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GameDev Resources

💲 = Paid, 🚩 = Limited Free, 🆓 = 100% Free, 🅾️ = Open Source

Please remember to always look at the license before using something in your project.


2D Assets

3D Assets

  • 🆓 Blender 3D models - 3D models, particle systems/effects
  • 🆓 Matcaps - A Huge library of matcap textures in PNG and ZMT, organized by color.
  • 🆓 Poly Pizza - Searchable library of low poly creative commons 3D models
  • 🆓 Reiner's Tilesets - A blog with free 2D and 3D graphics.

Audio Assets

Multiple Graphic Collections

  • 🚩 CGTextures - A large collection of textures.
  • 💲 GameDev Market - a community-driven marketplace that connects indie game developers with talented asset creators.
  • 🚩 LotPixel - A huge assets library. Photogrammetry and PBR Textures, 3D Models, Decals. 1500+ Free Texture Available.
  • 🆓 OpenGameArt - a media repository intended for use with free software game projects.
  • 🆓 PlainTextures - Free high resolution textures, brushes and photos
  • 🚩 Sketchfab - Publish & embed interactive 3D models.
  • 🆓 Vecteezy - Free Vector Art.


Ads and Monetization

  • AdMob by Google - Google's Ads and monetization service for mobile.
  • Appodeal - A programmatic ad mediation solution for mobile apps.
  • Unity Ads - Unity3D Official Ads SDK.

2D Engines and Frameworks

  • 🅾️ Allegro - Allegro 4 & 5 are cross-platform, open source, game programming libraries, primarily for C and C++ developers.
  • 🅾️ Bladecoder - Classic point-and-click adventure game engine and editor.
  • 🅾️ Box2D - A 2D Physics Engine for Games.
  • 🅾️ Chipmunk C# - C# implementation of the Chipmunk2D lib.
  • 🅾️ Chipmunk2D - A fast and lightweight 2D game physics library.
  • 🅾️ Cocos2D - graphic library for games and multimedia, for Python language
  • 🆓 Cocos2d-x - a C++ OpenGL 2D and 3D game engine. It uses C++ but has JS and Lua bindings.
  • 🚩 Construct 2 - an HTML5 game maker, meaning you are not writing JavaScript. Instead, you use actions, events, and conditions to do the heavy lifting.
  • 🅾️ Coquette - A micro framework for JavaScript games. Handles collision detection, the game update loop, canvas rendering, and keyboard and mouse input.
  • 🆓 Defold 2D game engine by King
  • 🆓 EasyRPG - Role-playing game creation tool compatible with RPG Maker 2000/2003 games
  • 🅾️ ENGi - A multi-platform 2D game library for Go.
  • 🅾️ Ejecta - A Fast, Open Source JavaScript, Canvas & Audio Implementation for iOS.
  • 🅾️ EnchantJS - A simple JavaScript framework for creating games and apps (old).
  • 💲 GameMaker - Very good 2D game engine
  • 💲 GameSalad - Game Creation Engine for Mac and Windows.
  • 🅾️ Gideros - Mobile Cross-Platform framework using Lua programming language.
  • 🅾️ Glide Engine - Game engine for making 2d games on iOS, macOS, and tvOS, with practical examples.
  • 🅾️ Godot - Open-source 2D and 3D game engine with a propietary langauge known as GDScript. It can also be used in C# and C++.
  • 🅾️ Gosu - 2D game development library for Ruby and C++
  • 🅾️ HaxeFlixel - Create cross-platform games easier and free in Haxe.
  • 🅾️ - A mature cross-platform graphics engine for high-performance games written in Haxe.
  • 🅾️ iio.js - A javascript library that speeds the creation and deployment of HTML5 Canvas applications
  • 🅾️JNGL - 2D C++ Cross-Platform engine for Nintendo Switch, Xbox, Linux, Windows, OS X, Web, Android, iOS and more.
  • 🅾️ Juno TypeScript - Clean and lightweight 2D game framework written in TypeScript
  • 🅾️ Kivent - A 2D game framework for Kivy.
  • 🅾️ Kivy - Cross-platform Python framework for creating apps and games for Linux, Windows, OS X, Android, and iOS
  • 🅾️ Lums - A 2D / 3D framework written in C++11. Very efficient and modern. Still under heavy development.
  • 🅾️ LÖVE - Lua 2D Game Engine, very good game jam engine.
  • 🅾️ MINX - Open Source 2D game framework written in C++ (to the style of XNA)
  • 🅾️ Matter.js - a 2D physics engine for the web.
  • 🅾️ MelonJS - open source light-weight HTML5 game engine.
  • 🅾️ Monogame - Open Source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4 Framework.
  • 🆓 NodeBox - a family of Python tools to create a generative design.
  • 🅾️ OpenFL - Open Source Haxe Engine for making multi-platform games.
  • 🅾️OpenRA - OpenRA is a Libre/Free Real Time Strategy Game Engine.
  • 🅾️ORX - ORX is a 2.5D Data-driven C/C++ open source & multi-platform Game Engine.
  • 💲 PICO-8 - A fantasy console for making, sharing, and playing tiny games and other computer programs.
  • 🅾️ PandaJS - Open Source HTML5 Engine.
  • 🅾️ Phaser - Free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
  • 🅾️ PixiJS - is a newcomer HTML5 game renderer - first released in early 2013. The main appeal of the engine is its use of WebGL for faster performance. If WebGL isn't supported, the engine falls back to standard canvas.
  • 🆓 PuzzleScript - open-source HTML5 puzzle game engine.
  • 🅾️ PyGame - a 2D game engine in Python.
  • 💲 RPGMaker - series of programs for the development of role-playing games.
  • 🆓 Ren'Py - visual novel engine using the Python language in simplified form. It supports Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android and iOS
  • 🆓 SDL - SDL is a cross-platform library designed to provide low-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D.
  • 🆓 SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library.
  • 🅾️ Solar2D - A Cross-Platform Mobile App Development for iOS and Android (corona).
  • 🆓 Solarus a free and open-source Action-RPG (Zelda) game engine
  • 🅾️ SpriteBuilder - Open Source Game Development Suite for MacOS
  • 🆓 SpriteKit - SpriteKit code to make your game work on iOS, macOS, and tvOS without a hitch.
  • 🅾️ Stage.js - Lightweight and fast 2D HTML5 rendering and layout engine for cross-platform game development.
  • 🆓 Stencyl - a game creation platform that allows users to create 2D video games for computers, mobile devices, and the web.
  • 🅾️ Tilengine - C Engine with wrappers for C#, Python and Java.
  • Tiny Computer - open-source fantasy computer for making, playing, and sharing tiny games.

