fuckyouwebsite Public
Preventing you from using the web properly - Scrapyard Flagship 2025
hcbscan Public
The HCB Explorer
eaglercraft-builds Public
All eaglercraft-related artifacts, cloned from https://git.eaglercraft.rip/eaglercraft/eaglercraft-builds
echonet-extra-nuxt Public
Welcome to my extras website! This is a collection of random tools that I have created and use somewhat regularly.
ext-remover Public
A curated list of exploits for ChromeOS
echonet-extra Public
A collection of random tools that I have created and use somewhat regularly.
3kh0 Public
Config files for my GitHub profile.
3kh0.net Public archive
The source code behind a older version of 3kh0.net
3kh0-lite Public
Welcome to 3kh0 lite, a lightweight, fast, and clean game site.
Oxide Public
No tracking, no useless stuff, just a dead simple proxy.
eaglercraft-1.8 Public
EaglercraftX 1.8 - patch and source files, cloned from https://git.eaglercraft.rip/eaglercraft/eaglercraft-1.8
website-v3 Public
Welcome to 3kh0.github.io, your best option for unblocked games on the internet.
3kh0-Assets Public
Game assets for 3kh0.github.io, this repo is synced with many CDNs to make them unblocked, if you fork this just for skidding, shame on you. Scroll down to the README for more info on how to use th…
website-v4 Public
Welcome to 3kh0.github.io, your best option for unblocked games on the internet.
bing-rewards Public mirror
Mirrored from https://bitbucket.org/bing-rewards/bing-rewards/
An automated solution using Python and Selenium for earning daily Microsoft Rewards points in all categories including web, mobile, and offers.
echodown Public
🚀 A very real and legit DDoS/Network stresser that totally works (sarcasm)
echolog Public template
Echolog is a simple and customizable IP logger written in plain JavaScript
soundboard Public
Simple yet powerful online soundboard app that is a huge improvement from the last one.
python-projects Public
A collection of short python scripts by @3kh0
readme-toc Public
📜 Generate a Table of Contents from GitHub Markdown or Wiki online.
state-test Public
Ways to take state tests unrestricted
portfolio Public
Personal website
ChessSword Public
Chess bot using stockfish to highlight the best moves on Chess.com
portfolio-v2 Public archive
Redesign of my personal website
gamejamsnake Public
A simple snake game made for a personal gamejam with a few friends, the theme was "retro", this was made in 20 minutes.
3kh0.github.io-replit Public archive
Option to deploy 3kh0.github.io with Replit using BUFFY by @retronbv using node-fetch and express
website-v2 Public archive
V2 of the open-source game site, 3kh0
personal-site Public archive
Personal site for echo that is more professional