tramline Public
Forked from tramlinehq/tramlineRelease coordination and deployment platform, just for your mobile apps
Ruby Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 7, 2025 -
redis_queued_locks Public
Distributed locks with "prioritized lock acquisition queue" capabilities based on the Redis Database. Provides flexible invocation flow, parametrized time limits, instrumentation, logging, etc.
cybercore Public
My dev.environments and system configurations (macOS, ruby, js, python, dotfiles, zsh, vim, sublime, fonts, etc). Powered by Ansible 💖
qonfig Public
Powerful configuration Ruby-framework with a support for many commonly used config formats with a multi-functional API, developer-friendly DSL and object-oriented behavior.
armitage Public
Armitage - a set of linter settings (gems and packages). My own code style (linter settings for ansible, ruby, yaml, javascript and etc).
evil_events Public
Ultra simple, but very flexible and fully customizable event subsystem for ruby applications with a wide set of customization interfaces and smart event definition DSL.
puma_dynamic_tags Public
Puma plugin that allows you to define dynamically calculated process titles (tag option) for your workers inside your puma's config.
jaina Public
Simple programming language builder inspired by interpreter pattern. You can build your own languages with custom operands and operators for any project purposes.
sidekiq_portal Public
🕒 Scheduled jobs invocation emulation for test environments (eliminate time traveling by might and magic 😈)
symbiont-ruby Public
Invoke proc-objects in many contexts simultaneously. Provides a controllable technique to intercept and dispatch methods inside proc object (or inside a series of proc objects)
gvltools Public
Forked from Shopify/gvltoolsSet of GVL instrumentation tools
Ruby MIT License UpdatedOct 29, 2024 -
puma_after_reply Public
Puma's "rack.after_reply" integration for your Rack-applications. Provides #call-able reply abstraction and configurable invocation flow with before/on_error/after hooks for each added reply.
trace_location Public
Forked from yhirano55/trace_location🔍Help you get reading the huge open souce libraries in Ruby and trace its source locations
docs Public
Forked from redis/docsDocumentation for Redis, Redis Cloud, and Redis Enterprise
Python Other UpdatedApr 10, 2024 -
redis-doc Public
Forked from redis/redis-docRedis documentation source code for markdown and metadata files, conversion scripts, and so forth
Shell Other UpdatedApr 1, 2024 -
professional-programming Public
Forked from charlax/professional-programmingA collection of learning resources for curious software engineers
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 8, 2024 -
asset_sync Public
Forked from AssetSync/asset_syncSynchronises Assets between Rails and S3
Ruby UpdatedMar 4, 2024 -
system-design-101 Public
Forked from ByteByteGoHq/system-design-101Explain complex systems using visuals and simple terms. Help you prepare for system design interviews.
Other UpdatedOct 23, 2023 -
recipes Public
Ultimate Programming Tips and Tricks 😱
understand_ruby_memory Public
Forked from benoittgt/understand_ruby_memoryTrying to understand Ruby memory 🌝
jsonrpc_interface Public
JRPC Request, JRPC Notification, JRPC Response, JRPC Error Response, JRPC Object Builder and JRPC Error Codes in Object Oriented Way.
ebnf Public
Forked from dryruby/ebnfEBNF parser and generic parser generator for Ruby.
Ruby The Unlicense UpdatedJun 2, 2023 -
ruby-openai Public
Forked from alexrudall/ruby-openaiOpenAI API + Ruby! 🤖❤️ Now with ChatGPT and Whisper...
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMar 15, 2023 -
fakefs Public
Forked from fakefs/fakefsA fake filesystem. Use it in your tests.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 4, 2023 -
serverengine Public
Forked from treasure-data/serverengineA framework to implement robust multiprocess servers like Unicorn
Ruby Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 29, 2022