luckylennoxll / hint
Forked from webhintio/hint💡 A hinting engine for the web
Watemlifts / Watemlifts..
Forked from snyk/cliCLI and build-time tool to find & fix known vulnerabilities in open-source dependencies
CyberDevv / lowlighter
Forked from lowlighter/lowlighter🦑 A GitHub profile auto-generated with metrics, starred topics, an isometric contribution calendar, suggested music tracks, website performances, most used languages, etc. !
majed08 / assets
Forked from trustwallet/assetsA comprehensive, up-to-date collection of information about several thousands (!) of crypto tokens.
A template for scikit-learn extensions
This is a simple offline Dictionary, through which we can search English Words meaning, It will return exception if user try to search ambiguous word and return similar word related to it, It will …
Clean Architecture Sveltekit Appwrite template include admin area, auth, protected routes, it use ShadCN-Svelte as base component library, include authorization, designed to be easy to maintain and…
A starter-kit for TDesign React UI components
Pytorch Lightning code guideline for conferences
The new approach to Git repo templates, an ultimate template culminated in less than 2 weeks that combines all template categories into one. A very powerful Git template.
informaticacba / tensorboard
Forked from tensorflow/tensorboardTensorFlow's Visualization Toolkit
0ldMaH / Git-Template_V8
Forked from seanpm2001/Git-Template_V8The new approach to Git repo templates, an ultimate template culminated in less than 2 weeks that combines all template categories into one. A very powerful Git template.
Workflows make it easy to browse, search, execute and share commands (or a series of commands)--without needing to leave your terminal.
🧩 A figma plugin boilerplate, that simplifies building plugins with React + Vite!
Anti Chinese government information. 反中共消息库。住在中国真名用户的网友请别给星星,不然你要被警察请喝茶。常见问答集,新闻集和饭店和音乐建议。卐习万岁卐。冠状病毒审查郝海东新疆改造中心六四事件法轮功 996.ICU709大抓捕巴拿马文件邓家贵低端人口西藏骚乱。Friends who live in China and have real name on …
I'm Jubayer Riyad Web Design and Developer. I am very passionate and dedicated to my work. I have acquired the skill and knowledge necessary to make your project successful. If you choose me I will…
MasterKia / block
Forked from EnergizedProtection/blockLet's make an annoyance free, better open internet, altogether!
Pytorch Lightning code guideline for conferences
GitHub Repository Template for Data Science Community SRM.
A complete boilerplate with all the tools needed for a high-performance application.
API, CLI, and Web App for analyzing and finding a person's profile in 1000 social media \ websites
A beautiful, simple, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme for academics
Starting-point template for students in the Microprocessor for You in Thirty Hours Workshop