function flattenRoutes(
branches = [],
parentsMeta = [],
parentPath = []
) {}
* ['/user', '/add']
* ['/user/', '/add']
* ['/user', 'add']
function joinPath(paths) {
return paths.replace(/(\/\/)/g, '/').join('/')
update tar checksums and drop yarn, migrate to bun
bunx yarn --update-checksums
# remove all yarn config
# checksum file
set directory ownership and file permission for zsh tab completion to work
# setting the current user as the owner of dir
compaudit | xargs chown -R "$(whoami)
# removing write permissions for group/others for the files in cause:
compaudit | xargs chmod go-w
eslint tslint prettier lint-staged pre-commit hooks commitlint
bun add -D eslint typescript-eslint prettier
bun add -D simple-git-hooks lint-staged
eslint-config-prettier to use any ESLint config you want and turn off all rules that may conflict with Prettier