diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d3c0182..9f23f81 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-Fast, easy publishing to NPM
+# Fast, easy publishing to NPM
 [![Cross-Platform Compatibility](https://jstools.dev/img/badges/os-badges.svg)](https://github.com/JS-DevTools/npm-publish/actions)
 [![Build Status](https://github.com/JS-DevTools/npm-publish/workflows/CI-CD/badge.svg)](https://github.com/JS-DevTools/npm-publish/actions)
@@ -11,29 +10,25 @@ Fast, easy publishing to NPM
 [![Buy us a tree](https://img.shields.io/badge/Treeware-%F0%9F%8C%B3-lightgreen)](https://plant.treeware.earth/JS-DevTools/npm-publish)
+## Features
 - 🧠 **Smart**<br>
-Only publishes if the version number in `package.json` differs from the latest on NPM
+  Only publishes if the version number in `package.json` differs from the latest on NPM
 - 🛠 **Configurable**<br>
-Customize the version-checking behavior, the registry URL, and path of your package
+  Customize the version-checking behavior, the registry URL, and path of your package
 - 🔐 **Secure**<br>
-Keeps your NPM access token secret. Doesn't write it to `~/.npmrc`
+  Keeps your NPM access token secret. Doesn't write it to `~/.npmrc`
 - ⚡ **Fast**<br>
-100% JavaScript (which is faster than Docker) and bundled to optimize loading time
+  100% JavaScript (which is faster than Docker) and bundled to optimize loading time
 - 📤 **Outputs**<br>
-Exposes the old and new version numbers, and the type of change (major, minor, patch, etc.) as variables that you can use in your workflow.
+  Exposes the old and new version numbers, and the type of change (major, minor, patch, etc.) as variables that you can use in your workflow.
+## Usage
 This package can be used three different ways:
 - 🤖 A [**GitHub Action**](#github-action) as part of your CI/CD process
@@ -42,10 +37,8 @@ This package can be used three different ways:
 - 🖥 A [**CLI**](#command-line-interface) that you run in your terminal
+## GitHub Action
-GitHub Action
 To use the GitHub Action, you'll need to add it as a step in your [Workflow file](https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions). By default, the only thing you need to do is set the `token` parameter to your [NPM auth token](https://docs.npmjs.com/creating-and-viewing-authentication-tokens).
@@ -66,26 +59,24 @@ jobs:
           token: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}
+## Input Parameters
-Input Parameters
 You can set any or all of the following input parameters:
-|Name            |Type     |Default                     |Description
-|----------------|-------- |----------------------------|------------------------------------
-|`token`         |string   |**required**                |The NPM auth token to use for publishing
-|`registry`      |string   |https://registry.npmjs.org/ |The NPM registry URL to use
-|`package`       |string   |./package.json              |The path of your package.json file
-|`tag`           |string   |"latest"                    |The tag to publish to. This allows people to install the package using `npm install <package-name>@<tag>`.
-|`access`        |string   |"public" for non-scoped packages. "restricted" for scoped packages.|Determines whether the published package should be publicly visible, or restricted to members of your NPM organization.
-|`dry-run`       |boolean  |false                       |Run NPM publish with the `--dry-run` flag to prevent publication
-|`check-version` |boolean  |true                        |Only publish to NPM if the version number in `package.json` differs from the latest on NPM
+|Name                  |Type     |Default                     |Description
+|----------------------|-------- |----------------------------|------------------------------------
+|`token`               |string   |**required**                |The NPM auth token to use for publishing
+|`registry`            |string   |https://registry.npmjs.org/ |The NPM registry URL to use
+|`package`             |string   |./package.json              |The path of your package.json file
+|`tag`                 |string   |"latest"                    |The tag to publish to. This allows people to install the package using `npm install <package-name>@<tag>`.
+|`access`              |string   |"public" for non-scoped packages. "restricted" for scoped packages.|Determines whether the published package should be publicly visible, or restricted to members of your NPM organization.