3D Engines and Frameworks

  • 🅾️ Amazon Lumberyard - Amazon Lumberyard is a free AAA game engine deeply integrated, no longer offered
  • 🆓 Azul3D - A 3D engine written in Go.
  • 🅾️ bgfx - Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
  • 🅾️ Bevy - A data-driven game engine in the form of a Rust library.
  • 🅾️ Bullet - Real-time physics simulation.
  • 🅾️ Cinder - Cinder is a community-developed, free, and open-source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++.
  • 🅾️ Dash - A free and open 3D game engine written in D.
  • 🅾️ Diligent Engine - A modern cross-platform low-level graphics library that supports Direct3D11, Direct3D12, OpenGL/GLES, and Vulkan.
  • 🆓 Evergine - The graphics development engine for business and industry. Build high-quality 3D solutions and deploy them to any platform.
  • 🅾️ 🚩 Flax Engine - multi-platform 3D game engine
  • 🅾️ Godot - An advanced, feature-packed, multi-platform 2D and 3D open-source game engine.
  • 🅾️ Horde3D - small open source 3D rendering engine.
  • 🅾️ Irrlicht - open source high performance realtime 3D engine written in C++.
  • 🅾️ jMonkeyEngine 3 - a 3D open-source game engine for adventurous Java developers.
  • 🆓 JPCT - jPCT is a 3D engine for desktop Java and Google's Android.
  • 🅾️ ODE - ODE is an open-source, high-performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics.
  • 🆓 Ogre3D - is a scene-oriented, real-time, flexible 3D rendering engine (as opposed to a game engine) written in C++.
  • 🚩 OpenXRay - a community-modified X-Ray engine used in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series.
  • 🅾️ Open 3D Engine (O3ED) - Successor to Amazon Lumberyard, an open-source, real-time, multi-platform 3D engine to build AAA games
  • 🅾️ Panda3D - a framework for 3D rendering and game development for Python and C++ programs.
  • 🅾️ Piston - a modular open-source game engine written in Rust.
  • 🆓 PlayCanvas - A WebGL Game Engine with limited free
  • 🅾️ Rajawali - Android OpenGL ES 2.0/3.0 Engine
  • 🅾️ Raylib - A simple 2D and 3D graphics library, with bindings available in numerous programming languages.
  • 🆓 Source Valve's Flagship engine
  • 🆓 Spring - A powerful free cross-platform RTS engine.
  • 💲 Stingray - 3D game engine and real-time rendering software
  • 🅾️ Stride - open-source C# game engine designed for both 2D and 3D games, as well as any other interactive content running on desktop and VR
  • 🆓 Superpowers - HTML5 Collaborative 2D/3D Game Maker
  • 🅾️ Three.js - Javascript 3D Library.
  • 🆓 Unity 3D - A development engine for the creation of 2D and 3D games and interactive content.
  • 🆓 Unreal Engine 4 - the new game engine technology developed by Epic Games.
  • 🅾️ Urho3D - Cross-platform rendering and game engine.+
  • 🅾️ WhiteStorm.js - 3d javacript framework for building apps and games

