GrillBot is Discord bot for fun and management VUT FIT discord server.
- PostgreSQL server (minimal recommended version is 13)
- .NET 7.0 (with ASP.NET Core 7)
If you're running bot on Linux distributions, you have to install these packages: tzdata
, ttf-mscorefonts-installer
, fontconfig
, libc6-dev
, libgdiplus
and libx11-dev
Only debian based distros are tested. Funcionality cannot be guaranteed for other distributions.
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2022, JetBrains Rider (or another IDE supports .NET)
- dotnet-ef utility (for code first migrations)
- Generate personal access token (Classic) with
permission. - Add new NuGet source with URL
.- You can do it from your IDE or via CLI
dotnet nuget add source -n GrillBot -u {Username} -p {PersonalAccessToken}
- On Linux systems add to previous command parameter
- You can do it from your IDE or via CLI
If you starting bot in development environment (require environment variable ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development
), you have to fill appsettings.Development.json
If you starting bot in production environment (docker recommended), you have to configure environment variables.
Mandatory environment variables:
- Connection string to database.ConnectionStrings:Cache
- Connection string to cache database.Discord:Token
- Discord authentication token.OAuth2:ClientId
- Client ID and secret for login to administrations.
Without these settings the bot will not run.
Recommended environment variables:
- Guild and channel specification for notifications on errors to channel.Birthday:Notifications:GuildId
- Guild and channel specification for notifications of birthdays.Services:Graphics:Api
- Base URL to the graphics microservice.Services:RubbergodService:Api
- Base URL to the rubbergod microservice.Services:FileService:Api
- Base URL to the file microservice.
If you're using Docker instance, bind /GrillBotData
directory as volume.
Latest docker image is published in GitHub container registry.
GrillBot is licensed as All Rights Reserved. The source code is available for reading and contribution. Owner consent is required for use in a production environment.