+|`dry-run`             |boolean  |false                       |Run NPM publish with the `--dry-run` flag to prevent publication
+|`check-version`       |boolean  |true                        |Only publish to NPM if the version number in `package.json` differs from the latest on NPM
+|`greater-version-only`|boolean  |false                       |Only publish to NPM if the version number in `package.json` is greater than the latest on NPM                           |
+## Output Variables
-Output Variables
 npm-publish exposes some output variables, which you can use in later steps of your workflow. To access the output variables, you'll need to set an `id` for the npm-publish step.
@@ -100,20 +91,17 @@ steps:
       echo "Version changed: ${{ steps.publish.outputs.old-version }} => ${{ steps.publish.outputs.version }}"
+| Variable      | Type    | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
+| ------------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `type`        | string  | The type of version change that occurred ("major", "minor", "patch", etc.). If there was no version change, then type will be "none". If `greater-version-only` is set and the version is lower, then type will be "lower". |
+| `version`     | string  | The version that was published                                                                                                                                                                                              |
+| `old-version` | string  | The version number that was previously published to NPM                                                                                                                                                                     |
+| `tag`         | string  | The tag that the package was published to.                                                                                                                                                                                  |
+| `access`      | string  | Indicates whether the published package is publicly visible or restricted to members of your NPM organization.                                                                                                              |
+| `dry-run`     | boolean | Indicates whether NPM was run in "dry run" mode                                                                                                                                                                             |
-|Variable      |Type    |Description
-|`type`        |string  |The type of version change that occurred ("major", "minor", "patch", etc.). If there was no version change, then type will be "none".
-|`version`     |string  |The version that was published
-|`old-version` |string  |The version number that was previously published to NPM
-|`tag`         |string  |The tag that the package was published to.
-|`access`      |string  |Indicates whether the published package is publicly visible or restricted to members of your NPM organization.
-|`dry-run`     |boolean |Indicates whether NPM was run in "dry run" mode
+## JavaScript Function
-JavaScript Function
 To use npm-package in your JavaScript code, you'll need to install it using [NPM](https://docs.npmjs.com/about-npm/):
@@ -131,42 +119,43 @@ await npmPublish();
 // Run npm-publish with options
 await npmPublish({
   package: "./path/to/package.json",
 ### Options
 As shown in the example above, you can pass options to the `npmPublish()` function. Here are the available options:
-|Name            |Type     |Default                     |Description
-|`token`         |string   |NPM's default credentials   |The NPM auth token to use for publishing. If not set, then NPM will
-|`registry`      |string   |https://registry.npmjs.org/ |The NPM registry URL to use
-|`package`       |string   |./package.json              |The path of your package.json file
-|`tag`           |string   |"latest"                    |The tag to publish to. This allows people to install the package using `npm install <package-name>@<tag>`.
-|`access`        |string   |"public" for non-scoped packages. "restricted" for scoped packages.|Determines whether the published package should be publicly visible, or restricted to members of your NPM organization.
-|`dryRun`        |boolean  |false                       |Run NPM publish with the `--dry-run` flag to prevent publication
-|`checkVersion`  |boolean  |true                        |Only publish to NPM if the version number in `package.json` differs from the latest on NPM
-|`quiet`         |boolean  |false                       |Suppress console output from NPM and npm-publish
-|`debug`         |function |no-op                       |A function to log debug messages. You can set this to a custom function to receive debug messages, or just set it to `console.debug` to print debug messages to the console.
+| Name                 | Type     | Default                                                             | Description                                                                                                                                                                  |
+| -------------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `token`              | string   | NPM's default credentials                                           | The NPM auth token to use for publishing. If not set, then NPM will                                                                                                          |
+| `registry`           | string   | https://registry.npmjs.org/                                         | The NPM registry URL to use                                                                                                                                                  |
+| `package`            | string   | ./package.json                                                      | The path of your package.json file                                                                                                                                           |
+| `tag`                | string   | "latest"                                                            | The tag to publish to. This allows people to install the package using `npm install <package-name>@<tag>`.                                                                   |
+| `access`             | string   | "public" for non-scoped packages. "restricted" for scoped packages. | Determines whether the published package should be publicly visible, or restricted to members of your NPM organization.                                                      |
+| `dryRun`             | boolean  | false                                                               | Run NPM publish with the `--dry-run` flag to prevent publication                                                                                                             |
+| `checkVersion`       | boolean  | true                                                                | Only publish to NPM if the version number in `package.json` differs from the latest on NPM                                                                                   |
+| `greaterVersionOnly` | boolean  | false                                                               | Only publish to NPM if the version number in `package.json` is greater then the latest on NPM                                                                                |
+| `quiet`              | boolean  | false                                                               | Suppress console output from NPM and npm-publish                                                                                                                             |
+| `debug`              | function | no-op                                                               | A function to log debug messages. You can set this to a custom function to receive debug messages, or just set it to `console.debug` to print debug messages to the console. |
 ### Return Value
-The `npmPublish()` function asynchronously returns an object with the following properties:
-|Name            |Type     |Description
-|`type`          |string   |The type of version change that occurred ("major", "minor", "patch", etc.)  If there was no version change, then the the type is "none".