Game Source Code

Modules and Additional API

  • 🆓 AirConsole- Add controller support using broswer
  • 🅾️ DotRecast - a port of Recast & Detour, navigation mesh toolset for games, Unity3D, servers, C#
  • 🅾️ ecs-lib - ecs-lib is a tiny and easy to use ECS (Entity Component System) library for game programming. It's written in Typescript but you can use on node.js and web browser too.
  • 🅾️ Friflo.Engine.ECS - High-performance C# ECS with simple API. Supports .NET, WASM/WebAssembly, Native AOT, Unity, Godot, MonoGame, ...
  • 🅾️ kitlang - Kit is a programming language designed for creating concise, high performance cross-platform applications.
  • 🅾️ p2.js - JavaScript 2D physics library
  • 🅾️ SimpleAI - C++ AI behaviour tree based library with a QT5 based remote debugger


Idea Generators

  • 🆓 Boardgamizer - Board Game Design Idea Generator.
  • 🆓 Gigster Randomized Game Idea Generator
  • 🆓 RPTools - a brand of open-source programs designed to enhance traditional pen-and-paper role playing games.
  • 🆓 Video Game Name Generator Randomized video games names

Marketing and PR

  • 🆓 Yunoia - Online Publishers/Marketing


Project Management

  • 🚩 Asana - Free cloud project Management
  • 🚩 Casual - Visual Project Management
  • 🚩 ClickUp - One app to replace them all.
  • 💲 Codecks - Project Management Tool inspired by Collectible Card Games
  • 🚩 HacknPlan - Project management for game developers
  • 🚩 Taiga - Project management platform for agile developers & designers
  • 🚩 Trello - Organize and prioritize projects


Blogs and Portals


Game Jams





  • 💲 Fusion Character Animator - small tool for Clickteam Fusion 2.5 to facilitate the animation of 2D character sprites for developers.
  • 🅾️ ScreenToGif - record a selected area of your screen and save it as a Gif
  • 💲 Spine - Spine is dedicated to 2D animation, providing an efficient workflow both for creating amazing animation and for integrating it into your games.
  • 🅾️ DragonBones - The Open Source 2D skeleton animation solution for Flash
  • 🅾️ LWF - Lightweight SWF. LWF is an animation engine that can play animation data converted from FLASH contents in HTML5, Unity, Cocos2d-x, iOS UIKit, and more.

Audio Tools

  • 🅾️ Ardour - A multichannel digital audio workstation
  • 🅾️ Audacity - cross-platform software for recording and editing sounds.
  • 🆓 BeepBox - online tool for sketching and sharing chiptune melodies
  • 🆓 Bfxr - A tool to make sound effects for computer games.
  • 🆓 Bosca Ceoil - Online (and also desktop) music producer made by Terry Cavanagh. Simple, intuitive, and has a distinctive retro-ish sound.
  • 🆓 ChipTone - Online sound effect generator
  • 🆓 FamiTracker - Produce music for the NES/Famicom-systems
  • 🆓 jfxr - A JavaScript port of the Bfxr sound effect generator.
  • 🅾️ LMMS - digital audio workstation software
  • 🆓 MadTracker - a powerful and efficient approach to making music. Versatility and compatibility are guaranteed due to full VST™, ASIO™, and ReWire™ support.
  • 🅾️ Musagi - fairly large and sophisticated music editor and synthesizer
  • 🆓 PulseBoy web-based musical sequencer which only uses 8bit sounds and samples
  • 🅾️ Rosegarden - music composition and editing environmen
  • 💲 Soundation - Online Professional music studio.
  • 🆓 SunVox - a small, fast and powerful modular synthesizer with a pattern-based sequencer (tracker).
  • 🅾️ Unity-Audio-Manager - Plugin, that allows to easily play/change/stop/mute/... sounds in 2D/3D

Bitmap Compression

  • 🆓 ImageAlpha — Mac OS X GUI for pngquant and other tools
  • 🅾️ Image Asset Generation Photoshop plug-in — Easy export layers to files.
  • 💲 - robust, ultra-fast image optimizer and compressor with best-in-class algorithms.
  • 🆓 PNGGauntlet - Smash PNGs for faster sites
  • 🆓 PNGoo - Windows GUI for batch conversion.
  • 🅾️ Pngyu - simple PNG image file compression tool.
  • 🆓 SuperPNG Photoshop plug-in — Mac and Windows. Comparison with "Save for Web"
  • 🆓 TinyPNG - Advanced lossy compression for PNG images that preserves full alpha transparency.

