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Node.js npm

A WebAssembly implementation of xxHash, a fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm. It can be called seamlessly from JavaScript. You can use it like any other JavaScript library but still get the benefits of WebAssembly, no special setup needed.

Table of Contents


From npm

npm install --save xxhash-wasm

Or with Yarn:

yarn add xxhash-wasm

From Unpkg

ES Modules

<script type="module">
  import xxhash from "";

UMD build

<script src=""></script>

The global xxhash will be available.


The WebAssembly is contained in the JavaScript bundle, so you don't need to manually fetch it and create a new WebAssembly instance.

import xxhash from "xxhash-wasm";

// Creates the WebAssembly instance.
xxhash().then(hasher => {
  const input = "The string that is being hashed";
  // 32-bit version
  hasher.h32(input); // ee563564
  // 64-bit version
  hasher.h64(input); // 502b0c5fc4a5704c

Or with async/await and destructuring:

// Creates the WebAssembly instance.
const { h32, h64, h32Raw, h64Raw } = await xxhash();

const input = "The string that is being hashed";
// 32-bit version
h32(input); // ee563564
// 64-bit version
h64(input); // 502b0c5fc4a5704c


This was initially meant for the browser, but Node 8 also added support for WebAssembly, so it can be run in Node as well. The implementation uses the browser API TextEncoder, which is has been added recently to Node as util.TextEncoder, but it is not a global. To compensate for that, a CommonJS bundle is created which automatically imports util.TextEncoder.

Note: You will see a warning that it's experimental, but it should work just fine.

The main field in package.json points to the CommonJS bundle, so you can require it as usual.

const xxhash = require("xxhash-wasm");

// Or explicitly use the cjs bundle
const xxhash = require("xxhash-wasm/cjs/xxhash-wasm");

If you want to bundle your application for Node with a module bundler that uses the module field in package.json, such as webpack or Rollup, you will need to explicitly import xxhash-wasm/cjs/xxhash-wasm otherwise the browser version is used.


const { h32, h64 } = await xxhash()

Create a WebAssembly instance.

h32(input: string, [seed: u32]): string

Generate a 32-bit hash of input. The optional seed is a u32 and any number greater than the maximum (0xffffffff) is wrapped, which means that 0xffffffff + 1 = 0.

Returns a string of the hash in hexadecimal.

h32Raw(input: Uint8Array, [seed: u32]): number

Same as h32 but with a Uint8Array as input instead of a string and returns the hash as a number.

h64(input: string, [seedHigh: u32, seedLow: u32]): string

Generate a 64-bit hash of input. Because JavaScript doesn't support u64 the seed is split into two u32, where seedHigh represents the first 32-bits of the u64 and seedLow the remaining 32-bits. For example:

// Hex
seed64:   ffffffff22222222
seedhigh: ffffffff
seedLow:          22222222

// Binary
seed64:   1111111111111111111111111111111100100010001000100010001000100010
seedhigh: 11111111111111111111111111111111
seedLow:                                  00100010001000100010001000100010

Each individual part of the seed is a u32 and they are also wrapped individually for numbers greater than the maximum.

Returns a string of the hash in hexadecimal.

h64Raw(input: Uint8Array, [seedHigh: u32, seedLow: u32]): Uint8Array

Same as h64 but with a Uint8Array as input and output.

Comparison to xxhashjs

xxhashjs is implemented in pure JavaScript and because JavaScript is lacking support for 64-bit integers, it uses a workaround with cuint. Not only is that a big performance hit, but it also increases the bundle size by quite a bit when it's used in the browser.

This library (xxhash-wasm) has the big advantage that WebAssembly supports u64 and also some instructions (e.g. rotl), which would otherwise have to be emulated. However, The downside is that you have to initialise a WebAssembly instance, which takes a little over 2ms in Node and about 1ms in the browser. But once the instance is created, it can be used without any further overhead. For the benchmarks below, the instantiation is done before the benchmark and therefore it's excluded from the results, since it wouldn't make sense to always create a new WebAssembly instance.

There is still the problem that JavaScript can't represent 64-bit integers and both the seed and the result of the 64-bit algorithm are u64. To work around this, the seed and the result are split into two u32, which are assembled and disassembled into/from a u64. Splitting the seed into two u32 isn't a big deal, but the result is more problematic because to assemble the 64-bit hash in JavaScript, 3 strings have to be created: The hex representation of the first u32 and the hex representation of the second u32, which are then concatenated to a 64-bit hex representation. That are 2 additional strings and this is a notable overhead when the input is small.


Benchmarks are using Benchmark.js with random strings of different lengths. Higher is better

String length xxhashjs 32-bit xxhashjs 64-bit xxhash-wasm 32-bit xxhash-wasm 64-bit
1 byte 683,014 ops/sec 12,048 ops/sec 1,475,214 ops/sec 979,656 ops/sec
10 bytes 577,761 ops/sec 12,073 ops/sec 1,427,115 ops/sec 960,567 ops/sec
100 bytes 379,348 ops/sec 10,242 ops/sec 1,186,211 ops/sec 682,422 ops/sec
1,000 bytes 88,732 ops/sec 7,755 ops/sec 522,107 ops/sec 504,409 ops/sec
10,000 bytes 11,754 ops/sec 1,694 ops/sec 93,817 ops/sec 97,087 ops/sec
100,000 bytes 721 ops/sec 174 ops/sec 10,247 ops/sec 11,069 ops/sec
1,000,000 bytes 55.38 ops/sec 15.98 ops/sec 1,019 ops/sec 1,101 ops/sec
10,000,000 bytes 5.98 ops/sec 1.77 ops/sec 98.92 ops/sec 107 ops/sec
100,000,000 bytes 0.63 ops/sec* 0.19 ops/sec* 9.95 ops/sec 10.80 ops/sec

* = Runs out of memory with the default heap size.

xxhash-wasm outperforms xxhashjs significantly, the 32-bit is up to 18 times faster (increases as the size of the input grows), and the 64-bit is up to 81 times faster (decreases as the size of the input grows).

The 64-bit version is the faster algorithm, but it only starts to become faster at a little over 1kB because of the above mentioned limitations of JavaScript numbers. After that the 64-bit version is roughly 10% faster than the 32-bit version. For xxhashjs the 64-bit is strictly worse.

Bundle size

Both libraries can be used in the browser and they provide a UMD bundle. The bundles are self-contained, that means they can be included and used without having to add any other dependencies. The table shows the bundle size of the minified versions. Lower is better.

xxhashjs xxhash-wasm
Bundle size 41.5kB 3.7kB
Gzipped Size 10.3kB 1.2kB