🔭 I’m currently working as a Math and ICT Teacher
🌱 I’m currently learning GIS Technologies
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on non-profit environmental projects
👨💻 You can check out all my projects on my GitHub Profile
📝 I regularly write articles on WebMap Service
💬 Feel free to ask me about PostgreSQL, GIS, Python, ArchLinux
📫 Reach me at noggnzzz@gmail.com
📄 Learn more about my experiences through my projects
⚡ Fun fact: I use arch btw
I collaborated as a GIS developer in this non-profit project aimed at fostering the economic development of the region while improving the conservation status of thousands of reforested Tara trees. My main responsibilities included georeferencing and map development. The project made a significant impact by contributing to both environmental preservation and the local economy.