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BETA VERSION. This grid is designed for single page and enterprise applications. It's a simple alternative to the much more powerful j-DataGrid.

  • jComponent v19|v20
  • please try to understand the functionality

Data-source needs to contain:

	columns: [
			id: 'name',
			name: 'Name',
			width: 150, // optional (default: config.colwidth)
			filtering: false, // optional (default: false)
			sorting: false, // optional (default: false)
			align: 1, // optional: 0 or left (default), 1 or center, 2 or right
			alignheader: 1, // optional: 0 or left (default), 1 or center, 2 or right
			alignfilter: 1, // optional: 0 or left (default), 1 or center, 2 or right
			icon: 'ti ti-home', // optional: column icon
			color: '#000000' // optional: color for all rows,
			dirsource: [{ id: 'String|Number|Boolean', name: '...' }] // optional: a dropdown filter (it needs "directory" component)
    items: [{ name: 'Row <b>1</b> will be bold' }, { name: 'Row 2' }, ...] // items
    page: 1,    // current pages
    pages: 30,  // count of pages
    limit: 5,   // items limit per page
    count: 150  // count of items in DB


  • colwidth {Number} a default column width in pixels (default: 150)
  • pluralizepages {String} pluralization for pages (optional, default: # pages,# page,# pages,# pages)
  • pluralizeitems {String} pluralization for items (optional, default: # items,# item,# items,# items)
  • margin {Number} a top margin for height (optional, default: 0)
  • noborder {Boolean} can remove a border (default: false)
  • parent {String} selector for auto height option (default: window)
  • height {Number} a fixed height
  • filter {String} a default placeholder for all filters (optional)
  • click {String} a link to a path or function(row, row_element)
  • cell {String} a link to a path or function(row, cell_element, column)
  • exec {String} a link to function(type, filter, sort, page) for server-side operations (supported types: filter, page and sort)
  • opacity {Number} a default background opacity for column colors (default: 0.3);

Good to know:

  • NULL('') evaluates config.exec
