- 6767aef: Add container aria label prop
- 793f333: fix: self-closing elements
- 1836b26: Add license
- a9e6f9c: fix: Svelte 5 peer dep
- 52a09f2: fix: animate manually dismissed toasts
- 3903d66: feat: exported Icon and Loader component
- 771223b: fix: dark mode for close button
- f031fa4: fix: safari 13 support for matchmedia event listener
- 24fa4f2: fix: remove action button styling when unstyled is true
- 65cb045: fix: height calculation for updated toasts
- e3ec6c7: fix: blurry toasts, heights store
- fee33b7: fix: multi-line promises height
- 379d307: fix: blurry toasts
- 074220c: feat: make icons customizable
- 40b42e2: fix: rtl styling
- 26fc332: fix: toasts dismissing at the same time
- ea6f527: fix: class toast option not applied to toasts
- 877e513: fix: prevent action button shrinking
- 6a59c2c: fix: add back missing duration prop to Toaster
- 8c220f8: fix: toast dismissing immediately after update
- 23d87bc: Custom components properties propagation when it is used in toast of predefined types.
- #40: Custom components properties propagation when it is used in toast of predefined types.
- c997d85: fix: toasts being dismissed early & add