Imgbot Public
Forked from imgbot/ImgbotAn Azure Function solution to crawl through all of your image files in GitHub and losslessly compress them. This will make the file size go down, but leave the dimensions and quality untouched. Onc…
C# MIT License UpdatedJul 5, 2023 -
Final2x Public
Forked from Tohrusky/Final2x2^x Image Super-Resolution
TypeScript BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJul 5, 2023 -
Intel® Implicit SPMD Program Compiler
C++ BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJun 30, 2023 -
react-native-nw-react-calculator Public
Forked from benoitvallon/react-native-nw-react-calculatorMobile, desktop and website Apps with the same code
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 3, 2021