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Is a simple alternative to j-Form.

  • Works only with +v17

  • The component moves the content of this component under <body> tag (because of positioning)

  • jComponent v19|v20


  • title {String} modal title (it replaces a HTML in label element in the header)
  • width {Number} modal max-width
  • if {String} condition for showing of the modal, it's compared with the value within of path
  • icon {String} Total icon without ti-
  • reload {String} link to a global function(modal_component) and it's executed if the form is displaying
  • submit {String} link to a global function(hide) and it's executed if the submit button is pressed
  • cancel {String} link to a global function(hide) and it's executed if the cancel button is pressed
  • enter {Boolean} captures enter key automatically and performs submit (default: false)
  • center {Boolean} centers the form to middle of screen
  • autofocus {Boolean/String} can focus an input. String === jQuery selector for the input
  • default {String} a short alias for DEFAULT(default, true)
  • zindex {Number} can affect z-index (default: 12)
  • align {Number} aligns modal 0 centered (default), 1 right bottom, 2 left bottom, 3 left top, 4 right top
  • height {Number} a min. height if the content has less size than defined height
  • NEW bg {Boolean} can enable/disable a background layer (default: true)
  • NEW scrollbar {Boolean} can enable/disable the scrollbar (default: false)

Good to know:

The content of the j-Modal is divided to 3 parts: header, body and footer. Each part must be defined. The component adds CSS classes to each part, for example first div will contain ui-modal-header, second ui-modal-body and third ui-modal-footer.

This component supports dynamic evaluation of the content of <script type="text/html">. The example below contains a script with HTML and the component evaluates the content if the j-Modal will be displayed (only once).

<ui-component name="modal" path="path" config="config">
	<script type="text/html">
