Based on typed.js by Matt Boldt
Value must be array
Config is the same as typed.js. The only difference is that all keys are lowercase. This is to maintain consistency with other components. The only added configuration is id
- NEW:
selector {String}
can contain a nested element for rendering text - NEW:
text {String}
in the formText 1|Text 2|Text 3|Text N
otherwise text is loaded according to thepath
typespeed {Number}
in milliseconds (default:0
)startdelay {Number}
in milliseconds (default:0
)backspeed {Number}
in milliseconds (default:0
)smartbackspace {Boolean}
this would only backspace the words after "This is a" (default:true
)shuffle {Boolean}
shuffle the strings (default:true
)backdelay {String}
time before backspacing (default:700
)fadeout {Boolean}
fade out instead of backspace (default:false
)fadeoutclass {String}
css class for fade animation (default:typed-fade-out
)fadeoutdelay {Number}
fade out delay in milliseconds (default:500
)loop {Boolean}
loop strings (default:false
)loopcount {String/Number}
amount of loops (default:Infinity
)showcursor {Boolean}
show cursor (default:true
)cursorchar {String}
cursor character (default:|
)autoinsertcss {Boolean}
insert CSS for cursor and fadeOut into HTML<head>
)contenttype {String}
for plaintext (default:html
Global events:
Again, same as typed.js. Added component
ON('typed.onComplete', function(typed, component) {})
ON('typed.preStringTyped', function(pos, typed, component) {})
ON('typed.onStringTyped', function(pos, typed, component) {})
ON('typed.onLastStringBackspaced', function(typed, component) {})
ON('typed.onTypingPaused', function(pos, typed, component) {})
ON('typed.onTypingResumed', function(pos, typed, component) {})
ON('typed.onReset', function(typed, component) {})
ON('typed.onStop', function(pos, typed, component) {})
ON('typed.onStart', function(pos, typed, component) {})
ON('typed.onDestroy', function(typed, component) {})
- Denis Granec denis@granec.cz
- License