding, but it's very helpful.
uses jComponent+v17
parent {String}
can containparent
or jQuery selector for theclosest
method (default:window
)margin {Number}
adds margin for theheight
)remember {Boolean}
can remember last settings of layout for resizing (default:true
)space {Number}
internal, contains a space between panels (default:1
)border {Number}
internal, contains a border size (default:0
)resize {String}
internal, a path to method which it's executed when the layout is resizedautoresize {Boolean}
enables auto-resize (default:true
refreshes layoutcomponent.resize()
performs resizecomponent.reset()
performs reset of resizingcomponent.layout(name)
changes a layout (like two way data-binding)component.rebind(code_string)
makes a new layout configurationcomponent.lock(type, [boolean])
locks the panel
Panel types:
left panel, resizableright
right panel, resizableright2
right panel will be next to the left panel and usesright
key in the config, resizabletop
top panel, resizable (it's panel on top of all panels)top2
top panel, resizable and usestop
key in the config (it is betweenleft
bottom panel, resizable (it's panel on bottom of all panels)bottom2
bottom panel, resizable and usesbottom
key in the config (it is betweenleft
main panel, can't be resizable and size is counted automatically
Making of layout is very easy and with a lot of possibilities. Layout must have own HTML structure. Look to example. The example below describes only meta data of the layout.
size {Number/String}
can contain a height/width of panel according to the panel type. Number120
defines pixels and String100%
can define percentageminsize {Number/String}
is a minimal size of the panel while the panel is resizing (default:size
value)maxsize {Number/String}
is a maximal size of the panel while the panel is resizing (default: auto-counted)resize {Boolean}
enables resizing of the panel with exceptmain
panel (it's counted automatically)show {Boolean}
enables visibility (default:false
top: { size: 80, resize: true, minsize: 50 }, // top panel
right: { size: 100 },
bottom: { size: 100 }, // bottom panel
left: { size: 100, resize: true }, // left panel
main: {}, // main panel
// Can contain a different template for various display types
// lg = Large display, md = Medium display, sm = Small display, xs = Extra small display
md: {
top: { show: true, size: 80 },
bottom: { show: false },
left: { show: false },
main: { show: true }
// Custom layouts
detail: {
// Custom display types in custom layouts
md: {
top: { show: true },
bottom: { show: true },
main: { show: true },
left: { show: false },
right: { show: true, size: 300 }
xs: {
top: { show: true },
bottom: { show: true },
main: { show: false },
left: { show: false },
right: { show: true, size: '100%' }
Good to know:
- IMPORTANT: this component must contain meta-data of the layout wrapped in
<script type="text/plain"></script>
- each panel is
element and must containdata-type="top"
attribute with type of panel - define panels only which you will use
- ordering of all
elements isn't important top2
config keyright2
config keybottom2
config key
- Peter Širka petersirka@gmail.com
- License