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A .NET client for high performance time-series writes into QuestDB.


Getting started

Use NuGet to add a dependency on this library.

See: (Optional) to use the client with TCP protocol authentication add NuGet refrence to


Sender is single-threaded, and uses a single connection to the database.

If you want to send in parallel, you can use multiple senders and standard async tasking.

See more in-depth documentation here.

Basic usage

using var sender =  Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;");
await sender.Table("trades")
    .Symbol("symbol", "ETH-USD")
    .Symbol("side", "sell")
    .Column("price", 2615.54)
    .Column("amount", 0.00044)
    .AtAsync(new DateTime(2021, 11, 25, 0, 46, 26));
await sender.SendAsync();

Multi-line send (sync)

using var sender = Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;");
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
      .Symbol("symbol", "ETH-USD")
      .Symbol("side", "sell")
      .Column("price", 2615.54)
      .Column("amount", 0.00044)


By default, the client will flush every 75,000 rows (HTTP) or 600 rows (TCP).

Alternatively, it will flush every 1000ms.

This is equivalent to a config string of:

using var sender = Sender.New("http:addr=localhost:9000;auto_flush=on;auto_flush_rows=75000;auto_flush_interval=1000;");

A final flush or send should always be used, as auto flush is not guaranteed to send all pending data before the sender is disposed.

Flush every 1000 rows or every 1 second

using var sender = Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;auto_flush=on;auto_flush_rows=1000;");

Flush every 5000 rows

using var sender = Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;auto_flush=on;auto_flush_rows=1000;auto_flush_interval=off;");

Flush after 5 seconds

using var sender = Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;auto_flush=on;auto_flush_rows=off;auto_flush_interval=5000;");

Flush only when buffer is 4kb

using var sender = Sender.New("http::addr=localhost:9000;auto_flush=on;auto_flush_bytes=4096;auto_flush_rows=off;auto_flush_interval=off;");


HTTP Authentication (Basic)

using var sender = Sender.New("https::addr=localhost:9009;tls_verify=unsafe_off;username=admin;password=quest;");

HTTP Authentication (Token)

using var sender = Sender.New("https::addr=localhost:9009;tls_verify=unsafe_off;username=admin;token=<bearer token>");

TCP Authentication

๐Ÿ’ฅ From net-questdb-client Version 2.1.0, if you want to use TCP Authentication, you must add a reference to

using var sender = Sender.New("tcps::addr=localhost:9009;tls_verify=unsafe_off;username=admin;token=NgdiOWDoQNUP18WOnb1xkkEG5TzPYMda5SiUOvT1K0U=;");

Configuration Parameters

These options are set either using a config string, or by initialising QuestDBOptions.

The config string format is:

Name Default Description
protocol (schema) http The transport protocol to use. Options are http(s)/tcp(s).
addr localhost:9000 The {host}:{port} pair denoting the QuestDB server. By default, port 9000 for HTTP, port 9009 for TCP.
auto_flush on Enables or disables auto-flushing functionality. By default, the buffer will be flushed every 75,000 rows, or every 1000ms, whichever comes first.
auto_flush_rows 75000 (HTTP) 600 (TCP) The row count after which the buffer will be flushed. Effectively a batch size.
auto_flush_bytes Int.MaxValue The byte buffer length which when exceeded, will trigger a flush.
auto_flush_interval 1000 The millisecond interval, which once has elapsed, the next row triggers a flush.
init_buf_size 65536 The starting byte buffer length. Overflowing this buffer will cause the allocation init_buf_size bytes (an additional buffer).
max_buf_size 104857600 Maximum size of the byte buffer in bytes. If exceeded, an exception will be thrown.
username The username for authentication. Used for Basic Authentication and TCP JWK Authentication.
password The password for authentication. Used for Basic Authentication.
token The token for authentication. Used for Token Authentication and TCP JWK Authentication, needs additional reference to net-questdb-client-tcp-auth assembly
token_x Un-used.
token_y Un-used.
tls_verify on Denotes whether TLS certificates should or should not be verifed. Options are on/unsafe_off.
tls_ca Un-used.
tls_roots Used to specify the filepath for a custom .pem certificate.
tls_roots_password Used to specify the filepath for the private key/password corresponding to the tls_roots certificate.
auth_timeout 15000 The time period to wait for authenticating requests, in milliseconds.
request_timeout 10000 Base timeout for HTTP requests before any additional time is added.
request_min_throughput 102400 Expected minimum throughput of requests in bytes per second. Used to add additional time to request_timeout to prevent large requests timing out prematurely.
retry_timeout 10000 The time period during which retries will be attempted, in milliseconds.
max_name_len 127 The maximum allowed bytes, in UTF-8 format, for column and table names.

net-questdb-client specific parameters

Name Default Description
own_socket true Specifies whether the internal TCP data stream will own the underlying socket or not.
pool_timeout 120000 Sets the idle timeout for HTTP connections in SocketsHttpHandler.

Properties and methods

Name Returns Description
Length int Current length in bytes of the buffer (not capacity!)
RowCount int Current row count of the buffer
LastFlush DateTime Returns the UTC DateTime of the last flush sending data to the server.
WithinTransaction bool Whether or not the Sender is currently in a transactional state.
Transaction(ReadOnlySpan<char>) ISender Starts a new transaction for the table.
Commit() / CommitAsync() void / Task Commits the current transaction.
Rollback() void Rolls back the current unsent transaction.
Table(ReadOnlySpan<char>) ISender Sets the table name for the next row.
Column(ReadOnlySpan<char>, ReadOnlySpan<char> / string / long / double / DateTime / DateTimeOffset) ISender Specify column name and value
Column(ReadOnlySpan<char>, string? / long? / double? / DateTime? / DateTimeOffset?) ISender Specify column name and value
Symbol(ReadOnlySpan<char>, ReadOnlySpan<char> / string) ISender Specify a symbol column name and value
At(DateTime / DateTimeOffset / long, CancellationToken) void Designated timestamp for the line. May flush data according to auto-flush.
AtAsync(DateTime / DateTimeOffset / long, CancellationToken) ValueTask Designated timestamp for the line. May flush data according to auto-flush.
AtNow(CancellationToken) void Finishes line, leaving the QuestDB server to set the timestamp
AtNowAsync(CancellationToken) ValueTask Finishes line, leaving the QuestDB server to set the timestamp
Send() / SendAsync() void / Task Send IO Buffers to QuestDB
CancelRow() void Cancels current row.
Truncate() void Trims empty buffers.
Clear() void Clears the sender's buffer.


FAQ ๐Ÿ”ฎ

Does this client perform both read and write operations?

No. This client is for writing data only. For querying, see the Query & SQL overview

I updated from version < 2.0.0 and now have error Could not load QuestDB.Secp256r1SignatureGenerator, please add a reference to assembly "net-client-questdb-tcp-auth\"

Since Version 2.1.0, in order to use TCP authentication, an additional NuGet package is required This was changed to remove the dependency on BouncyCastle.Cryptography from the main library, since it was only required for TCP authentication.

Where do I report issues with the client?

If something is not working as expected, please open an issue.

Where can I learn more about QuestDB?

Your best bet is to read the documentation.

Where else can I go to get help?

Come visit the QuestDB community Slack.

Contribute ๐Ÿš€

We welcome contributors to the project. Before you begin, a couple notes...

License ๐Ÿ“—

Apache 2.0

Thank you to all the contributors!