Data Structures: Arrays, Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Hash Tables, Trees, Tries, Graphs, Heaps
Algorithms: Sorting, Searching, Dynamic Programming, Backtracking, Greedy, Divide and Conquer, Bit Manipulation
Other Topics: String Manipulation, Math, Geometry, Design
Problem Selection: I started with easy problems to build confidence and gradually progressed to medium and hard challenges.
Deep Dive: For each problem, I focused on understanding the problem statement, identifying potential solutions, and analyzing time and space complexity.
Coding and Testing: I implemented the chosen solution in a programming language (C++ or Python) and thoroughly tested it with various inputs.
Learning from Solutions: When stuck, I referred to optimal solutions to understand different approaches and learn new techniques.
Practice and Repetition: Consistent practice reinforced concepts and helped me recognize patterns across problems.
Improved Problem-Solving Skills: Developed a structured approach to breaking down complex problems into smaller subproblems.
Enhanced Coding Proficiency: Gained fluency in writing clean, efficient, and well-structured code.
Stronger Foundation: Built a solid understanding of fundamental data structures and algorithms.
Interview Preparation: LeetCode problems closely align with common interview questions, increasing my confidence for technical assessments.
While the journey was demanding, the results have been invaluable. LeetCode has been an indispensable tool in my development as a computer science student and aspiring software engineer.
Tackling over 300 LeetCode problems has been an intensive yet rewarding experience. It's significantly enhanced my problem-solving abilities, data structure understanding, and algorithm proficiency.
0004-median-of-two-sorted-arrays |
0169-majority-element |
0948-sort-an-array |
0002-add-two-numbers |
0021-merge-two-sorted-lists |
0050-powx-n |
0206-reverse-linked-list |
1197-parsing-a-boolean-expression |
1667-find-kth-bit-in-nth-binary-string |
0002-add-two-numbers |
0021-merge-two-sorted-lists |
0083-remove-duplicates-from-sorted-list |
0206-reverse-linked-list |
0040-combination-sum-ii |
0078-subsets |
0140-word-break-ii |
0494-target-sum |
1715-split-a-string-into-the-max-number-of-unique-substrings |
2170-count-number-of-maximum-bitwise-or-subsets |
0140-word-break-ii |
1350-remove-sub-folders-from-the-filesystem |
3309-count-prefix-and-suffix-pairs-i |
0140-word-break-ii |
0175-combine-two-tables |
0185-department-top-three-salaries |
0584-find-customer-referee |
0595-big-countries |
1258-article-views-i |
1827-invalid-tweets |
1908-recyclable-and-low-fat-products |
2170-count-number-of-maximum-bitwise-or-subsets |
0812-rotate-string |
1524-string-matching-in-an-array |
1566-check-if-a-word-occurs-as-a-prefix-of-any-word-in-a-sentence |
2292-counting-words-with-a-given-prefix |
3309-count-prefix-and-suffix-pairs-i |
2716-prime-subtraction-operation |
0892-shortest-subarray-with-sum-at-least-k |
2868-continuous-subarrays |
0892-shortest-subarray-with-sum-at-least-k |
2868-continuous-subarrays |
1485-minimum-cost-to-make-at-least-one-valid-path-in-a-grid |
2375-minimum-obstacle-removal-to-reach-corner |
2711-minimum-time-to-visit-a-cell-in-a-grid |
2201-valid-arrangement-of-pairs |
2434-design-a-number-container-system |
2868-continuous-subarrays |
3181-find-building-where-alice-and-bob-can-meet |
3181-find-building-where-alice-and-bob-can-meet |
0374-guess-number-higher-or-lower |
3309-count-prefix-and-suffix-pairs-i |
3309-count-prefix-and-suffix-pairs-i |
2533-bitwise-xor-of-all-pairings |
0820-find-eventual-safe-states |
1558-course-schedule-iv |
2246-maximum-employees-to-be-invited-to-a-meeting |
0948-sort-an-array |
0948-sort-an-array |
0948-sort-an-array |
0948-sort-an-array |
1477-product-of-the-last-k-numbers |
2434-design-a-number-container-system |
1477-product-of-the-last-k-numbers |