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57 lines (44 loc) · 2.14 KB

File metadata and controls

57 lines (44 loc) · 2.14 KB

How do I separetly bundle common logic for multiple entries?

If you are using multiple entries you might consider using the yoshi.splitChunks, it will create a seperate file (chunk) consisting of common modules shared between multiple entry points. This results in page speed optimizations as the browser can quickly serve the shared code from cache, rather than being forced to load a larger bundle whenever a new page is visited.

If you want to add it, go to your package.json and add the commonChunks option, the value can be a boolean or an object.

"yoshi": {
  "entry": {
    "a": "./a",
    "b": "./b",
  "splitChunks": true

Insert true for the default configuration and an object for custom configuraion, it is the same config you would normaly insert to the plugin -> optimization.splitChunks: <config>

// default configuration
  "chunks": "all",
  "name": "commons",
  "minChunks": 2

Once the plugin is active it will generate the following files if needed:

  1. commons.chunk.js
  2. commons.chunk.min.js
  4. commons.css
  5. commons.min.css

Don't forget to add them into your html file before the entry point.

<script src="commons.chunk<% if (!debug) { %>.min<% } %>.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="entry.bundle<% if (!debug) { %>.min<% } %>.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="commons<% if (!debug) { %>.min<% } %>.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="app<% if (!debug) { %>.min<% } %>.css" />

Note: since 1.1.0 version (webpack 4 support), if you're customizing splitChunks with configuration object, you should pass splitChunks.chunks: "all" | "async" | "initial" option.
Plase look into RIP CommonsChunkPlugin to receive all advantage of webpack 4 splitChunks optimizations.

Note 2: consider chunk filename update after 1.1.0: chunk instead of bundle:

- commons.bundle.js
+ commons.chunk.js