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SnitchDNS Documentation

Environment Variables

Type Name Description Required Expected Value(s) Default
Database SNITCHDNS_DBMS DBMS No sqlite, mysql, postgres sqlite
Database SNITCHDNS_DB_USER DB User Only for mysql and postgres None
Database SNITCHDNS_DB_PW DB Password Only for mysql and postgres None
Database SNITCHDNS_DB_URL DB Hostname Only for mysql and postgres None
Database SNITCHDNS_DB_DB DB Name Only for mysql and postgres None
Data SNITCHDNS_DATA_PATH Data path to store user files, must be writable by the user running the server. No Absolute path to location ./data folder within this repo.
Session SNITCHDNS_SECRET_KEY Secret Key used to encrypt sessions Yes Random value

Configuration Settings

To configure SnitchDNS settings, use CLI:

./ flask settings set --name <setting_name> --value <setting_value>

Supported Settings

DNS Settings

Name Description
dns_base_domain The base domain under which log privileged users will be restricted to ( This is required even if you don't plan to have low-privileged users.
dns_daemon_bind_ip The IP address where the daemon will bind to - If in doubt use
dns_daemon_bind_port The port the daemon will bind to - Only unprivileged ports are allowed (>= 1024) in order to prevent users running SnitchDNS under root
dns_daemon_start_everyone Whether to allow low privileged users to start (not stop) the daemon if it's not running
forward_dns_address Comma-separated list of third party DNS server. For example, in order to use Google's DNS servers use,
forward_dns_enabled Whether DNS forwarding is enabled / true/false

LDAP Settings

Name Description
ldap_enabled Whether the LDAP authentication is enabled / true/false
ldap_ssl Whether to use SSL to connect to the LDAP server / true/false
ldap_host Host
ldap_base_dn Base Domain
ldap_domain Domain
ldap_bind_user Read-only service account username
ldap_bind_pass Read-only service account password
ldap_mapping_username Which attribute to use as the username / sAMAccountName (Required)
ldap_mapping_fullname Which attribute to use as the full name / givenName (Required)
ldap_mapping_email Which attribute to use as the e-mail / mail (Optional)


Name Description
slack_enabled Whether Slack Webhook notifications are enabled / true/false
teams_enabled Whether Teams Webhook notifications are enabled / true/false
smtp_enabled Whether e-mail notifications are enabled / true/false
smtp_host Host
smtp_port Port
smtp_tls SMTP TLS / SMTP
smtp_user Username
smtp_pass Password
smtp_sender Sender's e-mail address
webpush_enabled Whether Web Push notifications are enabled / true/false
vapid_private VAPID Private Key -
vapid_public Vapid Public Key -

Password Complexity

Name Description
pwd_min_length Minimum Length
pwd_min_lower Minimum Lower Characters
pwd_min_upper Minimum Upper Characters
pwd_min_digits Minimum Digit Characters
pwd_min_special Minimum Special Characters

CSV Logging

Name Description
csv_logging_enabled Whether CSV logging is enabled / true/false
csv_logging_file Absolute path of the output CSV file


Name Description
update_url Location of to check against - default value is

DNS Record Properties

Below are the supported DNS Records and their properties, for usage in CLI and/or API.

Properties per Type

DNS Type Properties Property Type
address string
address string
hostname string
subtype integer
name string
name string
cpu string
os string
name string
preference integer
order integer
preference integer
flags string
service string
regexp string
replacement string
name string
name string
mbox string
txt string
mname string
rname string
serial integer
refresh integer
retry integer
expire integer
minimum integer
data string
target string
port integer
priority integer
weight integer
algorithm integer
fingerprint_type integer
fingerprint string
algorithm string
timesigned integer
fudge integer
original_id integer
mac string
other_data string
data string

IP Restrictions

Below is an explanation on how the record IP restrictions work:

  • No restrictions exist.
    • Allow all traffic.
  • Only Allow rules exist.
    • Source IP must be within the allowed range in order to be allowed.
  • Only Block rules exist.
    • All traffic is allowed except IPs within the block range.
  • Both Allow and Block rules exist.
    • If Source IP is within the Block rules, query is blocked (Block takes precedence over Allow).
    • If Source IP is not within the Block rules, it must be within the Allow rules in order to be allowed.

Bind9 Forwarding

Warning - If you use Bind9to forward DNS queries you will lose the originating IP address and all the source IPs will be

If you don't want to expose SnitchDNS directly to the internet, you can put it behind Bind9 using the following configuration:

options {
        directory "/var/cache/bind";

        forwarders {
           SNITCH_DNS_IP_ADDRESS port 2024; # If it's listening on 53 you can ommit "port 2024".
        forward only;

        dnssec-validation no;

        auth-nxdomain no;    # conform to RFC1035

        allow-transfer {

Cloud Hosting

If you wish to host SnitchDNS on the cloud or a dedicated server (any provider), simply point the nameserver of your (sub)domain to the instance running SnitchDNS.