- Docker: simple API functionality on top of Linux namespaces and cgroups
- Containers do not inherently offer security enhancements
- they can provide protection from common mistakes, but not against vulnerabilities
- regular vulnerabilities found in virtualisation technologies, any process allowed to execute arbritrary code on a host could be a vulnerability for any other process
- Container namespaces are PIDs, UTS, IFS (NAT), and ____
- As containers are simply Linux processes, they share kernel-wide scheduler. Not all kernel features are namespaced, so things like memory will still refer to host-wide values
- Hypervisor overhead depends on the application load type:
- CPU intensive tasks - ~0 overhead
- memory intensive tasks - low overhead (~5-10%)
- IO intensive tasks - high overhead (~100%)
- Containers benefit massively from memory utilisation compared to VMs
- memory is usually the most expensive resource for systems
- Google developed Borg in-house and then open-sourced Kubernetes as an alternative that did not need to run in a Google data centre
- Borg has ~80 Google full time employees working on it
- Kubernetes has ~800 Google FTEs, nominally open-source but largely depends on community of directed actors
- Using Kubernetes does not inherently make the application in question portable
- there will almost always be platform specific requirements e.g. storage, supporting services, that will introduce provider-specific dependencies
- still likely to be easier than if not using Kubernetes at all though
- Interesting aside: there is no system call in Linux to enumerate running processes - instead the contents of
highlights what processes are runnning.ps -A
only shows processes of the container because of the mount namespace
- Simplest unit of deployment in Kubernetes
- Comprised of one or more containers
- Containers within a Pod share a networking namespace, including localhost
- have one IP between all containers run inside the Pod
- networking namespace conflicts possible
- Rare to run Pods explicitly, instead managed by other Kubernetes objects (ReplicaSets, Deployments)
- Scheduler and application both need to know the memory requirements
- containers (as processes) can see memory limits of the whole host (as they share the kernel scheduler), so need to manage themselves
- e.g. explicitly run a jvm with a --memory flag to limit maximum usage by single process
- As a programmer, it's critical to understand the resource footprint of your application
- every programmer should familiarise themselves with profiling and benchmarking tools
- Pods specs:
- Limits: safety net for other applications (neighours), info sent to kernel scheduler
- Requests: safety net for the application process (self), info sent to Kubernetes scheduler
- Scheduling only happens once, at Pod creation time
- Scheduling decisions are only based on requests
- Killing a process is the only (unix) way of reclaiming memory
- they cannot be throttled or partially reclaimed
- Applications should always be able to handle a restart
- critical for running successfully in a Kubernetes environment, but should also be the case no matter where it's run
- separation of stateless and stateful components
- Pod IP addresses are ephemeral
- Always fronted with Services, which give stable addresses (VIPs) and cluster-namespaced DNS entries
- Services are linked to backend Pods by selectors
- Routing occurs at OSI Level 4 so highly efficient and not limited to HTTP
- Anything that can make a TCP connection
- Services are distributed load-balancers
- routing logic is not configurable
- always uses a round-robin policy
- more complex balancing requires another infrastructure layer e.g. nginx servers behind the service that route based on different parameters
- A logical organnisation tool, not a security boundary
- Kubernetes objects can reference those in other namespaces
- Easy clean-up of related resources if properly namespaced, but take caution when doing so
- delete using the
ns -[namespace]
command, not subsequent flags
- delete using the
- Manages Pods
- Cannot update parameters within Pods
- immutable once deployed
- Manage updates to running Pods via ReplicaSets
- Manages roll-out, deprovisioning and updates
- Supply a Pod template with image definition
- Kubernetes will handle the roll-out strategy, it's up to application and the developer to handle potentially multiple versions of the application running at once
- Always intended to be used for stateless applications (alternative is to use StatefulSet)
- There is no safe way to do stateful things using Deployments or ReplicaSets
- State must be stored elsewhere other than the cluster
- Uses a hash value of the Pod template to name Pods and deployment objects
- changes to underlying values will always be reflected in name updates and facilitate updates
- manifest files should also refer to image definitions that are immutable (or directly reflect file content and therefore any changes)
- Both run by kubelet, an agent running on each node
- checks are therefore done within cluster network space
- Liveness
- check for responsivity
- done per container
- only restarts container, not the pod
- Readiness
- check whether container is ready to receive traffic
- container may be running but unable to connect to backend datastore or finished loading config, therefore technically responsive but not ready to serve client
- no traffic routed to a container while readiness probe is failing
- failing readiness probe will never restart the container
- Both checks need sensible timeouts and retries, which will vary between container role and infrastructure tier
- Plugins for volumes
- Defined at the Pod level (not container)
- Containers then mount volumes at e.g. a file system path specific to that container
- Handling concurrent access to same data store volume is an application concern (not Kubernetes)