Character Generators

  • 🆓 Charas - Charas is a charset generator for RPG Maker.

Design Tools

  • 💲 articy:draft visual environment for the creation and organization of game content.
  • 🆓 Dundoc Game Design starter Template
  • 💲 Scrivener Helps concentrate on composing and structuring long and difficult documents
  • 🆓 Tiny Game Design Tool small, portable booklet created in order to help game designers.
  • 🅾️ Twine - Open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories.

IDE and Editors

  • 🅾️ Atom Highly customizable open source text editor
  • 🆓 CodeLobster - free cross-platform integrated development environment
  • 🆓 Eclipse - integrated development environment mainly used for Java
  • 🅾️ Notepad++ Notepad replacement that supports several languages.
  • 💲 Sublime Text Sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.
  • 🆓 Visual Studio Code Free. Built on open source. Runs everywhere.
  • 🆓 Visual Studio Community Edition A fully-featured, extensible, free IDE


  • 🅾️ Material Maker - Material Maker is a procedural materials authoring tool based on the Godot Engine.


Pixel Editor

  • 💲 Aseprite - Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool
  • 💲 Hexels - intuitive 2D, grid-based painting tool
  • 💲 Pickle - Another Pixel art Editor.
  • 🅾️ PiskelApp - Free Online Pixel Art and Animated Sprite Tool.
  • 🆓 Pixa.Pics - Load any image on the web app as a pixel art. Then, draw, and eventually vectorize art.
  • 🆓 Pixelicious - Image-to-Pixel Art converter
  • 💲 Pixen - Pixel Art Editor for OSX (Warning: Pixen previously did not support custom gif palettes before becoming paid, and may still have this limiation.)
  • 💲 PyxelEdit - Pixel art editor designed to make it fun and easy to make tilesets, levels and animations.


  • 🅾️ Cheetah-Texture-Packer - High efficient and fast 2D bin packing tool
  • 🆓 GlueIT Free Simple Spritesheet Tool
  • 🆓 Leshy SpriteSheet Tool - HTML5 tool for creating, packing, and modifying sprite sheets and texture atlases
  • 🅾️ Libgdx Texture Packer - Texture Packer built into Libgdx
  • 🆓 MakeAtlas - Simple tool to pack a texture atlas
  • 🆓 ShoeBox - Adobe Air based app with game and ui related tools.
  • 🅾️ Kavex's Spritesheet Maker - Free spritesheet maker to replace GlueIT. Has much newer export formats.
  • 🚩 SpriteUV2 - tool for creating optimal meshes for textures/sprites and packing them into an atlas.
  • 🅾️ Stitches An HTML5 sprite sheet generator
  • 💲 TexturePacker - Great spritesheet creation editor.

Story Design

  • 🆓 RapidQuest Free Branching Quest design tool

Terrain Generators

  • 🆓 Canyon Terrain Editor - Create quality, realistic terrain quickly and intuitively
  • 🆓 Fracplanet - Fractal planet and terrain generator
  • 💲 World Machine - Procedural terrain creation, simulations of nature, and interactive editing


  • 💲 FilterForge - A plugin for Adobe Photoshop that allows you to build your own filters.
  • 💲 PixPlant - Smart 3D texturing tool that creates high quality normal, displacement, specular maps and seamless textures from photos.

Tile/Level Editors

  • 🅾️ OGMO Editor - generic level editor.
  • 🆓 Mappy - Free tilemap editor.
  • 🆓 Sprite Fusion - Free tilemap editor running in the browser, export your tilemaps as native Unity Packages and Godot Maps.
  • 🆓 Tiled - free, easy to use and flexible tile map editor.

Vector/Image Editor

  • 🅾️ Gimp - GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.
  • 🅾️ Krita - Sketching and painting, offering an end-to-end solution for creating digital painting files from scratch by masters.
  • 🅾️ Inkscape - Inkscape is a free and open-source vector graphics editor for traditional Unix-compatible systems such as GNU/Linux, BSD derivatives and Illumos, as well as Windows and macOS.
  • 🆓 Paint.NET - Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for PCs that run Windows.
  • 💲 Pixelmator - Full-featured image editing app for the Mac
  • 💲 Affinity Designer - Professional graphic design software, easy to use and fast
  • 💲 Affinity Photo - Professional photo editing software

Voxel Editors

  • 🅾️ goxel - Open source 3D voxel editor
  • 🅾️ VoxelShop- Open source for modify and create voxel objects

Bug Reporting

  • 🚩 Instabug - Bug Reporting tool for Unity that enables beta users to send feedback in-app.


Game Development Tutorials

Graphics/Modeling Tutorials

Music Tutorials

Programming Tutorials

A selection of major game studios, publishers, etc. using GitHub: