aws-amicleaner Public
Forked from bonclay7/aws-amicleanerCleanup your old unused ami and related snapshots
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 19, 2022 -
tgenv Public
Forked from morris-tech/tgenvTerragrunt version manager
Shell MIT License UpdatedNov 12, 2021 -
grafana-datasource-plugin-neo4j Public
Forked from denniskniep/grafana-datasource-plugin-neo4jGrafana Datasource Plugin for querying data from Neo4J with cypher
TypeScript UpdatedSep 14, 2021 -
aws-transit-gateway-guide Public
Forked from awsdocs/aws-transit-gateway-guideThe open source version of the AWS Transit Gateway Guide. To submit feedback or requests for changes, submit an issue or make changes and submit a pull request.
Other UpdatedDec 15, 2020 -
terraform-python-testing-helper Public
Forked from GoogleCloudPlatform/terraform-python-testing-helperSimple Python test helper for Terraform.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 26, 2020 -
streisand Public
Forked from StreisandEffect/streisandStreisand sets up a new server running your choice of WireGuard, OpenConnect, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Shadowsocks, sslh, Stunnel, or a Tor bridge. It also generates custom instructions for all of these s…
Shell Other UpdatedOct 14, 2020 -
terraform-provider-aws Public
Forked from hashicorp/terraform-provider-awsTerraform AWS provider
Go Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedAug 6, 2020 -
tfmask Public
Forked from cloudposse-archives/tfmaskTerraform utility to mask select output from `terraform plan` and `terraform apply`
terraform0.12description_fix Public
Forked from HNKNTA/terraform0.12description_fixPython script for variables and outputs conversion from 0.11 to 0.12 terraform versions
Python The Unlicense UpdatedApr 15, 2020 -
testinfra Public
Forked from pytest-dev/pytest-testinfraTestinfra test your infrastructures
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 5, 2020 -
puppet-elasticsearch Public
Forked from voxpupuli/puppet-elasticsearchElasticsearch Puppet module
Ruby Other UpdatedJan 30, 2017 -
puppetlabs-java Public
Forked from puppetlabs/puppetlabs-javaPuppet Module to manage Java
Ruby Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 23, 2017 -
puppet-zookeeper Public
Forked from deric/puppet-zookeeperPuppet module for managing Apache ZooKeeper
Ruby Other UpdatedJan 18, 2017 -
puppet-curator Public
Forked from cristifalcas/puppet-curatorRuby Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 10, 2017 -
puppet-kibana5 Public
Forked from walterheck/puppet-kibana5Kibana5 Puppet Module
Puppet Other UpdatedDec 26, 2016 -
puppetlabs-accounts Public
Forked from puppetlabs/puppetlabs-accountsAccount management module
Ruby Other UpdatedJul 20, 2016 -
puppet-kibana4 Public
Forked from lesaux/puppet-kibana4Code repositoy for the kibana4 puppet module lesaux-kibana4
Ruby Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 15, 2016 -
puppet-zabbix Public
Forked from voxpupuli/puppet-zabbixPuppet module for creating and maintaining zabbix components with puppet.
Puppet Other UpdatedMar 17, 2016 -
puppet-mcollective Public
Forked from voxpupuli/puppet-mcollectiveMCollective Server and Client Puppet Module
Ruby Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 17, 2016 -
puppet-jenkins Public
Forked from voxpupuli/puppet-jenkinsPuppet module for Jenkins
Ruby Other UpdatedDec 16, 2015 -
puppet-autossh Public
Forked from agronaught/puppet-autosshPuppet module for managing autossh initiated tunnels
Puppet Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 6, 2015 -
puppet_artifactory Public
Forked from Barfred/puppet_artifactoryA Puppet module which downloads artifacts from an Artifactory repository.
Shell UpdatedSep 23, 2015 -
puppetlabs-activemq Public
Forked from puppetlabs-toy-chest/puppetlabs-activemqPuppet ActiveMQ Module
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 20, 2015 -
puppet-forge-server Public
Forked from kindredgroup/puppet-forge-serverPrivate Puppet forge server supports local files and both v1 and v3 API proxies
Ruby UpdatedJun 4, 2015 -
dynamicroute53 Public
Forked from Interencheres/dynamicroute53Have your AWS instance automatically add and remove itself from Route53 on startup and boot.
HTML UpdatedApr 27, 2015 -