pip3 install flask flask_socketio eventlet
JSHint the session code as part of the gulp build Provide viewergrid functionality with the ablity to query molecules Add support for volumetric data in viewer Add support for uploading your own files (nontrivial) Implement save restore of state for labels, shapes, and surfaces. Improve efficiency of state updates
- make sure updates are only sent if something has changed
- only send changed part
- could record and playback a history (this is most efficient) Add ability to select residues -Query Atoms button becomes a pulldown button that can be either Query Atoms or Residues Refactor code to be general and module
- interface shoudl be separate from sessions information
- create a Session class
- use Promise API to handle event/response Implement garbage collecting of stale sessions (24h) Implement status reporting/concise logging Implement password based authentication of controller (NOT in viewer.html) Implement ability to create session not as controller (initializes state, but does not control) Uses Session API to implement environment within py3Dmol -this will use the password based authentication to allow instructor to take control