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Tags: 1N3/Sn1per



Sn1per v9.2 updates



* v9.0 - Added Fortinet FortiGate SSL VPN Panel Detected sc0pe template

* v9.0 - Added CVE-2020-17519 - Apache Flink Path Traversal sc0pe template
* v9.0 - Added RabbitMQ Management Interface Detected sc0pe template
* v9.0 - Added CVE-2020-29583 Zyxel SSH Hardcoded Credentials via BruteX
* v9.0 - Removed vulnscan NMap CSV updates/downloads to save space/bandwidth
* v9.0 - Added Nuclei sc0pe parser
* v9.0 - Added Nuclei vulnerability scanner
* v9.0 - Added Wordpress WPScan sc0pe vulnerability parser
* v9.0 - Fixed issue with wrong WPscan API key command
* v9.0 - Added CVE-2020-11738 - WordPress Duplicator plugin Directory Traversal sc0pe template
* v9.0 - Renamed AUTO_VULNSCAN setting to "VULNSCAN" in sniper.conf to perform vulnerability scans via 'normal' mode


* v8.9 - Tuned sniper.conf around performance for all scans and recon…

… modes

* v8.9 - Added out of scope options to config
* v8.9 - Added automatic HTTP/HTTPS web scans and vulnerability scans to 'normal' mode
* v8.9 - Added SolarWinds Orion Panel Default Credentials sc0pe template
* v8.9 - Added SolarWinds Orion Panel sc0pe template
* v8.9 - Fixed issue with theHarvester not running on Kali 2020.4
* v8.9 - Added WPScan API support
* v8.9 - Added CVE-2020-8209 - XenMobile-Citrix Endpoint Management Config Password Disclosure sc0pe template
* v8.9 - Added CVE-2020-8209 - XenMobile-Citrix Endpoint Management Path Traversal sc0pe template
* v8.9 - Removed verbose error for chromium on Ubuntu
* v8.9 - Added CVE-2020-8209 - Citrix XenMobile Server Path Traversal sc0pe template
* v8.9 - Fixed F+ in CSP Not Enforced sc0pe template
* v8.9 - Added CVE-2020-14815 - Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise DOM XSS sc0pe template
* v8.9 - Fixed issue with dnscan not working in Kali 2020.3
* v8.9 - Fixed issue with screenshots not working in Ubuntu 2020
* v8.9 - Added Frontpage Service Password Disclosure sc0pe template
* v8.9 - Removed Yasuo tool


Finalizing changes for v8.8


Finalized changes for v8.7

Added CVE-2020-15129 - Open Redirect In Traefik sc0pe template


Finalizing changes to v8.6


Merged several changes for v8.5


Sn1per Community Edition by @xer0dayz -


Sn1per Community Edition by @xer0dayz -