-|`package`       |string   |The name of the NPM package that was published
-|`version`       |string   |The version number that was published
-|`oldVersion`    |string   |The version number that was previously published to NPM
-|`tag`           |string   |The tag that the package was published to.
-|`access`        |string   |Indicates whether the published package is publicly visible or restricted to members of your NPM organization.
-|`dryRun`        |boolean  |Indicates whether NPM was run in "dry run" mode
+The `npmPublish()` function asynchronously returns an object with the following properties:
+| Name         | Type    | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
+| ------------ | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `type`       | string  | The type of version change that occurred ("major", "minor", "patch", etc.) If there was no version change, then the the type is "none". If `greater-version-only` is set and the version is lower, then type will be "lower". |
+| `package`    | string  | The name of the NPM package that was published                                                                                                                                                                                |
+| `version`    | string  | The version number that was published                                                                                                                                                                                         |
+| `oldVersion` | string  | The version number that was previously published to NPM                                                                                                                                                                       |
+| `tag`        | string  | The tag that the package was published to.                                                                                                                                                                                    |
+| `access`     | string  | Indicates whether the published package is publicly visible or restricted to members of your NPM organization.                                                                                                                |
+| `dryRun`     | boolean | Indicates whether NPM was run in "dry run" mode                                                                                                                                                                               |
+## Command Line Interface
-Command Line Interface
 To use npm-package from as a command-line tool in your terminal, you'll need to install it globally using [NPM](https://docs.npmjs.com/about-npm/):
@@ -186,6 +175,7 @@ npm-publish --token=YOUR_NPM_AUTH_TOKEN_HERE ./path/to/package.json
 ### Options
 Run `npm-publish --help` to see the full list of options available.
@@ -221,39 +211,34 @@ package_path          The absolute or relative path of the NPM package to publis
                       Defaults to the current directory.
+## Contributing
-Contributions, enhancements, and bug-fixes are welcome!  [Open an issue](https://github.com/JS-DevTools/npm-publish/issues) on GitHub and [submit a pull request](https://github.com/JS-DevTools/npm-publish/pulls).
+Contributions, enhancements, and bug-fixes are welcome! [Open an issue](https://github.com/JS-DevTools/npm-publish/issues) on GitHub and [submit a pull request](https://github.com/JS-DevTools/npm-publish/pulls).
 #### Building
-To build the project locally on your computer:
-1. __Clone this repo__<br>
-`git clone https://github.com/JS-DevTools/npm-publish.git`
+To build the project locally on your computer:
-2. __Install dependencies__<br>
-`npm install`
+1. **Clone this repo**<br>
+   `git clone https://github.com/JS-DevTools/npm-publish.git`
-3. __Build the code__<br>
-`npm run build`
+2. **Install dependencies**<br>
+   `npm install`
-4. __Run the tests__<br>
-`npm test`
+3. **Build the code**<br>
+   `npm run build`
+4. **Run the tests**<br>
+   `npm test`
+## License
 npm-publish is 100% free and open-source, under the [MIT license](LICENSE). Use it however you want.
 This package is [Treeware](http://treeware.earth). If you use it in production, then we ask that you [**buy the world a tree**](https://plant.treeware.earth/JS-DevTools/npm-publish) to thank us for our work. By contributing to the Treeware forest you’ll be creating employment for local families and restoring wildlife habitats.
+## Big Thanks To
-Big Thanks To
 Thanks to these awesome companies for their support of Open Source developers ❤
diff --git a/src/action/index.ts b/src/action/index.ts
index e034bc5..357eded 100644
--- a/src/action/index.ts
+++ b/src/action/index.ts
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { Access, Options } from "../options";
  * The main entry point of the GitHub Action
+ *
  * @internal
 async function main(): Promise<void> {
@@ -17,10 +18,12 @@ async function main(): Promise<void> {
       token: getInput("token", { required: true }),
       registry: getInput("registry", { required: true }),
       package: getInput("package", { required: true }),
-      checkVersion: getInput("check-version", { required: true }).toLowerCase() === "true",
+      checkVersion:
+        getInput("check-version", { required: true }).toLowerCase() === "true",
       tag: getInput("tag"),
       access: getInput("access") as Access,
       dryRun: getInput("dry-run").toLowerCase() === "true",
+      greaterVersionOnly: getInput("greater-version-only").toLowerCase() === "true",
       debug: debugHandler,
@@ -28,13 +31,24 @@ async function main(): Promise<void> {
     let results = await npmPublish(options);
     if (results.type === "none") {
-      console.log(`\n📦 ${results.package} v${results.version} is already published to ${options.registry}`);
+      console.log(
+        `\n📦 ${results.package} v${results.version} is already published to ${options.registry}`
+      );
+    }
+    if (results.type === "lower") {
+      console.log(
+        `\n📦 ${results.package} v${results.version} is lower than the version published to ${options.registry}`
+      );
     else if (results.dryRun) {
-      console.log(`\n📦 ${results.package} v${results.version} was NOT actually published to ${options.registry} (dry run)`);
+      console.log(
+        `\n📦 ${results.package} v${results.version} was NOT actually published to ${options.registry} (dry run)`
+      );
     else {
-      console.log(`\n📦 Successfully published ${results.package} v${results.version} to ${options.registry}`);
+      console.log(
+        `\n📦 Successfully published ${results.package} v${results.version} to ${options.registry}`
+      );
     // Set the GitHub Actions output variables
diff --git a/src/normalize-options.ts b/src/normalize-options.ts
index bedd73e..23cffaa 100644
--- a/src/normalize-options.ts
+++ b/src/normalize-options.ts
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ export interface NormalizedOptions {
   access?: Access;
   dryRun: boolean;
   checkVersion: boolean;
+  greaterVersionOnly: boolean;
   quiet: boolean;
   debug: Debug;
@@ -22,7 +23,10 @@ export interface NormalizedOptions {
  * @internal
 export function normalizeOptions(options: Options): NormalizedOptions {
-  let registryURL = typeof options.registry === "string" ? new URL(options.registry) : options.registry;
+  let registryURL =
+    typeof options.registry === "string"
+      ? new URL(options.registry)
+      : options.registry;
   return {
     token: options.token || "",
@@ -31,7 +35,12 @@ export function normalizeOptions(options: Options): NormalizedOptions {
     tag: options.tag || "latest",
     access: options.access,
     dryRun: options.dryRun || false,
-    checkVersion: options.checkVersion === undefined ? true : Boolean(options.checkVersion),
+    checkVersion:
+      options.checkVersion === undefined ? true : Boolean(options.checkVersion),
+    greaterVersionOnly:
+      options.greaterVersionOnly === undefined
+        ? false
+        : Boolean(options.greaterVersionOnly),
     quiet: options.quiet || false,
     debug: options.debug || (() => undefined),
diff --git a/src/npm-publish.ts b/src/npm-publish.ts
index 8d8bfb5..bedf07e 100644
--- a/src/npm-publish.ts
+++ b/src/npm-publish.ts
@@ -18,19 +18,33 @@ export async function npmPublish(opts: Options = {}): Promise<Results> {
   // Determine if/how the version has changed
   let diff = semver.diff(manifest.version, publishedVersion);
-  if (diff || !options.checkVersion) {
+  // Compare both versions to see if it's changed
+  let cmp = semver.compare(manifest.version, publishedVersion);
+  let shouldPublish =
+    !options.checkVersion ||
+    // compare returns 1 if manifest is higher than published
+    (options.greaterVersionOnly && cmp === 1) ||
+    // compare returns 0 if the manifest is the same as published
+    cmp !== 0;
+  if (shouldPublish) {
     // Publish the new version to NPM
     await npm.publish(manifest, options);
   let results: Results = {
     package: manifest.name,
-    type: diff || "none",
+    // The version should be marked as lower if we disallow decrementing the version
+    type:
+      (options.greaterVersionOnly && cmp === -1 && "lower") || diff || "none",
     version: manifest.version.raw,
     oldVersion: publishedVersion.raw,
     tag: options.tag,
-    access: options.access || (manifest.name.startsWith("@") ? "restricted" : "public"),
-    dryRun: options.dryRun
+    access:
+      options.access ||
+      (manifest.name.startsWith("@") ? "restricted" : "public"),
+    dryRun: options.dryRun,
   options.debug("OUTPUT:", results);
diff --git a/src/options.ts b/src/options.ts
index fee3190..1ed4ad8 100644
--- a/src/options.ts
+++ b/src/options.ts
@@ -64,6 +64,14 @@ export interface Options {
   quiet?: boolean;
+  /**
+   * Only publish the package if the version number in package.json
+   * is greater than the latest on NPM.
