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#import "@preview/wrap-it:0.1.0": wrap-content  //
#import "./doc_templates/src/note.typ": *
#import "./doc_templates/src/style.typ": set_style

#show: doc => set_style(
    topic: "file_renamer",
    author: "구FS",
    language: "EN",
#set text(size: 3.5mm)

#align(center, text(size: 2em, weight: "bold")[file_renamer])
#line(length: 100%, stroke: 0.3mm)
= Introduction

This program is intended to change the date format of file names. It renames according to the `./config/format_conversion.csv`.

= Table of Contents


#pagebreak(weak: true)

= Usage

+ Execute the program once. This will create a default `./config/format_conversion.csv`.
+ Fill your lines out like this:
    {input datetime format}\t{input timezone offset}\t{output datetime format}\t{output timezone offset}

    input datetime format	input timezone offset	output datetime format	output timezone offset

    # samsung camera
    %Y%m%d_%H%M%S		%Y-%m-%d %H_%M_%S
    %Y%m%d_%H%M%S(%f)		%Y-%m-%d %H_%M_%S

    # dropbox
    %Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S		%Y-%m-%d %H_%M_%S
    %Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S(%f)		%Y-%m-%d %H_%M_%S

    # apple
    Foto %d.%m.%y, %H %M %S	+02:00	%Y-%m-%d %H_%M_%S	+00:00
+ Use the datetime expressions from the python #link("")[datetime] library.
+ Execute either `` with python or an executable directly.