color-thief Public
Forked from lokesh/color-thiefGrabs the dominant color or a representative color palette from an image. Uses javascript and canvas.
JavaScript UpdatedApr 17, 2014 -
flashtimeline_to_tweenmaxjs Public
Forked from milkmidi/flashtimeline_to_tweenmaxjsFlashTimeline to TweenMax JS
JavaScript UpdatedApr 15, 2014 -
colors Public
Forked from mrmrs/colorsSmarter defaults for colors on the web.
CSS UpdatedMar 9, 2014 -
zxx.lib.css Public
Forked from zhangxinxu/zxx.lib.cssa css library for quick layout, especially for flow layout
CSS UpdatedFeb 27, 2014 -
html2canvas Public
Forked from niklasvh/html2canvasScreenshots with JavaScript
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 23, 2014 -
jquery-qrcode Public
Forked from jeromeetienne/jquery-qrcodeqrcode generation standalone (doesn't depend on external services)
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 12, 2013 -
js-signals Public
Forked from millermedeiros/js-signalsCustom Event/Messaging system for JavaScript inspired by AS3-Signals
JavaScript UpdatedOct 4, 2013 -
HTML9-Responsive-Boilerstrap-js Public
Forked from impressivewebs/HTML9-Responsive-Boilerstrap-jsHTML9 Responsive Boilerstrap JS
UpdatedSep 26, 2013 -
generator-getting-started Public
Forked from tomkrcha/generator-getting-startedAdobe Generator Getting Started Tutorial. Scripting Photoshop with JavaScript Node.js
JavaScript The Unlicense UpdatedSep 9, 2013 -
parallax Public
Forked from wagerfield/parallaxSimple, lightweight parallax engine that reacts to the orientation of a smart device
JavaScript Other UpdatedAug 27, 2013 -
paperjs-scroll-sections Public
Forked from legomushroom/paperjs-scroll-sections使用paperjs以及tweenjs实现的果冻效果
JavaScript UpdatedAug 15, 2013 -
skrollr Public
Forked from Prinzhorn/skrollrStand-alone parallax scrolling library for mobile (Android + iOS) and desktop. No jQuery. Just plain JavaScript (and some love).
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 6, 2013 -
jString.js Public
Forked from hmkcode/jString.jsjString is a javascript library extending String object with frequently needed methods
JavaScript UpdatedAug 2, 2013 -
es6-shim Public
Forked from paulmillr/es6-shimECMAScript 6 (Harmony) compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines
JavaScript UpdatedJul 28, 2013 -
es5-shim Public
Forked from es-shims/es5-shimECMAScript 5 compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 25, 2013 -
simpScroller Public
Forked from zhangxinxu/simpScrollera simple scrolling method for mobile
JavaScript UpdatedJul 17, 2013 -
verlet-js Public
Forked from subprotocol/verlet-jsA simple Verlet physics engine written in javascript
JavaScript Other UpdatedJun 17, 2013 -
my-class Public
Forked from jiem/my-classProbably the fastest JS class system out there
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 4, 2013 -
BookBlock Public
Forked from codrops/BookBlockA jQuery plugin that will create a booklet-like component that let's you navigate through its items by flipping the pages. 翻书效果jQuery插件
JavaScript UpdatedMay 28, 2013 -
resizeend Public
Forked from porada/resizeendDebounced JavaScript resize event with orientationchange flavor
JavaScript UpdatedMay 24, 2013 -
PageTransitions Public
Forked from codrops/PageTransitionsA showcase collection of various page transition effects using CSS animations. 非常全的页面切换渐变效果的合集
JavaScript UpdatedMay 22, 2013 -
EaselJS Public
Forked from CreateJS/EaselJSThe Easel Javascript library provides a full, hierarchical display list, a core interaction model, and helper classes to make working with the HTML5 Canvas element much easier. Join the google grou…
JavaScript UpdatedMay 16, 2013 -
filed Public
Forked from mikeal/filedSimplified file library. for NodeJS
JavaScript UpdatedMay 13, 2013 -
pixi.js Public
Forked from pixijs/pixijsSuper fast HTML 5 2D rendering engine that uses webGL with canvas fallback WebGL的Canvas框架
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 10, 2013 -
html5shiv Public
Forked from aFarkas/html5shivThis script is the defacto way to enable use of HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy Internet Explorer.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 7, 2013 -
sandbox Public
Forked from CreateJS/sandboxCreateJS 例子、辅助类、经验、资源... Contains demos, helper classes, experiments, and other resources that don't belong in the main repos.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 3, 2013 -
backbone.marionette Public
Forked from marionettejs/backbone.marionetteMake your Backbone.js apps dance with a composite application architecture!
JavaScript Other UpdatedApr 19, 2013