bruce Public
Develop bruce lee style games for C64. Includes level editor and vice -> vice dev cli programs
test_codeedit Public
sample code edit. hilights current line. line number pane on left. may crash if you paste a huge amount of text in at once and scroll around.
Go UpdatedFeb 4, 2019 -
Pipeline-Editor Public
Visualy create and connect nodes. Generates xml for python multiprocessing pipeline. (needs rewrite, lots of dead code, specialized application posted only for example purposes)
genchart Public
example of generating charts from grafana dashboard json files into png images using go-chart[https://github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart]
Trans-View Public
WIP rewrite of https://github.com/5k3105/Trans-Player-Desktop
Trans-Player-Desktop Public
Watch video and interactively look up and save words while following transcript. Japanese only. Download executable: