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A naive Arch repo builder, for AUR-like packages


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Arch Repository Builder

A naive builder to build Arch packages, mainly those from AUR, and create a sane folder structure for repo hosted on Github releases, written initially for

Ongoing rewrite warning

A rewrite to introduce incremental sub-versioning and utilize user namespaces to achieve rootless building is ongoing, it lives in rewrite branch and would replace the master branch to become the main branch. The PKGBUILD-parsing functionality is splitted as a library into a seperate repo, 7Ji/pkgbuild-rs, and it's already usable.

This branch (production) is the old branch that was built up quickly as a conception proof and would only receive bug fixes before rewrite finishes. Please don't open feature requests on this branch.


  • Multi-threaded downloading, bootstrapping, bulding and cleaning, highly parallelized.
  • Most logic happens in the Rust world as native code, not in Bash. makepkg only gets the prepared sources we pass to it, and only build and pack.
  • Every PKGBUILD is built in their dedicated yet lightweight chroot
  • All sources are hashed and downloaded lazily. With switches, you can completely build offline.
  • Every built package is stored in its hashed folder, historical packages are easy to look up and back up.
  • Folders of symlinks providing you both the latest and updated packages so you can do either full update or partial update to remote server
  • RAII for build folders and chroot folders, what's not currently in use never takes space.


Install necessary dependencies

sudo pacman -Syu rust

If you want to dig around, however, it's recommended to install rustup and uses their toolchain instead:

sudo pacman -Syu rustup
rustup default stable

Run the following command inside this folder, the first build would take longer as a lot of dependecies need to be fetched

cargo build --release

The output binary would be target/release/arch_repo_builder

Optionally, strip the binary so it would take less space, and place it to somewhere convenient to run (e.g. ~/bin)

strip target/release/arch_repo_builder -o output/path


Usage: arch_repo_builder [OPTIONS] [CONFIG]

  [CONFIG]  Optional config.yaml file [default: config.yaml]

  -b, --build <BUILD>              Optional packages to only build them, implies --noclean
  -p, --proxy <PROXY>              HTTP proxy to retry for git updating and http(s) netfiles if attempt without proxy failed
      --proxy-after <PROXY_AFTER>  Attempt without proxy for this amount of tries before actually using the proxy, to save bandwidth
  -P, --holdpkg                    Hold versions of PKGBUILDs, do not update them
  -G, --holdgit                    Hold versions of git sources, do not update them
  -I, --skipint                    Skip integrity check for netfile sources if they're found
  -B, --nobuild                    Do not actually build the packages
  -C, --noclean                    Do not clean unused sources and outdated packages
  -N, --nonet                      Disallow any network connection during makepkg's build routine
  -d, --drop <DROP>                Drop to the specific uid:gid pair, instead of getting from SUDO_UID/GID
  -g, --gmr <GMR>                  Prefix of a 7Ji/git-mirrorer instance, e.g. git://gmr.lan, The mirror would be tried first before actual git remote
  -s, --sign <SIGN>                The GnuPG key ID used to sign packages
  -h, --help                       Print help
  -V, --version                    Print version

Note: The builder requires root permission to operate but not to start. To actually build something, either run it with root and --drop [uid]:[gid] argument, or as a normal user with sudo. It will automatically drop to the non-root user by seteuid() & seteguid().

Currently, the root is required for convenient un-attended chroot setup and package installation inside the containers, without constantly stopping and asking for permission. I would probably rewrite this part to use user namespaces so root permission is not needed at all, but for now, root is still needed.


The config.yaml would contain a pkgbuilds part with simple lines of name: url, e.g.:


Addtionally, most CLI options could be set in the config if they're used very often and not considered optional anymore, e.g.:

sign: 8815547B7B80370675B3CD20BA27F219383BB875
proxy: http://xray.lan:1081
gmr: git://gmr.lan
noclean: true

Non-CLI options include:

basepkgs: [base-devel, distcc]
dephash_strategy: none
home_binds: []

These are left out of CLI options as you shouldn't change them often:

  • basepkgs defines a list of packages that should be installed into the base chroot.
    • If not set then it defaults to [base-devel], which is the most reasonable minimum package set.
    • You might want to modify this if you're using other things, like distcc, that's not part of the base-devel group for every PKGBUILD.
    • You might want to set explicit makepkgs for certain PKGBUILDs instead of changing this, if only they need such deps.
  • dephash_strategy defines the strategy used to calculate the dephash, which, if present, will also be part of the pkgid, which then determines the package rebuilds (see below). It accepts the following values:
    • strict: consider both deps and makedeps when calculating the dephash, this will result in the most rebuilds, due to possible fake-positive.
    • loose: consider only deps when calculating the dephash, fake-positive is less in this case.
    • none(default): consider no dep, leave the dephash as 0, and do not consider it when calculating pkgid. This will result in fake-negative, as updates of underlying packages that should trigger rebuilds cannot be found.
  • home_binds defines a list of home_binds globally, which will be appended to all PKGBUILDs, see below for more details. An example case is to bind .cache/ccache when you enable ccache globally

The PKGBUILDs could also be defined with advanced options:

  ampart: git://git.lan/PKGBUILDs/ampart.git
      - go
      - git
    url: git://gmr.lan/
    branch: master
    subtree: alarm/

The following optional attributes could be set for each PKGBUILD:

  • deps: Explicit additional dependencies for the package, this is useful if the package maintainer missed such deps. Such packages will also be included when calculating the dep hash. Note this won't be reflected on the result package's metadata, if that's what you want, modify PKGBUILD itself.
  • makedeps: Explicit additional make dependencies for the package, this is useful if the package maintainer missed such deps, e.g. aur/dri2to3-git. Specially, the builder would automatically append git to -git packages, so you shouldn't need it even if the maintainer missed that. Not included for dephash, not reflected in the result package's metadata, modify PKGBUILD itself if you want that.
  • branch: Alternative branch that PKGBUILD should be obtained from. The default is master
  • subtree: The subtree PKGBUILD should be obtained from, and the whole build folder should be populated via checking out from.
    The subtree supports the following alias rules:
    • If there's any trailing /, only one of the / will be kept, and the name of the PKGBUILD will be appended after that /
    • Any leading / will be stripped, the result path will therefore always be a "relative" path.
  • home_binds: Bind such folders under home into the building chroot, if they exist. The builder would automatically append go for packages that depend on go, and .cargo for packages that depened on rust/cargo.

Addtionally, the following aliases are supported for URLs:

  • AUR => format!("{}.git", name)
    • e.g. ampart: AUR would expand to ampart:
  • GITHUB/*/ => format!("{}{}.git", &url[7..], name)
    • e.g. yaopenvfd: GITHUB/7Ji-PKGBUILDs/ would expand to yaopenvfd:
  • GITHUB/* => format!("{}.git", &url[7..])
    • e.g. chromium: GITHUB/archlinuxarm/PKGBUILDs would expand to chromium:
  • GH/*/ and GH/* are shorthands for the above two rules with smaller range start id.


All built packages are stored under pkgs/[pkgname]-[tree id]-[dephash], in which [tree id] is the Git object ID of the tree-like where the PKGBUILD is checked out from: either the commit or the subtree of the commit if it's set; and [dephash] is either empty or calculated according to the dephash_strategy setting:

├── v4l-utils-mpp-74b9b566b63ee2a22dc9eaefadf996d1a68324f1-0159fa3fcaa1afc6
│   ├── v4l-utils-mpp-1.24.1-1-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst
│   └── v4l-utils-mpp-1.24.1-1-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst.sig
├── v4l-utils-mpp-74b9b566b63ee2a22dc9eaefadf996d1a68324f1-68d5c3b1958dddac
│   ├── v4l-utils-mpp-1.24.1-1-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst
│   └── v4l-utils-mpp-1.24.1-1-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst.sig
├── v4l-utils-mpp-74b9b566b63ee2a22dc9eaefadf996d1a68324f1-9f83bd553598de64
    ├── v4l-utils-mpp-1.24.1-1-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst
    └── v4l-utils-mpp-1.24.1-1-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst.sig

In the above example, there are 3 builds or v4l-utils-mpp, all built from the same commit of, but each of them has different dephash as they're built against different dependencies.

Folder pkgs/latest is populated with symlinks pointing to the lastest version of each packages, useful for full update:

├── latest
    ├── v4l-utils-mpp-1.24.1-1-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst -> ../v4l-utils-mpp-74b9b566b63ee2a22dc9eaefadf996d1a68324f1-0159fa3fcaa1afc6/v4l-utils-mpp-1.24.1-1-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst
    └── v4l-utils-mpp-1.24.1-1-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst.sig -> ../v4l-utils-mpp-74b9b566b63ee2a22dc9eaefadf996d1a68324f1-0159fa3fcaa1afc6/v4l-utils-mpp-1.24.1-1-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst

Folder pkgs/updated is populated with symlinks pointing to thost that are updated during the most recent run, useful for partial update:

├── updated
    ├── v4l-utils-mpp-1.24.1-1-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst -> ../v4l-utils-mpp-74b9b566b63ee2a22dc9eaefadf996d1a68324f1-0159fa3fcaa1afc6/v4l-utils-mpp-1.24.1-1-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst
    └── v4l-utils-mpp-1.24.1-1-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst.sig -> ../v4l-utils-mpp-74b9b566b63ee2a22dc9eaefadf996d1a68324f1-0159fa3fcaa1afc6/v4l-utils-mpp-1.24.1-1-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst


  • Resolve inter-dependencies if necessary, to trigger builds if some of our pacakges changed which are deps of other pacakges
    • doing this would also mean splitting builds into multiple steps (build -> install -> build)
  • Remove all explicit panics introduced in early prototype stage
  • Use gitoxide instead of git2-rs, for memory safety


The builder does the following to save a great chunk of build time and resource:

  1. All PKGBUILDs are maintained locally as bare git repos under sources/PKGBUILDs, update is MT and can be skippped.
  2. All git sources are cached locally under sources/git, update is MT and can be skippped.
  3. All network file sources, as long as they have integrity checksums, are cached locally under sources/file-[integ name]. Download is MT. And if a file source has multiple checksums, it would only be downloaded once, all remaining cache files are just hard-linked from the first one.
  4. Git sources and network file sources are cached together in the same stage.
  5. Build folders build/[package] are only populated (also multi-threaded) if either:
    1. The corresponding package has a pkgver() function which could only be run after complete source extraction
    2. The corresponding pkgdir pkg/[pkgid] is missing, in which [pkgid] is generated with [name]-[commit]-[dephash](-[pkgver])
  6. Build folder is populated via lightweight checkout (no .git) from the local PKGBUILDs bare repos, and symlinks of cached sources. Only vcs sources not with git protocol and netfile sources that do not have integrity checks need to be downloaded for each build.
  7. Package dependencies are tracked and solved in one go, all needed deps for all packages are cached on host after all PKGBUILDs parsed and a deduplicated dep list is obtained.
  8. Every PKGBUILD is built in its own chroot environment, which is mounted using overlay, with a common minimum base chroot with only base-devel installed. The dependencies are all cached on host and are only installed into the overlay chroot when the corresponding package needs building.

Git source

  • The PKGBUILDs's bare git repos only track refs/heads/master (master branch) by default.
  • The 'normal' git sources, i.e. those listed in sources(_[arch]) array in all PKGBUILDs, track both refs/heads/* (all branches) and refs/tags/* (all tags), but not all refs/*. They're stored as sources/git/[url hash]. They're more lightweight than those maintained by makepkg as the mirror repos it maintain track all refs/*. As makepkg could only use branch/tag/commit, the other refs like refs/pulls/* (mostly from github repos), refs/remotes/*, etc, are meaningless and are killer for our disk space.

Network file source

A series of different folders sources/file-[integ] are maintained to store network file sources that have integrity checksums defined. They're populated after all PKGBUILDs parsed and we got a de-duplicated list of all sources. That means:

  • For future build, network file sources do not need to be re-downloaded, and they can just be symlinked from sources/file-[integ].
  • For any netfile sources, if they're implicity shared between multiple pacakges, as long as they have the same integrity checksum, even with different URLs, they're only downloaded once.
  • For one netfile source, if it has multiple integrity checksums, it would only need to be downloaded once, as long as the other integrity checksums passed the remaining alternatives are just hard-linked.
  • This automatically avoids the case where upstream PKGBUILD maintainer updates a source but kept the file name. Because network files are not tracked by their name nor URL, but only their integrity checksums.


The builder could fetch from a 7Ji/git-mirrorer instance hosted in local LAN before the actual remote. This can further save the bandwidth usage. And it is highly recommended that you set this up if you're building a lot.


The builder utilizes chroot() syscall to run building in dedicated chroots, each package having its own chroot mounted using overlay, on top of an addtional base chroot, which is always populated before even calculating the pkgids. The base chroot serves the addtional purpose that clean repo DBs could be looked up instead of from root, and without breaking the host dependency.

No network build

There're some bad-behaving packages that acessses the network during their build() function, which adds break points to build() that not even should be there. This also violates our designing principle that download, extraction and building should happen each in their seperate stages.

No network build can be enabled in this case, to catch such packages


A naive Arch repo builder, for AUR-like packages



Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

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