ace Public
Forked from ajaxorg/aceAce ( Cloud9 Editor)
adaptive-motion Public
Forked from janantala/angular-adaptive-motionWant to control an AngularJS app using your web cam? Check it.
adblock-detection Public
Forked from cmtt-ru/adblock-detectionA little script to detect adblock users
android-sdk-samples-search Public
Forked from jgilfelt/android-sdk-samples-searchChrome extension that adds a 'sample code' link for class references at
AnimatedResponsiveImageGrid Public
Forked from codrops/AnimatedResponsiveImageGridA jQuery plugin for creating a responsive image grid that will switch images using different animations and timings. This can work nicely as a background or decorative element of a website since we…
annyang Public
Forked from TalAter/annyang💬 Speech recognition for your site
api-v1-client-php Public
Forked from gatomalo/api-v1-client-php -
ascii-camera Public
Forked from idevelop/ascii-cameraReal-time ASCII representation of your webcam video stream
Audio-Trackr Public
Forked from chrisbateman/Audio-TrackrWeb Audio API + AngularJS
Auto-GPT Public
Forked from Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPTAn experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.
automa Public
Forked from AutomaApp/automaA chrome extension for automating your browser by connecting blocks
Avgrund Public
Forked from hakimel/AvgrundA JS/CSS3 modal UI concept
awesome-chatgpt-prompts Public
Forked from f/awesome-chatgpt-promptsThis repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT better.
awesome-go Public
Forked from avelino/awesome-goA curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
Awesome-New-Tab-Page Public
Enhance your New Tab Page with ultimate customizability and power. Awesome, like you.
awesome-php Public
Forked from ziadoz/awesome-phpA curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.
2 UpdatedDec 30, 2013 -
Awesome-Weather-Widget Public
Forked from fixitphil/Awesome-Weather-WidgetWeather widget for Awesome New Tab Page
aws-webview Public
Forked from random1st/aws-webviewAWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda example
Azexo-Composer-WYSIWYG Public
Forked from azexo/Azexo-Composer-WYSIWYGjQuery drag and drop HTML builder, compile Bootstrap based HTML and JS initialization code for third party JS libraries
azure-mobile-services Public
Forked from Azure/azure-mobile-servicesClient SDKs and Samples for Azure Mobile Services
babel Public
Forked from babel/babelBabel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
barcode-scanner Public
Forked from code-kotis/qr-code-scanner📠 A simple, fast and useful progressive web application
basisjs-tools Public
Forked from basisjs/basisjs-toolsDeveloper tools for basis.js framework
beef Public
Forked from beefproject/beefThe Browser Exploitation Framework Project
bespoke.js Public
Forked from bespokejs/bespokeDIY Presentation Micro-Framework