React, { useState } from 'react' import { Card, CardContent, CardHeader, CardTitle } from "@/components/ui/card" import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button" import { Input } from "@/components/ui/input" import { Label } from "@/components/ui/label" import { Textarea } from "@/components/ui/textarea" import { toast } from "@/components/ui/use-toast" import { Github, Play, Save } from 'lucide-react'
export default function PhysicsGitHubIntegration() { const [code, setCode] = useState(`import diffractsim diffractsim.set_backend("CPU") #Change the string to "CUDA" to use GPU acceleration
from diffractsim import MonochromaticField, ApertureFromImage, Lens, mm, nm, cm, FourierPhaseRetrieval
#Generate a Fourier plane phase hologram PR = FourierPhaseRetrieval(target_amplitude_path = './apertures/dickbutt.jpg', new_size= (400,400), pad = (200,200)) PR.retrieve_phase_mask(max_iter = 200, method = 'Conjugate-Gradient') PR.save_retrieved_phase_as_image("grating holo.jpg", phase_mask_format = 'grayscale')
F = MonochromaticField( wavelength=500 * nm, extent_x=18 * mm, extent_y=18 * mm, Nx=1024, Ny=1024 )
F.add(ApertureFromImage("./grating holo.jpg", image_size=(5 * mm, 5 * mm), simulation = F)) F.add(Lens(f = 20cm)) #for i in range(1, 160, 1): F.propagate(20 * cm) rgb = F.get_colors() F.plot_colors(rgb, xlim=[-7 mm, 7* mm], ylim=[-7* mm, 7* mm])`)
const [repoUrl, setRepoUrl] = useState('')
const handleRunSimulation = () => { toast({ title: "Simulation Started", description: "The physics simulation is now running. This may take a few moments.", }) // In a real application, this is where you'd trigger the actual simulation }
const handleSaveToGitHub = () => {
if (!repoUrl) {
title: "Error",
description: "Please enter a GitHub repository URL.",
variant: "destructive",
title: "Saving to GitHub",
description: Pushing changes to ${repoUrl}
// In a real application, this is where you'd implement the GitHub integration
return ( Physics Simulation GitHub Integration