+   *
+   * Defaults to `false`
+   */
+  greaterVersionOnly?: boolean;
    * A function to call to log debug messages.
diff --git a/src/results.ts b/src/results.ts
index 8f296df..fb9f7cb 100644
--- a/src/results.ts
+++ b/src/results.ts
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ export interface Results {
    * The type of version change that occurred
-  type: ReleaseType | "none";
+  type: ReleaseType | "lower" | "none";
    * The name of the NPM package that was published
diff --git a/test/specs/action/success.spec.js b/test/specs/action/success.spec.js
index 6c6e89f..9df0c81 100644
--- a/test/specs/action/success.spec.js
+++ b/test/specs/action/success.spec.js
@@ -9,10 +9,12 @@ const { EOL } = require("os");
 const { join } = require("path");
 describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
   it("should publish a new version to NPM", () => {
-      { path: "workspace/package.json", contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "2.0.0" }},
+      {
+        path: "workspace/package.json",
+        contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "2.0.0" },
+      },
@@ -39,12 +41,14 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     let cli = exec.action({
       env: {
         INPUT_TOKEN: "my-secret-token",
-      }
+      },
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("my-lib 2.0.0");
-    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("Successfully published my-lib v2.0.0 to NPM");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include(
+      "Successfully published my-lib v2.0.0 to NPM"
+    );
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=type::major");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=version::2.0.0");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=old-version::1.0.0");
@@ -53,9 +57,124 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=dry-run::false");
-    files.assert.contents("home/.npmrc",
+    files.assert.contents(
+      "home/.npmrc",
+      `//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=\${INPUT_TOKEN}${EOL}` +
+        `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
+    );
+    npm.assert.ran(4);
+  });
+  it("should publish a new version to NPM if the version is lower", () => {
+    files.create([
+      {
+        path: "workspace/package.json",
+        contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "0.1.0" },
+      },
+    ]);
+    npm.mock({
+      args: ["config", "get", "userconfig"],
+      stdout: `${paths.npmrc}${EOL}`,
+    });
+    npm.mock({
+      args: ["view", "my-lib", "version"],
+      stdout: `1.0.0${EOL}`,
+    });
+    npm.mock({
+      args: ["config", "get", "userconfig"],
+      stdout: `${paths.npmrc}${EOL}`,
+    });
+    npm.mock({
+      args: ["publish"],
+      env: { INPUT_TOKEN: "my-secret-token" },
+      stdout: `my-lib 0.1.0${EOL}`,
+    });
+    let cli = exec.action({
+      env: {
+        INPUT_TOKEN: "my-secret-token",
+      },
+    });
+    expect(cli).to.have.stderr("");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("my-lib 0.1.0");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include(
+      "Successfully published my-lib v0.1.0 to NPM"
+    );
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=type::major");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=version::0.1.0");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=old-version::1.0.0");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=tag::latest");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=access::public");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=dry-run::false");
+    expect(cli).to.have.exitCode(0);
+    files.assert.contents(
+      "home/.npmrc",
       `//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=\${INPUT_TOKEN}${EOL}` +
-      `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
+        `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
+    );
+    npm.assert.ran(4);
+  });
+  it("should not publish a new version to NPM if the version is lower and greaterVersion flag is set", () => {
+    files.create([
+      {
+        path: "workspace/package.json",
+        contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "0.1.0" },
+      },
+    ]);
+    npm.mock({
+      args: ["config", "get", "userconfig"],
+      stdout: `${paths.npmrc}${EOL}`,
+    });
+    npm.mock({
+      args: ["view", "my-lib", "version"],
+      stdout: `1.0.0${EOL}`,
+    });
+    npm.mock({
+      args: ["config", "get", "userconfig"],
+      stdout: `${paths.npmrc}${EOL}`,
+    });
+    npm.mock({
+      args: ["publish"],
+      env: { INPUT_TOKEN: "my-secret-token" },
+      stdout: `my-lib 0.1.0${EOL}`,
+    });
+    let cli = exec.action({
+      env: {
+        INPUT_TOKEN: "my-secret-token",
+        "INPUT_GREATER-VERSION-ONLY": "true",
+      },
+    });
+    expect(cli).to.have.stderr("");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include(
+      "my-lib v0.1.0 is lower than the version published to NPM"
+    );
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=type::lower");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=version::0.1.0");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=old-version::1.0.0");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=tag::latest");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=access::public");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=dry-run::false");
+    expect(cli).to.have.exitCode(0);
+    files.assert.contents(
+      "home/.npmrc",
+      `//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=\${INPUT_TOKEN}${EOL}` +
+        `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
@@ -63,7 +182,10 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
   it("should publish a new version to NPM if no package exists", async () => {
-      { path: "workspace/package.json", contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "1.0.0" }},
+      {
+        path: "workspace/package.json",
+        contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "1.0.0" },
+      },
@@ -91,12 +213,14 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     let cli = exec.action({
       env: {
         INPUT_TOKEN: "my-secret-token",
-      }
+      },
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("my-lib 1.0.0");
-    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("Successfully published my-lib v1.0.0 to NPM");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include(
+      "Successfully published my-lib v1.0.0 to NPM"
+    );
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=type::major");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=version::1.0.0");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=old-version::0.0.0");
@@ -105,9 +229,10 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=dry-run::false");
-    files.assert.contents("home/.npmrc",
+    files.assert.contents(
+      "home/.npmrc",
       `//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=\${INPUT_TOKEN}${EOL}` +
-      `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
+        `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
@@ -115,7 +240,10 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
   it("should publish a new version to NPM if the tag does not exist", async () => {
-      { path: "workspace/package.json", contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "1.0.0" }},
+      {
+        path: "workspace/package.json",
+        contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "1.0.0" },
+      },
@@ -142,12 +270,14 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
       env: {
         INPUT_TOKEN: "my-secret-token",
         INPUT_TAG: "my-tag",
-      }
+      },
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("my-lib 1.0.0");
-    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("Successfully published my-lib v1.0.0 to NPM");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include(
+      "Successfully published my-lib v1.0.0 to NPM"
+    );
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=type::major");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=version::1.0.0");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=old-version::0.0.0");
@@ -156,9 +286,10 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=dry-run::false");
-    files.assert.contents("home/.npmrc",
+    files.assert.contents(
+      "home/.npmrc",
       `//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=\${INPUT_TOKEN}${EOL}` +
-      `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
+        `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
@@ -166,7 +297,10 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
   it("should not publish a new version to NPM if the version number hasn't changed", () => {
-      { path: "workspace/package.json", contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "1.0.0" }},
+      {
+        path: "workspace/package.json",
+        contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "1.0.0" },
+      },
@@ -182,11 +316,13 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     let cli = exec.action({
       env: {
         INPUT_TOKEN: "my-secret-token",
-      }
+      },
-    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("📦 my-lib v1.0.0 is already published to NPM");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include(
+      "📦 my-lib v1.0.0 is already published to NPM"
+    );
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=type::none");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=version::1.0.0");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=old-version::1.0.0");
@@ -195,9 +331,10 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=dry-run::false");
-    files.assert.contents("home/.npmrc",
+    files.assert.contents(
+      "home/.npmrc",
       `//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=\${INPUT_TOKEN}${EOL}` +
-      `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
+        `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
@@ -205,8 +342,15 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
   it("should append to an existing .npmrc file", () => {
-      { path: "workspace/package.json", contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "1.1.0" }},
-      { path: "home/.npmrc", contents: "This is my NPM config.\nThere are many like it,\nbut this one is mine." },
+      {
+        path: "workspace/package.json",
+        contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "1.1.0" },
+      },
+      {
+        path: "home/.npmrc",
+        contents:
+          "This is my NPM config.\nThere are many like it,\nbut this one is mine.",
+      },
@@ -233,12 +377,14 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     let cli = exec.action({
