For various mysterious reasons, learning the 2 digit abbreviations for lots of countries off by heart is going to make me more efficient at my job. Therefore I decided to build a mini quiz game that can help me memorise them, and practice Javascript at the same time.
I don't want to know if this game already exists on or in a thousand other places so if you know of one keep it to yourself
The aim is to have a simple text input field that checks user input against the currently displayed ISO country abbreviation. If a correct answer is entered, the user is awarded a point and a new code is randomly selected from the list and displayed. The user will have the option to select either codes from the whole world, or a randomly chosen subset.
Basic functionality:
- The user is displayed a 2 digit country code
- The user is started with a point score of 0
- The user can enter a country name into a text input field
- The inputted text is checked against the country name
- If the text matches the country, the user's score is increased by 1 and a new, random country code is displayed for the user
Stretch goals:
- The user can choose to go through all the countries once and see what score they get, or
- The user can keep going indefinitely and their score is recorded as a 'streak'
- The flag for each country is shown before/after the country has been guessed correctly
- Users are given a profile when they visit the site which is retained in persistent storage, along with personal high scores
- The high scores of all players are displayed to other users
The back-end will be built using Node.js and Hapi. Testing will be done using Tape on the back-end and Qunit on the front to practice using different test suites.