Tags: 5d/milewski-ctfp-pdf
Fix minor typos (hmemcpy#304) * typo (date -> data) * Replace double colon with LaTeX \Colon * typo (\eta_aa -> \eta_a) * Replace \emph{} with \cat{} * Add missing colon * typo (× -> \times) * typo (C -> $\cat{C}$) * fixup! 38f8fe8e41038b2fab7fa068a78cff4fd2676e7438f8fe8e41038b2fab7fa068a78cff4fd2676e74
Revert wrong "typo fix" for "iff" (hmemcpy#298) - 'iff' normally means 'if and only if', which is stronger than just 'if'. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_and_only_if - See the discussion on hmemcpy#294
Replace Greek letters with LaTeX (hmemcpy#294) * Replace Greek letters with LaTeX * Fix typo
Updated README.md as per issue hmemcpy#288 (hmemcpy#289) * Updated README.md as per issue hmemcpy#288 * Added steps to install nixFlakes explicitly, ref hmemcpy#289