Experience tranquillity while browsing the web without people tracking you!
Zen is currently built using firefox version 131.0
- Check out the latest release notes!
Zen is built with performance in mind, and we have optimized the browser to be as fast as possible!
- Checkout the latest performance benchmarks!
Zen is available for Linux, macOS, and Windows. You can download the latest version from the official website at zen-browser.app, or from the GitHub Releases page.
- Generic
winget install --id Zen-Team.Zen-Browser
- Optimized
winget install --id Zen-Team.Zen-Browser.Optimized
- Requires macOS 10.15 or later
- Available for ARM and Intel architectures
You can also install Zen using Homebrew:
brew install --cask zen-browser
is required for the Update feature of the script below
bash <(curl https://updates.zen-browser.app/appimage.sh)
flatpak install flathub io.github.zen_browser.zen
sudo pacman -S zen-browser-bin
sudo pacman -S zen-browser-avx2-bin
To upgrade the browser to a newer version, use the embedded update functionality in About Zen
Some components used by @zen-browser as an attempt to make firefox forks a better place. You can find them here.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/zen-browser/desktop.git --recurse-submodules
cd desktop
Install dependencies
pnpm install
Download and bootstrap the browser
pnpm run init
Copy a language pack
sh scripts/update-en-US-packs.sh
Start building the browser
pnpm run build
Finally, run the browser!
pnpm start
To view changes you've made, run
pnpm build:ui && pnpm start
- IAmJafeth (For sponsoring the domain)
- Donno π (For making the logo)
- ptr1337 (AUR Packages and optimization flags)
- nitro (For the amazing work on the browser)
Zen couldn't be in its current state without the help of these amazing projects!
- Zen's default preferences are based on BetterFox