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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
I work on open source security tools. Most notable ones of them are a fast web fuzzer [ffuf]( and a tool to manage ACME DNS validations securely: [acme-dns](
We're a small team of passionate designers & developers creating a real-time API and intuitive App dashboard for managing SQL database content.
A former game developer who now spends most of his time contributing to open source projects. Mainly working in Swift. Looking to expand the usage of the Swift programming language beyond iPhone apps.
Author of ioredis, one of the most widely used Redis client. Web developer and designer, technical book author. I build tools that help people do things better.
AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich Neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins
Hello! I'm a 21 years old french catgirl who tries to write potentially awesome software, and make it open-source for people to use freely and contribute.
All aboard! The Coding Train is on its way with creative coding video tutorials on subjects ranging from the basics of programming languages like JavaScript to algorithmic art, machine learning, simulation, generative poetry, and more. Choo choo!
At smapiot we strongly believe in the value of open source software and we are driving the development of Piral – a rich open source framework for building modern and reliable Microfrontend applications.
I try to make life easier for iOS devs. Made: Sourcery, Obj-C Playgrounds, Apple Essential apps like @foldify, 3D Engines and much more. Lead iOS at @nytimes
Support the LLDAP project, a super-simple and lightweight LDAP server, perfect for all your self-hosted needs!
Arcade Data would like to experiment with a sustainable ecosystem of individual users, companies and committers contributing to the Open Source project.
Support Kristoffer's open source work. I currently focus on reliability and improvements of [headscale](
I'm a full stack developer, I work mainly with .NET on Web (ASP.NET & ASP.NET Core) and Mobile (Xamarin) projects. I work sometimes in Swift. I'm currently developing the tsParticles library in TypeScript.
Professional and OSS work around scaling & Traffic Engineering: observability, DNS, & load balancing.
A next-generation, full-stack acceptance testing and test integration framework based on the Screenplay Pattern 🎭
I like to engineer software to perfection and make the usage of it an enjoyment. Developing PHP libraries and Nette-based CMF at @Orisai
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