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  • This component can create a layout for your SPA. This component is a bit harder for understanding, but it's very helpful. j-Layout uses jComponent +v17.


  • parent {String} can contain parent, window or jQuery selector for the closest method (default: window)
  • margin {Number} adds margin for the height (default: 0)
  • remember {Boolean} can remember last settings of layout for resizing (default: true)
  • space {Number} internal, contains a space between panels (default: 1)
  • border {Number} internal, contains a border size (default: 0)
  • resize {String} internal, a path to method which it's executed when the layout is resized
  • autoresize {Boolean} enables auto-resize (default: true)


  • component.refresh() refreshes layout
  • component.resize() performs resize
  • component.reset() performs reset of resizing
  • component.layout(name) changes a layout (like two way data-binding)
  • component.rebind(code_string) makes a new layout configuration
  • component.lock(type, [boolean]) locks the panel

Panel types:

  • left left panel, resizable
  • right right panel, resizable
  • right2 right panel will be next to the left panel and uses right key in the config, resizable
  • top top panel, resizable (it's panel on top of all panels)
  • top2 top panel, resizable and uses top key in the config (it is between left and right panel)
  • bottom bottom panel, resizable (it's panel on bottom of all panels)
  • bottom2 bottom panel, resizable and uses bottom key in the config (it is between left and right panel)
  • main main panel, can't be resizable and size is counted automatically


Making of layout is very easy and with a lot of possibilities. Layout must have own HTML structure. Look to example. The example below describes only meta data of the layout.

  • size {Number/String} can contain a height/width of panel according to the panel type. Number 120 defines pixels and String 100% can define percentage
  • minsize {Number/String} is a minimal size of the panel while the panel is resizing (default: size value)
  • maxsize {Number/String} is a maximal size of the panel while the panel is resizing (default: auto-counted)
  • resize {Boolean} enables resizing of the panel with except main panel (it's counted automatically)
  • show {Boolean} enables visibility (default: false)
	top: { size: 80, resize: true, minsize: 50 }, // top panel
	right: { size: 100 },
	bottom: { size: 100 }, // bottom panel
	left: { size: 100, resize: true }, // left panel
	main: {}, // main panel

	// Can contain a different template for various display types
	// lg = Large display, md = Medium display, sm = Small display, xs = Extra small display
	md: {
		top: { show: true, size: 80 },
		bottom: { show: false },
		left: { show: false },
		main: { show: true }

	// Custom layouts
	detail: {

		// Custom display types in custom layouts
		md: {
			top: { show: true },
			bottom: { show: true },
			main: { show: true },
			left: { show: false },
			right: { show: true, size: 300 }
		xs: {
			top: { show: true },
			bottom: { show: true },
			main: { show: false },
			left: { show: false },
			right: { show: true, size: '100%' }

Good to know:

  • IMPORTANT: this component must contain meta-data of the layout wrapped in <script type="text/plain"></script>
  • each panel is section element and must contain data-type="top" attribute with type of panel
  • define panels only which you will use
  • ordering of all section elements isn't important
  • top2 uses top config key
  • right2 uses right config key
  • bottom2 uses bottom config key
