A very powerful and friendly nginx base on lua-nginx-module( openresty ) which provide WAF, Control Panel, and Dashboards.
Single-file PHP file manager, browser and manage your files efficiently and easily with tinyfilemanager
Self-hosted, lightweight server and website monitoring and O&M tool
润学全球官方指定GITHUB,整理润学宗旨、纲领、理论和各类润之实例;解决为什么润,润去哪里,怎么润三大问题; 并成为新中国人的核心宗教,核心信念。
an efficient feature complete C++ bittorrent implementation
A professional cross-platform SSH/Sftp/Shell/Telnet/Tmux/Serial terminal.
A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place!
A local DNS server to obtain the fastest website IP for the best Internet experience, support DoT, DoH. 一个本地DNS服务器,获取最快的网站IP,获得最佳上网体验,支持DoH,DoT。
LNMP一键安装包是一个用Linux Shell编写的可以为CentOS/RHEL/Fedora/Aliyun/Amazon、Debian/Ubuntu/Raspbian/Deepin/Mint Linux VPS或独立主机安装LNMP(Nginx/MySQL/PHP)、LNMPA(Nginx/MySQL/PHP/Apache)、LAMP(Apache/MySQL/PHP)生产环境的Shel…
A Progressive Web App for local file sharing
An open source, self-hosted implementation of the Tailscale control server
A GUI client for Windows, Linux and macOS, support Xray and sing-box and others
Powerfull download accelerator and video downloader
Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server
⭐ Linux / Windows / macOS 跨平台 V2Ray 客户端 | 支持 VMess / VLESS / SSR / Trojan / Trojan-Go / NaiveProxy / HTTP / HTTPS / SOCKS5 | 使用 C++ / Qt 开发 | 可拓展插件式设计 ⭐
The communications platform that puts data protection first.
E-mails, subdomains and names Harvester - OSINT