       env: {
         INPUT_TOKEN: "my-secret-token",
-      }
+      },
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("my-lib 1.1.0");
-    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("📦 Successfully published my-lib v1.1.0 to NPM");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include(
+      "📦 Successfully published my-lib v1.1.0 to NPM"
+    );
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=type::minor");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=version::1.1.0");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=old-version::1.0.0");
@@ -247,13 +393,14 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=dry-run::false");
-    files.assert.contents("home/.npmrc",
+    files.assert.contents(
+      "home/.npmrc",
       `This is my NPM config.${EOL}` +
-      `There are many like it,${EOL}` +
-      `but this one is mine.${EOL}` +
-      `${EOL}` +
-      `//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=\${INPUT_TOKEN}${EOL}` +
-      `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
+        `There are many like it,${EOL}` +
+        `but this one is mine.${EOL}` +
+        `${EOL}` +
+        `//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=\${INPUT_TOKEN}${EOL}` +
+        `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
@@ -261,7 +408,10 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
   it("should update an existing .npmrc file's settings", () => {
-      { path: "workspace/package.json", contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "1.0.1" }},
+      {
+        path: "workspace/package.json",
+        contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "1.0.1" },
+      },
         path: "home/.npmrc",
@@ -273,7 +423,7 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
           "registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/\n" +
           "\n" +
           "# Use some other package registry\n" +
-          "registry=https://registry.example.com/\n"
+          "registry=https://registry.example.com/\n",
@@ -301,12 +451,14 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     let cli = exec.action({
       env: {
         INPUT_TOKEN: "my-secret-token",
-      }
+      },
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("my-lib 1.0.1");
-    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("📦 Successfully published my-lib v1.0.1 to NPM");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include(
+      "📦 Successfully published my-lib v1.0.1 to NPM"
+    );
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=type::patch");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=version::1.0.1");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=old-version::1.0.0");
@@ -315,16 +467,17 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=dry-run::false");
-    files.assert.contents("home/.npmrc",
+    files.assert.contents(
+      "home/.npmrc",
       `# Use the GitHub package registry${EOL}` +
-      `${EOL}` +
-      `# Use the NPM registry with no auth${EOL}` +
-      `${EOL}` +
-      `# Use some other package registry${EOL}` +
-      `${EOL}` +
-      `${EOL}` +
-      `//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=\${INPUT_TOKEN}${EOL}` +
-      `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
+        `${EOL}` +
+        `# Use the NPM registry with no auth${EOL}` +
+        `${EOL}` +
+        `# Use some other package registry${EOL}` +
+        `${EOL}` +
+        `${EOL}` +
+        `//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=\${INPUT_TOKEN}${EOL}` +
+        `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
@@ -332,7 +485,10 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
   it("should publish a package that's not in the root of the workspace directory", () => {
-      { path: "workspace/subdir/my-lib/package.json", contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "1.0.0-beta" }},
+      {
+        path: "workspace/subdir/my-lib/package.json",
+        contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "1.0.0-beta" },
+      },
@@ -361,12 +517,14 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
       env: {
         INPUT_TOKEN: "my-secret-token",
         INPUT_PACKAGE: "subdir/my-lib/package.json",
-      }
+      },
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("my-lib 1.0.0-beta");
-    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("📦 Successfully published my-lib v1.0.0-beta to NPM");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include(
+      "📦 Successfully published my-lib v1.0.0-beta to NPM"
+    );
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=type::prerelease");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=version::1.0.0-beta");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=old-version::1.0.0");
@@ -375,9 +533,10 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=dry-run::false");
-    files.assert.contents("home/.npmrc",
+    files.assert.contents(
+      "home/.npmrc",
       `//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=\${INPUT_TOKEN}${EOL}` +
-      `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
+        `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
@@ -385,7 +544,10 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
   it("should publish a scoped package", () => {
