- portugues
- 👋 Hi, I'm Jose, I like and do tests on programming and hardware," and I'm darkness Orsini on Second life- send me a MI or note
- 👀 I’m a research scientist! and do (Reverse engineer)
- . I'm curious, I love discovering how it works, animates or machines
- . I loved python, and AI, thank you
- I have the dream, to send machines to Mars to build for humans!
- I have a question, "Does anyone already know how to melt and mold metal, or rock?", this in space?
- gravity, we can do this, mold metal, hmm we need energy, we have ice on asteroids
- 🌱 I’m currently learning python,one done Windows 10. i use jupyter now ,LMs and studying a little web designer. I like to read medium.com
- I intend to create a working group, and then a sandbox to train machines, this in a simulation, I like OpenSim, but we can do ROS, it is already done with a simulator, and act in real life, with a robot, you have VR glasses, you are driving the robot in the sandbox, the idea is to make the bots/robot, here on earth it's fun, all remote of course
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on :-)) looking for work of Reverse engineer, programming in windows 10, only
- 📫 How to reach me ? make an account in second life- our real life type simulator, yah, we can have a coffee on the terrace of a bar and talk to others.
- 😄 Pronouns: ...
- ⚡ Fun fact: the future is like traveling by train, we can't miss the train