GitHub Overview & Repositories tab using React + GitHub's REST API
In order to run the application run the following commands in a terminal.
yarn install
yarn start
- The app will be available on http://localhost:3000/
- Code the UI mockups below using the frontend technologies of your choice
- Use Github open API to display the data
- Overview view > Display most popular repository cards ordered by most starred.
- Repositories view > display all repositories ordered by the latest update.
- Repositories view > Enable user to filter/search in the repository list
- Goal of having this completed in < 8 hours
- Performance utilized localStorage to make one call every 15 minutes.
- Filter on name only
- Wrote some basic tests but not extensive for time constraints
- my front-end framework of choice for performance and ease of use.create-react-app
- ability to get up and running quicklyreact-icons
- pull in GitHub iconsdate-fns
- date formatting