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Docker Publish

Travis Standard - JavaScript Style Guide npm downloads

Simple Docker tagging and publishing with 'npm version'


Do not forget installing docker and running docker login before using it!


npm i -D @vanioinformatika/docker-publish

Best practice

Using npm run postversion: building image, creating docker tags and push into Docker Registry with one command.

In package.json set postversion:

"preversion": "docker -v && git push && npm install && npm test",
"version": "",
"postversion": "git push && git push --tags && docker build -t $npm_package_config_docker_ns/$npm_package_name:latest . && docker-publish"

or with hands:

docker build -t namespace/appname:latest .
node ./node_modules/.bin/docker-publish


There is zero configuration. All parameters comes from package.json: $npm_package_name and $npm_package_version variable (name and version properties).

* Maybe you want to use your own private docker repository, in this case please see the next chapter.


Optionally, in package.json you can customize your docker properties:

"version": "1.3.5",
"name": "docker-publish",
"config": {
  "docker": {
    "ns": "namespace",
    "url": "",
    "name": "myapp",
    "skip": false,
    "silence": false,
    "strictSemver": false

CLI parameters could overwites package.json properties (except version number).

  • DOCKER_NS: your namespace for image; namespace/imagename:tag Default: empty

  • DOCKER_URL: your private docker repository URL;

  • DOCKER_NAME: overwrite image name. Default: package.json name properties

  • DOCKER_SKIP: Skip Docker tag and push commands (dry run with logging). Default: false

  • DOCKER_SILENCE: Do not logging. Default: false

  • DOCKER_STRICT_SEMVER: Strict semantic versioning tag. Default: false. If it is true, then only one tag will be created on docker image as defined and there is no 'v' before version number.


Best practice: postversion contains image building and docker-publish, and running npm version


docker tag docker-publish:latest docker-publish:v1
docker tag docker-publish:latest docker-publish:v1.3
docker tag docker-publish:latest docker-publish:v1.3.5
docker tag docker-publish:latest docker-publish:v1.3.5-RELEASE-g993df1b
docker tag docker-publish:latest docker-publish:latest
docker push docker-publish:v1
docker push docker-publish:v1.3
docker push docker-publish:v1.3.5
docker push docker-publish:v1.3.5-RELEASE-g993df1b
docker push docker-publish:latest

v1.3.5-RELEASE-g993df1b: v1.3.5 - your version number from project.json, g993df1b - git commit ID (7 chars)

If DOCKER_STRICT_SEMVER, strictSemver is true, then:

docker tag docker-publish:latest docker-publish:1.3.5
docker push docker-publish:1.3.5


If you want to publish a snapshot, the image will be tagged with git commit id, and the commit's number since last version, and pushed. If DOCKER_STRICT_SEMVER, strictSemver is true, then snapshot is not available.


docker tag docker-publish:latest docker-publish:v1.3.4-5-gb4c008b
docker push docker-publish:v1.3.4-1-gb4c008b

v1.3.5-RELEASE-g993df1b: v1.3.5 - your version number from project.json, 5 - commit's number since v1.3.4 tag, gb4c008b - last (fifth) git commit ID (7 chars

If you have never tagged git commit, then tag shows:

skipped: docker tag docker-publish:latest docker-publish:0bd4c74
skipped: docker push docker-publish:0bd4c74

Where 0bd4c74 is the last commit id.


Zero-Configuration Docker Publishing from npm








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