easy usage
paginate {String}
link to a functionfunction(page)
for paginationpages {Number}
max. pages in pagination (default:3
--> half + current page + half)scrolltop {Boolean}
scrolls top automatically when the user changes a pageparent {String}
jQuery selector for obtaining of height, enables fixed area with custom scrollbarsmargin {Number}
a margin forparent
)marginxs {Number}
optional, a top/bottom margin together forxs
screen widthmarginsm
a top/bottom margin together forsm
screen widthmarginmd
a top/bottom margin together formd
screen widthmarginlg
a top/bottom margin together forlg
screen width- NEW:
a pluralization for count of all items, form:# zero,# one,# two-four,# five and more
- NEW:
a pluralization for count of all items, form:# zero,# one,# two-four,# five and more
- NEW:
modulo {Number}
can append empty items with{ EMPTY: 1 }
object (default:0
) - NEW:
nopages {Boolean}
can hide pagination if the pages are less than2
The model must be in the format below:
page: Number,
count: Number,
pages: Number,
items: [{...}, {...}]
Tangular layout:
{String} contains all rendered items, output is HTMLpage
{Number} current page numberpages
{Number} count of pagescount
{Number} count of items
Tangular item:
contains an object fromArray
- second model contains info about data-source
{ index: Number, page: Number, pages: Number, count: Number }
- Peter Širka petersirka@gmail.com
- License