Hello talented but probably nervous human being!
We are here to get to know each other a bit better! The goal of this test is for you
to get a quick glimpse of our daily problems, and for us to get to know you through
code a little bit.
It's ok to not finish the whole assignment, or to cut corners. The code is important, for sure
but the most important thing is how you think, approach problems, consider tradeoffs and
communicate these.
We all have different level of stress tolerance, strengths and experience with blockchain tech.
This assignment will serve as a point of discussion and is NOT the final deciding factor.
Feel free to complete the tasks in any order that fits you and makes sense!
Please fork this repo, and implement a simple single page app that
- let's the user connect to their wallet
- (optional) Verify if the used wallet is tally
- implements sign in with ethereum for signing in
- signs an arbitrary text using the wallet and save it to local storage
- please choose which RPC method you want to use!
- use alchemy api to
- get the token balances for the connected address
- (optional) get the metadata for the tokens and display the
- display the output according the mockup
- api key
- https endpoint:
Feel free to use your own, if it's helpful
- use react + typescript
- feel free to use any lib you are comfortable with
These questions are close to our daily work. Give them some thought and let's chat about them!
- How would you verify if the used wallet is Tally Ho! or not? How would you workaround the verification?
- Did we get all the available token balances for the user?
- What are the upsides and downsides of the current solution? How could we mitigate downsides?
- What libs did you use and why?
- docs + demo
How could we improve this test?
- It would be nice if there was a demo wallet which could be used to display tokens & balances. This wouldn't need to be a wallet that I had access to, just a good sample for the Alchemy API to fetch balances from.
- It wasn't clear to me what the arbitrary text was to be used for, so I saved it to local state and localStorage, then displayed it on the UI.
- A few parts on the mockup were confusing, for instance the "sign message" looks like a button but after clarifying with Alice I think it was just a description of what was supposed to show in that area.