-      { path: "workspace/package.json", contents: { name: "@my-scope/my-lib", version: "2.0.0" }},
+      {
+        path: "workspace/package.json",
+        contents: { name: "@my-scope/my-lib", version: "2.0.0" },
+      },
@@ -412,12 +574,14 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     let cli = exec.action({
       env: {
         INPUT_TOKEN: "my-secret-token",
-      }
+      },
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("@my-scope/my-lib 2.0.0");
-    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("Successfully published @my-scope/my-lib v2.0.0 to NPM");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include(
+      "Successfully published @my-scope/my-lib v2.0.0 to NPM"
+    );
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=type::major");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=version::2.0.0");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=old-version::1.0.0");
@@ -426,9 +590,10 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=dry-run::false");
-    files.assert.contents("home/.npmrc",
+    files.assert.contents(
+      "home/.npmrc",
       `//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=\${INPUT_TOKEN}${EOL}` +
-      `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
+        `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
@@ -436,7 +601,10 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
   it("should publish to a specific tag", () => {
-      { path: "workspace/package.json", contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "2.0.0" }},
+      {
+        path: "workspace/package.json",
+        contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "2.0.0" },
+      },
@@ -464,12 +632,14 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
       env: {
         INPUT_TOKEN: "my-secret-token",
         INPUT_TAG: "next",
-      }
+      },
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("my-lib 2.0.0");
-    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("Successfully published my-lib v2.0.0 to NPM");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include(
+      "Successfully published my-lib v2.0.0 to NPM"
+    );
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=type::major");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=version::2.0.0");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=old-version::1.0.0");
@@ -478,9 +648,10 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=dry-run::false");
-    files.assert.contents("home/.npmrc",
+    files.assert.contents(
+      "home/.npmrc",
       `//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=\${INPUT_TOKEN}${EOL}` +
-      `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
+        `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
@@ -488,7 +659,10 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
   it("should publish a scoped package with public access", () => {
-      { path: "workspace/package.json", contents: { name: "@my-scope/my-lib", version: "2.0.0" }},
+      {
+        path: "workspace/package.json",
+        contents: { name: "@my-scope/my-lib", version: "2.0.0" },
+      },
@@ -515,13 +689,15 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     let cli = exec.action({
       env: {
         INPUT_TOKEN: "my-secret-token",
-        INPUT_ACCESS: "public"
-      }
+        INPUT_ACCESS: "public",
+      },
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("@my-scope/my-lib 2.0.0");
-    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("Successfully published @my-scope/my-lib v2.0.0 to NPM");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include(
+      "Successfully published @my-scope/my-lib v2.0.0 to NPM"
+    );
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=type::major");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=version::2.0.0");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=old-version::1.0.0");
@@ -530,9 +706,10 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=dry-run::false");
-    files.assert.contents("home/.npmrc",
+    files.assert.contents(
+      "home/.npmrc",
       `//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=\${INPUT_TOKEN}${EOL}` +
-      `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
+        `registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/${EOL}`
@@ -540,7 +717,10 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
   it("should not publish a package if dryRun is true", () => {
-      { path: "workspace/package.json", contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "1.1.0" }},
+      {
+        path: "workspace/package.json",
+        contents: { name: "my-lib", version: "1.1.0" },
+      },
@@ -567,8 +747,8 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     let cli = exec.action({
       env: {
         INPUT_TOKEN: "my-secret-token",
-        "INPUT_DRY-RUN": "true"
-      }
+        "INPUT_DRY-RUN": "true",
+      },
@@ -579,10 +759,11 @@ describe("GitHub Action - success tests", () => {
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=access::public");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("::set-output name=dry-run::true");
     expect(cli).stdout.to.include("my-lib 1.1.0");
-    expect(cli).stdout.to.include("📦 my-lib v1.1.0 was NOT actually published to NPM (dry run)");
+    expect(cli).stdout.to.include(
+      "📦 my-lib v1.1.0 was NOT actually published to NPM (dry run)"
+    );